Singing friends: how to organize an ideal party



Together with December, endless walks and guests begin. And headache - it is necessary to organize everything so that it has passed brilliantly, and at the same time not to go crazy. Down with the excitement, comrades from Invisible argue that to a dream party (no matter, sitting with close friends it or around 100 people) - only 6 steps.

Step 1: Thip the number of bottlesThe easiest approach is to take a bottle on a person. But - it's a lot, even if the person at the party actively eats sandwiches. So, if you want to cover or save money and nerves, there are 2 formulas for calculating the number of wine per person - depending on how much you decide to take a walk:

a) take a walk in innocent

5/12 x Number of people = Number of bottles

[Everyone will get to about 2 glasses, it will become a little more fun, but without consequences. Someone can be completely small, so there is a couple of bottles in the store.]

b) take a walk ok

5/6 x Number of people = Number of bottles

[Each will get to 4 glasses, it is quite a decent dose, but with such a scenario it is better to stock food, it will not break into the neighboring burger.]

Lifehak: A pair of bottles over the final figure does not prevent any scenario (only not sparkling, take care of comrades). Suddenly it will be necessary to put a spectacular point. While someone is fair pouring the last drops in glasses, the rest ordered a taxi. And then straight with the glasses are sitting there. Beautiful finale.

Step 2: We calculate the budget

500-1000 rubles.


Normal price range for pati wine. Something cheaper is dangerous (in the morning can be tragic), more expensive - it makes no sense. In this price tag there are wines more than decent and at the same time consonant to ensure that they are thoughtlessly cut from plastic glasses. And the wine is more expensive and more complicated and the "real" glasses requires, and the dance floor will not let.

Lifehak: First, it is better to pour wine more expensive. You can take a few bottles for a thousand-year and a half - to discharge the public. At the dawn of the parties, everything is slightly tense and need to be admired. Well, and then there will be quite simple pleasant wine to maintain a focus.

Step 3: Choose Wine

a) sparkling

Immediately brings and sets the right tone, but keep in mind - it is drunk it is stronger than wine without bubbles. When sparkling solorates at the event, events can get out of control. So, if the company is not very confident, "we advise you to pour it only under the battle of the chimes, well, or for the entrance toast, and then drink wine without bubbles.

What to take:

Proskko, Pink Kawa. If among guests there are no desperate aesthetes, avoid strict French cremans - they may seem like sour. But a bottle-other semi-dry or even semi-sweet sparkling (about sweets, read on the back label) is better enough, gentle person is in any company, and they should also be fine. For example, a playful zinfandel is the perfect wine for girls. Men from him, by the way, are also singing, but they hide it carefully.

b) red, white, pink


If you do not know that guests love, white or red love - you need to take them about robustly, with a slight advantage in red. And if girls prevail in the company - it is worth a slightly more white, and even dilute its bottle-other rose.

What to take:

White: = Sort: Sovignon Blanc Novosvetsky, Pinot Gridgeo, Chardonna from Argentina and Chile. = Sweetness: Dry and semi-dry wine, semi-sweet and sweet do not drink much, it is better to leave it for intimate gatherings in the kitchen. = Age: Not older than a year (in 2015, take the 2014th, well, or 2015, if fabulously lucky).

Pink: = Varieties and types: Pinot Grieda Blass, Rose from Italy and Spain. = Sweet: dry and semi-dry, it is much better friendly with food and is easier to drink. = Age: Not older than a year, like white.

Red: Countries: Spain, budget wines from Puglia (Italy), wine from new light. = Sweet: Ideally, dry, although some semihow are quite nothing. = Age: permissible up to 5 years, but better all the same two or three years.

Not forget:

one) Make a wine under food. Feed the public with a lame by foot and pour the white white - ruthless. The food will give the taste of wine, there will be a feeling that it is drinking it with water. To feed in fat-free crackers and at the same time to ride a powerful, awakening appetite red - also brutally. Under snacks and snacks need wine easier - white, pink. But under meat pizza, burgers, steaks and other meat - carnivorous red. 2) Choose wine with screw stoppers. So that there was no corkscrew and painful searches for him among Mishura. Unscrew the cork - and ready.

Lifehak: If you are not so much and you want spiritual proximity - you can open a bottle-other port or sweet sherry at the end or a sweet sherry bottle. If you want madness and dancing (not in vain, DJ paid) - it is necessary to let dry sherry or white port. Cocktails interfere (for example: ⅓ port / sherry + ⅔ tonic + pair of drops of honey or syrup + bitter, suddenly be found in the house).

Step 4: Cool wine


Before: cool as it should. Pre-lay the bottles in the refrigerator. Cooling on an industrial scale (when you have several boxes) you can turn on the balcony. But only if you are responsible and do not forget to drag wine to the room before it turns into a drinking sorbet.

During: Keep cool. Keep the bottle in buckets (or even basins) with ice. Because wine after about 15 minutes after it was revealed and put into the people, heats up. And to clean it in the refrigerator and every time it is then to get from there - the point is tedious.

Lifehak: Ice should nourish more, it will be useful. You never know - I will have to just open Pinot Gried from the store, and it was kept somewhere behind the sofa in the kitchen, and to the 8-10 degrees, he was far away. Cooling in the refrigerator - long, throw ice into a glass - a pair of seconds, and the situation is saved.

Step 5: We care about trifles: glasses, corkscrews and napkins

Glasses: You are a lot and all noisy - buy a good batch of plastic dishes, it's not worth it. Moreover, there are also plastic glasses with legs, everything is as necessary. No fragments and bloody scenes during the party, no washing dishes in the morning. If you are still unshakable Estet - you can buy cheap glass glasses, in IKEY, for example. The main thing is to choose those whose walls of the fond and volume of milliliters 300.

Corkscrew: Yes, the party is better to take wine under the screw. But if it did not work out - prepare a couple of tongs. Hide them in different trusted places. Part of the bottles that will accurately drink, you can open immediately and take the plugs until they need.

Napkins: Wine sheds, and in general - people tend to get dirty. Without napkins uncomfortable. Peel fans in the stand, as in the exemplary dining room, is lazy, and right. It is enough just to place a pair of stylish rolls of toilet paper paper towels in the corners.

Lifehak: You can find for your party of one strong, responsible person. Which will not fly into space (even on the 10th glass of registration), will store a corkscrew in the breast pocket and follow all sorts of trifles: it's time to open a batch of wine, but this guest give a napkin and call a taxi, but this is a modest to add red.

Step 6: Cooking food

Scenario 1: So, just snacks

The main rule: Do not try to surprise guests of miracles of gastronomy. Even if you just cut into a delicious sausage, cheese, and to throw a pair of spectacular nuts from above and pour baguettes - everyone will be satisfied, because there is food.

YES: Sausage-cheese slicing, sandwiches, fried sausages, kebabs, wings, olives and ready-made snacks.

NOT: Breaks of grapes in plumbing dee, bananas with chocolate candies, cakes. If without a dessert, it is better chocolate muffins or pies. With some red, for example, with Australian Shiraz, sourcing chocolate, they do well.

Scenario 2: feed in serious

If "snacks is not alive," and you are in the plans "real" food, then you need to pick it up to her. To combat the out of all those present.

In general, that the party is successful, do not forget:

  • calculate the desired number of bottles, with a slight stock, and organize it cool, in advance;
  • about glasses, napkins and steam stock;
  • harvest food;
  • The first bottle is set to drink alone, jogging sausages.

And if you need an exclusive friendly advice on the acquisition of wine - then forward, on, we will throw you a discount. :)

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