Scary cartoons of our childhood


We were afraid, turned away from the screen, hid under the chair, but still emphasized them with a red pencil in the program. After all, tremble from fear, bolding in mom - it's so exciting! I wonder if our advanced and spoiled children are afraid of the old cartoon horror stories?

"It's not scary" (1981)

Let's start with the easiest and harmless dose, for prevention. Despite the theme of frighteners, a very cute and kind cartoon. For the smallest, who, on the agenda, the question "how not to be afraid of darkness". Cute ghosts with their nyashny songs are really not so scared as they are encouraged. Well, except on the way where the wind is how much and clouds are thickened, flinched a couple of times.

"Scary Story" (1979)

Susshlik sat down at Homyaka, and he began to troll a friend with frightening stories. Yes, so that he himself overwhelmed. The plot is clearly written off from our night gatherings in pioneerlage. Remember how the story of "red hands" and "black sheets" sometimes deprived sleep all the ward - with himself headed?

"Scarlet flower" (1952)

The old-nasty all familiar Soviet cartoon, in which the monster hero was also scary, just to tears sorry. And to you at night it did not come this dying monster with a groan: "You deceived me, Nastya-A!"?

"Black Chicken" (1975)

Shielding the fairy tale of the Pogorelsky "Black Chicken, or Underground Residents" by genre - rather not a horrorist, but Suspantly. It seems a harmless homemade bird leads a romantic boy Alesha into the underground world ... From this flickering of candles, anxious violin solo and fragile mystery The children's heart is waiting for a catch. And no wonder, of course. Even a happy end will not be.

"Paces of Anancy and Magic Wand" (1973)

The cruel tiger takes the trunk at the elephant and the tail from the crocodile ... to glorify the musical field. One hope is a small spider, the head of the animal orchestra. In this cartoon, an unusual embracing row frightened (especially the toothy underwater crops), it was a sorry for the baby, the pack, and the beautiful, but obviously Nestheskaya Music Rybnikov only poured oil into the fire.

"Bloomless Gusenok" (1987)

We increase degrees. "A fairy tale will tell you Chuko-Sea ..." - says ingratiating voice, and we understand that you should not wait here. Cold northern darkness, a mad avant-garde graphic plus wave shamanism. With heading, burning alive, descending into hell and other entertainment in the same spirit. Poor goenk, poor little spectators.

"Kel" (1988)

Another Chukotka on the topic and psychedelic in the content thing. The evil multiple spirit kidnates two little girls. And tell me later, the parents that there is no black horror of the teeth in a dark room, which only waits for us to draw us to the line on the cakes! Special darkness when it starts to dance.

"Contact" (1978)

On the plot is not a horror horror, but even even the friendship of peoples ... That is, civilizations. However, a multicolored psychedelic alien missed many impressionable babies. Especially when he rotates triangular eyes, he began to turn into something in the next.

"Bear" (1988)

The nightmare is constantly shot by one bear. And multipliers generously share with kids. AAAAAAAA !!!

"Fierce bambre", "in the footsteps of the bambra" and "Bambra trap" (1988-1991)

The monstering essence named Bammbre first interfered with malfunction. Then it was twisted, but the danger began to threaten him himself.

"Return Rex" (1975)

Not about monsters, but you can cry in three streams at least a week. Zoke-school Zhu Alco!

"Northern Fairy Tale" (1979)

Also without monsters, but psychological. The plot about whether "how children were offended their mother and what came out of it" can cause no less tears than all the goddalaks combined.

"FRU-89. Left to right "(1989)

But to you for the diversity of nightmares. Someone write that patients of the psychiatric clinic drew these cuties. We are ready to believe it.

"Two Maple" (1977)

Shielding Schwartz's fairy tale about Baba Yaga, which turned two restless boys in the trees. That the sorceress itself is that her faithful guard of the bear is drawn by terrible, so terrible ... as they said in our childhood, they do not get dumps.

"Centrawille Ghost" (1970)

The director assure that planned to make the famous ghost of Oscar Wilde, not frightening, but ridiculous. Well, well, we would look at them when it would have met on the road to the toilet, lighting in the dark and rod shackles! ..

"Big Tall" (1980)
The fabulous giant protects the weak and struggles with evil enemies. But himself, honestly, it looks no less dumb. Good fairy tales Do not wait: red tones, insane characters, blood rivers. Instead of dialogues - gloomy music. Thanks to Estonian animators for our nervous childhood.

"Krabat, a sorcerer student" (1977)

Czech multipliers were able to create not only mimic crotes. Atmospherically draw a hellish mill and black sorcerer, who regularly kills his students - it also turned out to be five. Sleeping after this, the work was obtained at best on the troech.

