5 things that are considered normal in the subway, but actually get off


It seems to be in the subway, everyone understands and try to abide by the unlawful set of politeness rules, so that every trip does not cause desire to go later, finally, to psychoanalyst. Well, it seems that, first everyone leaves the car, and then only enter, pregnant women are inferior and with bulky luggage try to get into the corner.

But there are such five things that are considered in the subway, it seems to be normal, but in fact it is unrealized. Why, why is it considered that it is possible at all?!


5 things that are considered normal in the subway, but actually get off 37630_1

Okay, you can understand when a man urgently decided to ventilate, while there are no people. But many completely calmly occupy two places at the rush hour, or it seems to be one, but so that the girls on the sides (for some reason, they are so rarely entering the gifts) remained in fact.

Are you swollen? We do not see the Ice Package. You lack tactile contact? Wrong on the boxing section or a ball dance. Better on the box, it will be nice to know that you are mold somewhere. And we paid the metro just like you, a citizen of one-ass-on-two-seat.

A separate note for those who love the thesis "You can simply ask to move, and it will shift." If the observance of elementary courtesy and tactics have to ask, then the behavior is impolite and tactless.

Pulling people

5 things that are considered normal in the subway, but actually get off 37630_2
It is clear that at the rush hour, it happens differently, but many are sweeping even when the steamer can sail or when the road and so gave way. What's this? What is this for? Also tactile sensations are missing?

And I'm gadko, when you and so moving in the same direction, and you are confused in the back. What, it is assumed that you do not run just because you so want to stay in the car longer, and not because people are still in front of you? Come on, Uncle-Aunt or who is there behind, you are not in the fifth grade in the canteen, just moving in a common rhythm, in your age it's time to be able to be able to.

When to your children stick to conversations

5 things that are considered normal in the subway, but actually get off 37630_3
As well as underworld, grimaces, strokes, patters, hotels and nose lumps. Maybe you are a citizen, just love children very much, and you, a citizen, decided to show them that the subway is not such an unfriendly place as it seems because of the expression of passengers, but, for a minute, children are also people, just a little age. They also have a personal space! There is nothing to break it.

Moreover, an impressionable child or a child with an autistic spectrum disorder of such an unexpected attack of friendliness can be frightened.

When the eyes are silent

5 things that are considered normal in the subway, but actually get off 37630_4
Wait, what do you want? What do you miss me so much that, what time would I raise my eyes, I bump into your opinion? Am I one in one look like your dead cousin and you dumbed there, covered with a cold later? Are you trying to give me a mongrel? I hit you with their beauty at eight in the morning on Monday, skewed by the fact that the left and right of me podporli backpacks some students? Does my face slowly turn into an insect muzzle? Retribute from me, to blame for people in the subway as indecent, as in any other place! If you think about - for you there is a great ceiling or someone's hand with a smartphone.

When sitting near you in a semi-empty car

5 things that are considered normal in the subway, but actually get off 37630_5
Well, that is, the place is paid, has the right. And in general, there may be a person preparing for the fact that the crowd will enter the next stop, and worries, as if everything was enough space. But it looks like in the movies where the maniac pursuing the victim or the killer is preparing quietly in front of all to kill a man short a knife.

Why just don't leave me a little personal space, hey? Maybe you are still a killer?! Mood you just have just killed me.

Text author: Lilith Mazikina

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