5 Almost pornographic novels worthy of referring to literature


This is not her gray "Mamino porn." You do not know what to read for the night - take any of these books from the shelf. We guarantee pleasure. At a minimum, pleasure from well written text.

Secret Call Girl Diary


Bridget Jones meets "50 shades of gray." Belone (no belly, of course) - not a character, but a real person, London Escort service worker and blogger, and the book - assembled under one cover from LJ. Belob no one is trying to shock, generously divided by professional lifehams and speaks about his life, not trying to seem steeper than it is - it makes her so cool. Bel is one of those girls with whom we all would like to be friends: it is funny (really funny), ironic, she is the embodiment of British sanity - except with a wicker in a bag and lace, yield under strict dress. She is capable of without changing his hands, talking about the beauty of the autumn London, tender friendship with four former and why for fans of oral sex gloss for lips is preferable to lipstick.

Dangerous ties

Skoderlo de Laklo

Charming ... Well, no, not pornography, of course (although even the court society of the 18th century was somewhat frappiled by the novel about the technical seduction of innocent Durynd on the dispute). Rather, it is the allowance for weaving secular intrigues - including with an erotic tint. But as written! In each paragraph, the paragraph is removed from half an aphorisms.

Glitter and poverty Curtains

Honore de Balzac

If you want to read on this topic, it is better not to find Balzak: first, the classic and not ashamed to wave such a cover in the subway. Secondly, it is a novel novel, with elevated charms, vicious aristocrats, false abbats, unexpected inheritance and tragedy, where without her. Thirdly, no one seems to have not written about women in the 19th century so sympathetically and with such understanding as Balzac.

Monologists Vagina

Yves Enzler

And it's all about her. The birth of children and violence, pleasure and prejudice, erotica and menstruation - despite the fact that porn seems to won, Vagina remains the last taboo - "Bermuda Triangle, from where no news does not come from", according to IV itself. For the production of this play (although there is generally a collection of essay) on the stage, Jane Fondon, Cindy Laupreker, Oprah Winfrey and Wüpi Goldberg, and Enzler herself received Huggenheim's Prize for her.

Delta Venus

Ana Nin

In Tusovka, Henry Miller and his beloved Anais Ning had enough Pokhabnikov, and Ning herself there was almost a nun, blushing with the Word ... Well, in general, red. So even friends were somewhat amazed when Anais showed them a collection of 15 completely pornographic stories, completely shameless and jewelry from a literary point of view. Written in 1940, "Delta Venus" was published only 37 years later - even for a baked 60s it turned out somehow a bit too much.

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