Horoscope PICS.RU: As the signs of the zodiac are sitting on parent meetings


While cool forty minutes is hot by the star of school news Vasya Pupkin, we suggest you look around and classifying the parents present. For example, calculate their date of birth according to behavior - our magic ball will not lie!


Capricorn does not sit at the meeting, oh no! He fountains ideas to improve the school plan, screws a staring cover of the desk or rubs off the board from the chalk. Toothbrush. If you want to instill it forever - choose the chapter of the parent committee: this chitoropaya economical bastard from shit and stick for three kopecks will sculpt quite decent gifts to teachers for the holidays, and for surrender will make repair in your class and buy developing benefits already up to grade 11.


Aquarius at the parent meeting is easy to calculate for the fact that he, bitch, always best knows how everything should be. Are you married, stick to Makarenko's views on raising? PF, Stone Age! And what is your dinner in the dining room? Porridge? No, well, who is cooking so much! Ultimately, he is able to get everyone with its irrepressive recommendations that even the silent teacher of singing is ready to catch him in the bustard from the vertium. Aquarius saves his natural charm and lung amber after yesterday.


The fish are sitting at the collection of quieter of water and below the grass, because they do not really jerk at all that they are doing here and what Gholf Stream they brought there. "People, who are you?" - Reads in huge fish eyes a mute question. So they obediently and quietly wait for the end of the meeting exactly until the water turns through the water to them, which is offended, by the way, their bloodstream. Then they suddenly open the shark mouth and bite all the offenders with vital parts of the body, after reading the short, but very emotional lecture on how they are wrong.


If a decent, quiet and modest little mother Petit Ivanov suddenly rests on a horn to parquet and, breaking a white office shirt on his chest, with foam at the mouth tells Mariovna, where exactly Maryvan must now go and something specifically to kill, know what you met At the meeting classic mom-Aries. Good news - Maryvannu after the performance of Aries, you can take a warm and rope from it. Bad - Aries can go into a row and rush to move the hated teacher asphalt paver. Then the meeting will definitely drag.


Parents-Teltsy sent to school teachers in punishment for sins. For the Taurus, absolutely in the order of things, knock out the teacher's door, raise the knife to the knife, break the "English" with an empty heel, and then gently sit on the edge of the chair and politely say hello. Children of Tales - almost the only children who do not require immediately give birth to them the older brother. Because and without an older brother comes out well. The hooligans are honored, and the geographic-trembling voice from under the table whispers: "Annaivanovna, I can send your boy to the Olympics, he is so smart, so smart."


The twins are pretty quickly tired of transfers to anyone who does not need items and assesss and take the case in their own hands. Only they are very seriously convinced by the parent meeting that the graduation in the Striptease-Club with Blackjack and Sluts is the most cool option, moreover, they sincerely think so. But then - after five minutes - they can go to another extreme, imagine themselves by the second Maria Montessori and Mother Teresa in one person and go to the crusade to save the lost children's shower with the textbook algebra. What is the most pleasant thing: observe this extremely entertaining.


Cancer comes to a meeting with a list of pre-prepared issues, everything in a detailed way is recorded that in five years it is very politely clarified during the interrogation with the addiction, whether all the goals have achieved. The brain of the brain teachers, finding out the smallest details of the curriculum, the racial-national composition of the class, the political addiction of the pedacral and at the same time she moves the clashes so threateningly that everything is frightened. Some unstable teachers agree to even felt in whatsapp, a per minute report on cancer in the lesson, only so that behind.

a lion

The lion is interested in parental meetings solely if there are talking about what his child is a beautiful, talented, amazing and best of all, permanently admiring lion pedagogical talents. If there is no this topic on the agenda and not foreseen, the lion immediately begins to miss, and the bored lion is, sorry, the Babzda. It will arrange a circus, carousel, will jump through the burning hoops and juggle with chalk, standing on my head, - Look, they say, as I can! When the plenty of manifests himself, makes heratin all the others. Collection? Parental? No, did not hear.


If cancer comes to a meeting with a list of questions, then the Virgin has these questions are divided by subjects and are noted depending on the importance of different color of markers. Perhaps this is the only parent in the world who knows exactly that his child did last summer, will do in this academic year and when will protect his dissertation. Doctoral, of course. And at the same time he keeps in a safe place a detailed dossier in alphabetical order at all teachers, parents of classmates, director, heads, cleaner and minister of education. Because in everything there should be an order.


Weighs cannot withdraw even a thorough story of a class teacher about how Favorite Choo arranged arson, a flood, a poker strip tournament with first grades and Big Badabum in the gym. The only thing - can be asked who won and what the bank spent. So at the parent meeting, if they reach there at all, the scales are calmly engaged in their affairs, without being distracted by all sorts of little things, because without any teachers and meetings know that they are all right, "coffee" and "whiskey" - male The genus, and the mean - "shit" and "Ministry of Education".


At the parental meetings, Scorpio appears only under the threat of deductions from the child from school to look into the eyes of those idiots who are able to not appreciate the genius of scorpion of chad and see the enormous potential in it. Well, and to curse them of all the generic Gypsy curse up to the seventh knee. In this scorpions and so masters, and the ability is repeatedly enhanced by the parental instinct - a terrible thing. But if you promise that at the meeting there will be a cold Chardonnone and a discussion about the aesthetics of the late Gegel, then the chance to get them at least half an hour to leak the list of textbooks, it grows many times. And the hell with him, with Hegel, but Chardonon will have to give.


Sagittarius is a parent-wall, so comes to the parent meeting all the arms: Mathematics drags her beloved grade brandy, chemistry - a bouquet of yellow tulips, and the fizruca sticks on his feeling for prevention. In addition, he is aware of all tutorials, school gossip and the one who wrote in the toilet that Vasya is a fool. It believes that his opinion is the most necessary, so do not give him words: risks to listen to his escapada until late evening. If in the midst of the meeting, the Sagittarius was suddenly lost, then check around the corner - most likely he smokes there with high school students, passing to them in the spitting on the range and sinister Khokhach.

At the meeting was sitting Ekaterina Kuzmin

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