20 errors that you certainly make, becoming a father


Just need to raise children as it should ... Our child will have a porridge with appetite / decent to behave in public places / play useful educational games.

One day you will hush up on a similar comment on the social network and think that for naive idiot it wrote? Then you will see the date and nickname, and you will become very, very shameful, because you wrote it myself, even before the dad became.

What are you so nervous, you sat all day home?

You will return from work and, relaxed drinking tea, say it in the back of my wife, which for some reason very irritably rumbles with dishes in the sink. And, perhaps, you will get a cup in the forehead. And for what - you will understand yourself when you will naive to sit with the tea and find what "sit at home" and "sit at home with a child" is two big differences.

Ha, here they write that the newborn sleep 20 hours a day, it means that I can take a job on the house, and I also have time to play tanks ...

Everything thought out, yes? But it does not say that sometimes children sleep no longer than 10-15 minutes in a row, and exclusively you have on your hands (on both, do not dream!), And in short wakeful gaps, seemingly shouting, actively cocked, jerk and fiercely get away from the proposed food. .

What did she say? Rinse with boiling water and pour this strange powder here?

You will definitely make a mistake with a consistency of actions, and with proportions, and well, if not with powder, and the kitchen will be very dirty in the evening ... And then feed the baby with something completely inappropriate in terms of mom: Potato fries or meat. Skidden from dumplings. And the baby will like.

Oh, mom will come to visit. Here it will sit down with the baby

It's time to tell you a cruel truth. All these years, Moms are and you, and my wife, telling how they dream of becoming grandmothers and mess around with grandchildren. In fact, they want to drink tea with marmalade, watch the "voice" show and discuss the new marriage of Pugacheva. And sometimes they brought them a clean, elegant karapuz and photographed with him to memory.

20 errors that you certainly make, becoming a father 37671_1

Come on, the diapers remains the car, tomorrow I will go with work, I will buy

The sandwich drops with oil down - this is the law of Murphy, and diapers ends at three o'clock in the morning - this is the law of diapers. A hike in a round-the-clock pharmacy on a cold dark street will take place, you can not doubt. (Be smarter, take stocks).

He still really can not be able to stand, he does not make up to the third shelf

What did you leave there? Passport, glasses, important report, new ipad? Sorry for them!

Slipik, Kombik, socks, and which is where? A, tension from above!

Then you decide that the world has become better, because all the way to kindergarten people will smile you. And only when the teacher with the words "My Poor" stroke his daughter on the head and asks if Mom did not get sick, you will understand that something is wrong here.

What is this with a child? Hmm, ask on the Internet

From the Internet, you immediately learn that your golden child does not correspond to any age standards, suffers simultaneously with several incurable diseases, passes through the monstrous crisis of such a year, will certainly grow maniac and passes you with the mother in the nursing home.

What a steep train, with rails, arrows, motors ... We will build and play together and play. Expensive, of course, but what you will not do for my child!

This is what will be the game: a child takes a precious pulbist trailer (accurate copy) and brings them triangular figures in square windows of their sorter for one year old. True, fun?

What silence! Looks like small, finally, caught

ANXIETY! ANXIETY! Urgently look for and check what he does. And late. The room is from the Palace until nightlight - already moistened with cream with calendula.

20 errors that you certainly make, becoming a father 37671_2

What is the problem? Just take and teach

It is worth distracting from the process of upbringing, as it will seem to you that you will teach a child something (to shoot shoes, there is a fork and so on) easier to light, and you will again start giving my wife advice. To keep the world in the family, every time you want to say about something related to the child, try to do it first.

Oh, now I will make a cool photo! Sydi Rivne

Prepare for the emergence of thousands of folding photos it is not clear to the memory card. Their everything will be very sorry to delete and very much want to show familiar with the explanation: "Here, if it were not for the hand, it would be visible ..."

Okay, not roaring, well, one pony lost, but you have a hundred pieces!

Not a hundred, but exactly 35, or rather, now 34, and you didn't even imagine how the 35th individual was valuable, and that you have to be checked to get exactly the same, connecting all your contacts.

Let's see the "valley of bloody nightmares", it still does not understand anything yet

You will know about your mistake a few years later, explaining to the child that it will not get out of the bathroom and no one will fly to the window.

Here we will make a nursery. Here there will be a Swedish wall, here the party ... Here the child will sleep, play and learn

Embedded. Baby will be the whole apartment. In the toilet, it will heat the cubes, in the kitchen, sculpt from the green peas, draw minions on the couch, sleeping exclusively at your side. And in the nursery, is it not to clap the door and write in the diary, what ancestors fools, but this is only 10 years old.

20 errors that you certainly make, becoming a father 37671_3

Our child can not read! So, enough TV and tablet. Only educational games!

You remember why I initially gave the tablet to the child after 20 minutes, after the start of these damned educational games.

You understand when a hydrogen atom and two oxygen atoms ...

No, this is a bad explanation. All explanations that give rise to new questions are bad. Well, that is, from the point of view of pedagogy - good, and from the point of view to break from questions - very, very bad.

What a cool thing! And why me in childhood did not want to buy it?

Buy, buy this tambourine, nunchaki and a set of Chinese lysunov, and you will know that your parents were wiser than it seems.

When will they finally grow up, and I can relax and stop constantly worrying from them?

Well, they grew up. And for some reason you still worry. And you miss a terribly.

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