What kind of psychopath are you?


As they say, there are no healthy people - there are no sustained. Therefore, PICS made a test out of 10 questions that will help you understand the nature of your mental disorder. Well, somehow it is already curled it, or this nature.

Self-adding to health!

1. Do you know the concept of meteo-dependence?

This is the most pleasant my dependence

I am very suffering when cold and blows strong wind

I have here, you see, there are no windows

Killing people nicer in the rain definitely

2. Do you have a lot of friends?

And the dead are considered?

I am a very popular person

Friends can not be a lot, only a couple of closest

I have a cat, this is enough

3. Do you drink a lot?

And you pour?

Alcohol turns a person in cattle. The answer is clear?

Depending on what

Unsuccessfully trying to achieve the second stage of alcoholism

4. What is annoying most of all?

Attempts to limit my freedom

Coils on clothes

The knife all the time goes somewhere!

I'm not annoying nothing, my calm is unshakable, as a tombstone

5. Okay, ask right. Who annoys you most?

Sorry people!

Clare people who do not want to worship me!

People who ask stupid questions. The hint is understandable?

No one annoys me, damn !!!

6. Do you have strange food habits?

I eat stones. Do not eat, of course, but you wanted to hear it?

With a hangover, I eat everything that is not pinned

I love to make cucumbers in a cherry jam

Being a vegetarian is not strange

7. Do you have phobias?

Spiders are not afraid no

I do not get out of blood

Select collection. Other people's phobias, of course, not my

Do you know how terribly do not catch the wine-vodka before closing?

8. What situation can make you contact a psychiatrist?

No one and nothing can make me do something, remember!

Loss of work, family or tragic death of beloved hamster

The situation in which I am lying in a chair with a cocktail, and a psychiatrist polishes me nails

What now?

9. Did you have someone beat someone?

Only a cat. Sneakers on the pope. Oh, it was terrible.

Warm friendly mordeobo is not considered, I hope?

No, I love to humiliate people with words

This is too intimate question.

10. Imagine that you are the Lord of the World. Your first wish ...

Let all good people kill all bad

Steak with blood and whiskey. Pleasure must be stretched

For the growing of the nail on the Mizinz and picking them in the ear - shot.

And let's revive the Holy Inquisition, huh? It was ridiculous

The next question is complete to start re-

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