What does the girl do when everything is missing?


Sooner or later, the cunning subconscious of any adult girl comes to the conclusion that a variety of hysterics, poor mood and seasonal chandra is not for real samurai. The real samurai should suffer so that Sakura bent, and along the slope of Fuji slowly prophes a large-scale agriculture.

After that, the subconsciousness hides in the bushes and waits, hanged, some significant event with a minus sign. The man threw, from work fired, or in the mirror it reflects fat (or oh, Lord, old!) Fool. The reason is not important here, the main thing is that it be. Having waited until the girl is suitable for the edge of the geological depression called "Everything disappeared", the subconscious popping up and gives her a powerful kick from the places from behind. And the girl cubarem rolls on the bottom. Want to know - how is there on the girl's day? Yes, like this.

Act 1. Sad letters

If the girl arises the need to enter the network and generate the fifty kilobyte snot there is not a real bottom. Even if the text is illustrated by a picture with a crying puppy. Bottom - this is when a girl starts his snot to rhymes. It is, if you updated your own in the morning, Facebook and saw in public access my own written poems with rhymes of the type "You", "Spring - One" and "Pain - Docom ", Then the bottom is already close. If these verses seem good to you, then this is exactly the end.

Act 2. Ice cream

Alto the ice cream itself, as the most affordable and habitual remedy for Handra, is not a sign of an impending bottom. The bottom is when you are in the old sweater with unwashed hair you climb on the sofa, you turn on the TV and zerit. Sean a big spoon. Do not feel taste. More and more. And you do not notice how a huge two-liter hube empty.

Act 3. Dorama

Swamp over the Titanic is for kids, emo and emo kids. The real "girl at the bottom" is watching Korean Doramas. One day for one day. People on the screen are desperately replaying, shouting, screaming, shouting and falling on the floor, dry by short, curvature legs. In the right mind and sober memory consume this product of the film industry is absolutely impossible. But the girl eats and not gives. And it is not easy not to give, but also ice cream from Zhban.

Act 4. Podmychi

The girl easily may not shake his feet - winter, laziness, I will not have sex today, I will win tomorrow and so on. It does not talk anything at all about her mental state. But the armpits ... The unshaven armpits are the face of the girl. Boys do not understand this thin line between armpits and legs, separated by the triple blade from the vest, but the girls feel good.

Act 5. Bulls

If the girl smokes, then falling on the bottom, she stops empty and wash the ashtray. Even at night. Now the girl is without that heavy sleep envelops amber from cigarette bulls of different lengths. And the gray columns ashes pictorially scattered around the ashtray symbolize, apparently, the girl himself, ready to crumble into the dust from the touch, but why there are chicken fate. If the girl does not smoke, then she can look like a way to storage around the bed of crumbs. Or used paper handkerchiefs for snot.

Act 6. Empty refrigerator

Girls in sadness, as a rule, try to indulge themselves with any harmful, but tasty. The girl on the day believes that there is no point in eating, because death, hell and eternal flour. At the beginning of the journey to the bottom in the freezer of the girl, it is still possible to detect petrified residues of ice cream cranberries. But in a week, another - everything. Food - she is for those who have never understood anything. Instead of being, the girl from now on prefers to drink.

Act 7. Alcohol

The bottom girl (we will remind - earlier she drove from the glasses of champagne) does not exchange to the little things. And therefore - vodka. There is no dependence in the girl, it uses strong alcohol as a drug. Because well, there are no strength to evaluate the sober look at these gray stones at the bottom of the gorge. I'm going to a girl, we will remind, does not buy, so with a chic sheer water with tap water.

Act 8. Second Hand

The depth of the girl's fall is directly proportional to the level of nightmare level of her home clothing. All peignoirs, silk, satin and pink pajama pants "Hallow, Kitty" go to the ban. The dress code of the inhabitant of the bottom implies the cruel killing of femininity with aggravating. An ancient sweater and draine pants with scuffs are extracted from the subsoil of the cabinet.

Act 9. Dating site

So, the girl put on a rubish, waved a couple of stacks, washed down with water, bit the handkerchief - where to go? The girl is empty and lonely in a cold apartment, but in the century of high technologies - it does not matter. "Şefik Han winked you," says a dating site with a tender electric voice. And loneliness becomes much tangible as the ultimate goal when you really are at the bottom.

Act 10. Ten steps to happiness and inner harmony

This is the last stage. Worse than alcohol and black-eyed blinking fans. The girl begins to read the psychological waste paper. Written, as a rule, a well-deserved master of the fifth stage of the Space Lunar Psychology, which yesterday traded with wooden cocks in Khimki. And, that is characteristic, the girl recognizes himself in lyrical heroes, and thoughts expressed on poor-quality paper (a free site for the people) of thoughts seem to her revelations. The girl thought that she had reached the bottom, and then knocked down from below. One or two signs concern your familiar girl? She urgently needed to psychodocter. We have traditionally not in the fashion of psychodocol, which is completely in vain - the present bottom is not treated with phrases "hold on", "take yourself in hand" and "stop cheating".

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