"Calif-Aist" (1981)

The plot of the Gauf's fairy tales about the transformation of the power of people in animals is not so frightening ... But from the cartoon Ugarov, first-class nightmares are guaranteed. This terrible surreal graphics and the words "Mutabor" absolutely all the children were afraid to Ikota and Enurraw.

"Gray Bear" (1988)

The guy who grew up in the forest and brought up by the old launcher, met once a magical bear with a bear. But the trouble happened, who forced him to work out from grief and even turn around the dangerous beast ... However, the beast is fair and honest. But still the heart is fine.

"Tale of fairy tales" (1979)
Not that about horrors, but some was in this fairy tale an alarming and exciting atmosphere ... I must say, the great Norstein frightened some kids even the good "hedgehog in the fog."

"Memory" (1986)

A heartbreaking cartoon about the military childhood of our grandmothers. Funny solar scenes with running schools first grades - and immediately the dark frames of the destroyed village with the ruins of the school ... This contrast just jumped the soul through. We were then very afraid of wars. Highly.

"Polygon" (1977)

A scientist who once died the Son is inventing a tank that reads the enemy's thoughts ... Savor who can.

"Pass" (1988)

Scientific fiction cartoon in Bulychev. Earthlings, victims shipwreck on a hostile planet, are trying to survive and stay by humans. The atmosphere, already gloomy thanks to the chart, injected the singing of the town. At the same time, these children were voiced, and not artists as usual.

"Battle" (1986)

Actually, this is a cartoon for adults, especially since he is in Stephen King. If you did not see these toy killer soldiers in childhood - consider lucky: I saved on Psychiatre.

"Vampires Geo" (1991)

People arrive at the distant planet, and there are already scary vampires. And there would be no coating in a rag - attack researchers. One of the recovery: two characters (not the bloodstream, of course) are clearly drawn from Schwarzenegger and Stallone.

"Potter" (1992)

The maximum striving arthaus horror on the theme of death in the poem of Alexander Intraved. It is clearly not intended for children under seventy. For whom it is intended - to say more difficult. Is that for the guilty spirit of fans of Schopenhauer, Mink, Lynch and Embirant. In general, the full feet. We warned you who did not obey - we are not to blame.

"Flight of the Dragons" (1982)

An unpleasant magicias, aggressive rats, a giant worm in the river of poisonous acid ... and for a modest such company a huge such dragon.

"Flying Ghost Ship" (1969)

A flying ship with a weapon, a giant robot destroyer, poisonous mechanical crabs, a deadly drink - all these monsters and dangers oppose a small Japanese boy. For Soviet rental, the cartoon was somewhat cut, but fears and in the abbreviated version were enough with his head. And subsequently we came out and unaffected.

"Jack in Wonderland" (1974)

For many then young spectators - the first acquaintance with Japanese anime. Already when the "Handsome" screen appears on the screen, Tulip could be done in pants. And he is not the only angry mandrel there, which is about to finish off the main character and at the same time spoil the life of the princess.

"Barefoot gene" (1982)

Brutally, but useful as vaccinations from militarization. Hiroshima as it is: from bombing to death from radiation illness, and everything was shown in the Soviet rental without a bill. From the word "nuclear" Soviet child has already begun to twitch.

"Grave of Svetlychkov" (1988)

War, bombing, Mom's death, lack of dad, the death of a little sister - in general, full nightmare. The Japanese, undoubtedly the great horror masters.

"Wild Planet" (1973)

A dramatic French cartoon about the alien civilization, where the terrible blue drags reign, and the terrible little men-Omami serve them with homemade toy animals. In response to the riot, the giants are ready to destroy the kids ...

"Lord of Time" (1982)

Attacks of dangerous hornets, poisonous lianas, the destruction of the personality and the transformation into a faceless biorobot - this is not all the dangers that are waiting for people in space. Good heroes will not survive.

"There will be a tender rain" (1984)

Catastrophic post-apocalyptic Chernukha from the first seconds to the latter - from the studio "Uzbekfilm". A gloomy robot with a zhuman voice continues to serve the family from which only a couple of Handstone was preserved after the catastrophe. Alive in this world only a small bird, which Iron Monster is trying to dunk, perceiving as a "threat" of the dead home ...

"The Adventures of the famous cat-owner" (1994)
Catics are not only valuable fur and built-in Murchalka. Some cats are terrible creatures capable of sinister crimes. They are confronted by the Cat, and it is waiting for stupid tests. Who did not look, do not be fooled on a frivolous name: it is a tough detective with mysticism, blood, corpses ... and dancing corpses.

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