Close, blowing: The whole truth about the carbohydrate window


The "carbohydrate window" is a period of time after training, when you can eat anything - all the same calories burned, as in the steel-smelting furnace, without a residue. " Oh, how good would life be, be so simple. We tell what the meaning of the carbohydrate window is how it works and how can it be shuffled without harm to the figure.

Why close the window?

Actually, the "carbohydrate window" really exists - only it works at all at all as we would like. Immediately after serious loads (an hour in the gym or shock jumping of beds in the country), the body's ability to split and absorb proteins and carbohydrates. The thing is that with loads, the level of adrenaline and cortisol - the so-called stress hormones increase (we agree that stress is any shake, and not just catch from the Boss-Mirian).

To start the recovery process, the body needs to stop their action. The role of the magic chipper performs insulin. And to generate insulin you need to throw something carved in the furnace.

What happens if this is not done? After spending on the simulators, all fuel - glycogen - the body will take care of the muscles. In practice, this means that there will be no new muscles on you.

What and how much can you eat?

URA-Hooray means immediately after classes you can march into a confectionery store and provide them there a two-month revenue?

Unfortunately no. Do not decease, the possibility of the body for the processing of carbohydrates is very limited even in this magical moment. Calculate about 0.5 g of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight, that is, no more than 25-38 grams of carbohydrates at a time. This is about one weighty fruit or a small porridge, agree, it is pretty far from the sweet buffet.

Moreover, the carbohydrate window is not really carbohydrate, but a carbohydrate-protein. That is, you need to load with carbohydrates with proteins, since the tired muscles require a building material for recovery - hello, chicken breast and cottage cheese.

As you already understood, the carbohydrate window is not closed in order to sit on the diet, it is uncomfortable to change cucumbers with chocolates, and in order to speed up the restoration of muscle tissue.

When can I eat?

All individually, but focus on the interval from 20 to 40 minutes after workout. That is why the window and is called the window, and not bivalve gates, for example.

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