10 short but very terrible stories for the night


10 short but very terrible stories for the night 37634_1

If you need to work at night, and the coffee is no longer valid, read these stories. Cook. BR-R-R.

Persons on portraits

One person got lost in the forest. He wandered for a long time and, in the end, he came across the hut at the twilight. There was no one inside, and he decided to go to bed. But he could not fall asleep for a long time, because portraits of some people hung on the walls, and it seemed to him that they were convicted at him. In the end he fell asleep from fatigue. In the morning he woke his bright sunlight. There were no paintings on the walls. These were windows.

Catch up to five

Once in winter, four students from the Club climbers got lost in the mountains and got into the snowy storm. They managed to go to an abandoned and empty house. There was nothing in it to warm up, and the guys realized that they would frozen if they were falling asleep in this place. One of them suggested that. Everyone rises into the corner of the room. At first one runs to another, pushes him, it runs to the third, etc. So they are not falling asleep, and the movement will warm them. Before the morning they were overwhelmed along the walls, and in the morning they found rescuers. When students later talked about their salvation, someone asked: "If in every corner one person, when the fourth comes to the corner, there should be no one there. Why didn't you stop? " Four looked at each other in horror. No, they never stopped.

Spoiled film

One photographer girl decided to spend the day and night alone, in the deaf forest. She was not afraid because he didn't go hiking for the first time. All day she photographed trees and herbs on the film chamber, and in the evening it settled in his little tent. The night passed calmly, horror overtook it only in a few days. On all four coils, excellent pictures turned out, with the exception of the last frame. In all photos she was, peacefully sleeping in her tent in the darkness of the night.

Call from Nanny

Somehow a married couple decided to go to the movies, and leave the children with Babtsitter. They laid the children, so that the young woman had to just sit at home just in case. Soon the girl became boring, and she decided to watch TV. She called his parents and asked them to enable TV. They naturally agreed, but she had another request ... she asked if it was imposed to close something with an angel's statue outside the window and, because she was nervous. For a second in the tube, it became quietly, and then the father who spoke with the girl said: "Take away the children and run from the house ... We will call the police. We do not have an angel statue. " Police found all the remaining houses dead. The statue of the angel did not find it.

Who's there?

About five years ago, there were 4 short calls to my door rang deep at night. I woke up, got angry and did not open: I did not expect anyone. On the second night someone called again 4 times. I looked out in the eye, but there was no one behind the door. In the afternoon I told this story, and joked that, probably, death was mistaken by the door. On the third evening, a familiar came to me and dressed late. The door was called again, but I pretended to notice anything to check: maybe I have hallucinations. But he all heard perfectly and, after my story, exclaimed: "Well, we will deal with these joker!" And ran into the courtyard. That night I saw him last. No, he did not disappear. But on the way home, a drunk company beat him, and he died in the hospital. Calls stopped. I remembered this story because I heard three short call on the door last night.


My girl today wrote that I did not know that I had such a charming brother, and even twins! It turns out that she has just visited me home, not knowing that I was staying at work until the night, and he met her there. I presented myself, treating coffee, told several ridiculous stories from childhood and spent before the elevator.

I do not even know how to tell her that I do not have a brother.

Raw fog

It was in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan. Climbers smashed the camp near a small mountain lake. About midnight everyone wanted to sleep. How suddenly the noise was heard from the lake: whether crying, or laughter. Friends (there were five of them) decided to check what's wrong. At the shore, they did not find anything, but they saw a strange fog in which white lights glowed. The guys went to the lights. Made just a couple of steps towards the lake ... And then one who walked the last, noticed that he was knee-deep in ice water! He jerked the nearest two to him, they came to themselves and got out of the fog. But two that they went ahead, disappeared in fog and water. Find them in the frost, it was impossible in the dark. Early in the morning, the survivors hurried behind the rescuers. They did not find anyone. And by the evening they died both those two, which was just plunged into fog.

Photo of a girl

One high school student missed the lesson and looked out the window. On the grass, he saw a photo abandoned by someone. He went to the courtyard and picked up a picture: it turned out to be depicted a very beautiful girl. It was a dress, red shoes, and she showed the hand sign V. The guy began to ask everyone, did they see this girl. But no one knew her. In the evening, he set a photo near the bed, and at night his silent sound woke up, as if someone screamed into the glass. In the dark outside the window there was a female laughter. The boy came out of the house and began to look for a source of vote. He was quickly removed, and the guy did not notice how rushing behind him, ran into the roadway. He was shot down the car. The driver jumped out of the car and tried to save the shot, but it was too late. And then a man noticed a photo of a beautiful girl on earth. She had a dress, red shoes and she showed three fingers.

Grandmother Martha

This story told grandfather grandfather. In childhood, he was with brothers and sisters in the village, to which the Germans were suitable. Adults decided to hide children in the forest, in a forest house. We agreed that I would eat for me to carry Baba Martha. But it was strictly prohibited to return to the village. So the children lived May and June. Each morning Marfa left me in the barn. First, parents were also ran, but then stopped. The children looked at Marfu in the window, she turned and silently, watched on them sadly and baptized the house. One day, two men came to the house and called children with them. These were partisans. The children learned from them that their village was burned a month ago. Killed and Babu Marfu.

Do not open the door!

A twelve-year-old girl lived with his father. They had excellent relationships. One day, my father was going to stay at work and said that he would come back late at night. The girl was waiting for him, waited and, finally, lay down. She dreamed of a strange dream: the father stood on the other side of the lively highway and shouted something to her. She barely heard the words: "Do not ... open ... door." And then the girl woke up from the call. She jumped out of bed, ran to the door, looked into the eyes and saw the face of his father. The girl was already going to open the castle, as she remembered sleep. And the face of the father was somehow strange. She stopped. The call again rang. - Dad? Dzin, Dzin, Jin. - Dad, answer me! Dzin, Dzin, Jin. - There is someone with you? Dzin, Dzin, Jin. - Dad, why don't you answer? - The girl barely cried. Dzin, Dzin, Jin. - I will not open the door until you answer me! The door was not called and called, but the father was silent. The girl sat, squeezing in the corner of the hallway. So it lasted for about an hour, then the girl fell into oblivion. At dawn, she woke up and realized that the door no longer call. She truncated to the door and looked again in his eyes. Her father was still standing there and looked right on her. The girl carefully opened the door and shouted. The chopped head of her father was nailed to the door with a nail at the level of the eye. A note was attached on the doorbell, in which there were only two words: "smart girl".

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