How to survive the new year



In a number of natural disasters, this phenomenon stands somewhere between the atomic explosion and a two-week visit to Grandma Tamada. But the firm, battle girlfriend - there is a chance to break through with a unlikely psyche!

By distant shores

The best way, of course, is to say "Adyos, Amigos" and fly there, where it is damned, no. Where the happy peoples in this period will peacefully graze, without building the mausoleum queues in the markets, do not bother the deer horns and does not bloom under the rowan bush ...

Here you have to think. In Israel, for example, in September, everything that was required, noted - but there are too many of our. With all the consequences. Japan with Korea and other Far East - are far away. There is also India. They have a new year in spring. And now any and expensive: warm, inexpensive, coconuts and no snowmen with Olivier. Except in hotels in Goa, but we are not there. We are in any less spoiled by the European staff. True, the local people in general is the interacting nightmare: a billion individuals, and most people do not understand any distance. So you need to climb somewhere in the Ashram and pretend you are sadhu.

Mahnu silver wing to you


Another interesting option is to be in an inevitable moment on the road. At the same time, in this very road, there should be prevailing, again, not bin-resistant compatriots with a bottle and nuclear friendliness of vyersa. And some phlegmatic scandinavians who pretend that they are to the conference on the problems of Moss and Playan, and in fact flying the same thing for what and you. That is, you are pleased to lie to the New Year's Eve on the New Year's Eve, the flight is not from Moscow, but after the transplantation - from some Kathmandu in some Mandalay.

Hi, free element!

If you flew away from sin, and flew to sin closer (as it happened with the heroine of the story "with Paris Chic", you just need to escape from the company and go to the brave of desert waves. And stand there, the Duma of the Great Full. Grab a bottle And baguette for gulls. In such a company, it seems about great worse.

I will die there, forest laziness

If you are an introvert that is poor - and the ocean does not accommodate - you can go to the forest in the fatal night. If you, of course, introvert the nervous. Take a bigger thermos, a baseball bat (and suddenly there is a party on the clearing, and you are without a gift) and a charged smartphone. No, not at all for public relations (tell them that the network does not catch in the fabulous forest!), And purely to read some wise thoughts of Snusumumric. Well, you use it to the extreme to survive, if you go far in search of your own "I";)

And I'm going for fog


If you are an introvert not particularly hot, prone to freezing, you will not be promoting for a long time in the forest. Well, your way out is to leave for the cottage. At all questions of the neighbor are omitted by romantics, and if you are an introvert for issuing - do a mysterious face. So faster will retreasing, imagining that you have crushed your noveliers. And you melt Pechechka, you will head the candle - and Ka -k, you push Marseil our Proust on the off-road and sluggishness!

No one will be in the house

Unfortunately, not every introvert has a cottage. But a bunch of familiar inevitably is available at the representative of each psychological type, as you will disable from them. So let them bring benefit at least once a year! Someone probably goes somewhere. Send to the left to feed the cactus and pour a kitty. Say that I gave the Zaga to NG to make a hundred good deeds, and just now the hundredths are missing for complete and irrevocable carma cleaning. In someone else's house without owners is usually very cool. As if you are a ghost. Even just dinner from someone else's dishes is somehow especially interesting. But also updated feelings, attend interesting thoughts. In general, the option is no worse than in the ashram.

Take me in your captivity

It happens so that you seem to be remembered for order, and firmly disappeared, and resolutely disrupted, and they still want. Somewhere where it is very noisy, contests (about ultrasound), karaoke (uzhos in a square) and other bears with gypsies. You do not refuse, do not waste nervous cells. Quietly buy champagne, piers that you love there. And put in the bathroom with this, that's all - and clarops. And enjoy new happiness in full growth! At the same time, the Commissar body follows the blue eye to report that the scorehold has led and not released. Here is such an ambush. The main thing is not too happily at this moment glitter with this biggest eye.

We have such a job!


An excellent way to spend a New Year's Eve is not chaotic and intelligent, and Tolkovo and with the arrangement - quietly and thoughtfully work until anyone comes to interfere and interfere. If you are an introvert-plankton, then you can be in an office, of course, and not to let. Is that you have to drink with the guard, which may not be especially Fengshuino. Then you need to find the right part-time job for this night. Somewhere to regret (preferably where empty and mysterious). Or sharing some kind of baby (if it is not very extracerted, of course). You also will be allowed for "deprivation"!

Everything is very simple, fairy tales cheating

There is still so very non-obvious way in its infinite obviousness. Just survive. It will pass. Tomorrow will be a new day, and by the morning everything will stop rolling and vote. Right only in the evening. But this evening will pass. Immortenne and universal wise principle "Buy a goat", it is necessary only to realize it!

You yes i'm yes and we and you

Well, finally, the method proven method for introverts of family-nesting. It's a cooler to wrap in a blanket, having drowned the tip of the nose and periodically putting it into a glass, then in a salad, firmly disappear with his beloved organism, in the area of ​​the heels to launch the cats and watch the "Dounton Abbey", until you break peacefully and blissfully, only Occasionally shuddering from distant petardov rings. So, as you do, in fact, in most cases of this regular disaster!

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