Where they filmed the "Game of Thrones": Guide on the grounds


For six seasons, the film crew "Games of Thrones" is pretty ride in the world. We chose the most interesting locations.


Ait-Ben Haddu

Essos is actually Morocco. Especially distinguished the city-fortress Ait-Ben Haddu, located in the desert at one and a half hours drive from Marrakesh. In the series, he turned into two cities - here they were filmed and the capital of the worker of Minogai, and the free city of Pentos.

If it seemed to you that you had already seen these bastions somewhere, it did not seem to you - "Alexander", "Gladiator" and "Mumia" were filmed in the same walls. Very kinogenic citadel This ait-ben-Haddu.



Earth behind the wall is not the efforts of computerists, but the work of nature is the giant Watnayajudle glacier (repeat quickly three times for the workout of the language) in Iceland. This is a cracked place - a national park with all sorts of fun, hotels and restaurants, and not other things are roaming along the snow, and crowds of tourists.

It was not very cool here - first, the cold doggy, and secondly, the light day lasts a few hours, while we collect the whole setting group in a bunch, while all the coffee go, while you turn on the camera - everything is all, it's time to fold.



It may very much that you have been in the Royal Harbor - its role performs the super-tourist Croatian Dubrovnik. The castle above the sea seemed to the creators of an exact copy of the capital of Westeros. And the Gardens of the Royal Harbor are Botsad in Tropeno 10 kilometers from Dubrovnik.


By the way, just immediately removed not only Westeros, but also a deserted essos. More precisely, the city-oasis quart. It is an island locker near all with the same Dubrovnik. When the filmmakers do not occupy him, tourists go here, take a break from Dubrovnikovsky Dubrovniki discos in a local park.



Dark Hegees and without any TV shows - a noticeable attraction. This beech avenue was landed in the XVII century, so that the high guests of the Greeshil castle were impressed. For the 4th century, the beech were rummaged, wild and turned into a natural witch forest - both the most photographic landmark of Northern Ireland.

The creators of the TV series Dark Hedgees felt for the filming of the royal tract.


Well, here, at least beautiful, but the abandoned limestone career Magrashne was not needed in FIG. No one was needed until the film crew decided - here they are, the barracks of the Black Castle! In the barracks turned the old coarse warehouses. Immediately removed the battle at a harsh house.


Azure window

Azure window - Natural arch in the rocks on the island of Gozo - a wildly popular place for romantic photo shoots. So Deeneris and Drew came here to celebrate the wedding - well, whether it was romantic, this is another question, of course.

Fort Manoel

The Great Sept is also located in Malta - this is Fort Manuel, the ancient fortress of Maltese knights Marsamxett near Valletta.


Bridge Cordoba

In the fifth season, the film crew reached Spain - Dorn was filmed here. Arena Mirien, on which "performed" the Dragons of Berredogeny - is Arena for the Corrida in Osuna (there are still fights for bulls), the bridge in Cordove - the long bridge in Wilantis (True, the river had to increase with the help of special effects, since the real Guadalquivir is , in essence, small stream.


The most impressive location is a surreal Bardenas Reales, a desert reserve, which cinemas turned into the Dotracy Sea.

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