20 signs that you went over with social networks. In gifs



No one encourages you to throw modern technologies and go into the forests, to our clothes. But maybe you are a little sitting in social networks? Check yourself, here are 20 faithful signs of extinguishing!

one. Whatever you see interesting, you really want to deliver like. Just horror that it is impossible to do in many blogs and in any book. Even electronic.

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2. You are talking to quotes from pictures that are understandable and funny only in combination with pictures.

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3. As soon as something happened - whether the Cup was dropped by a cup, the nail broke, the husband managed to scattered without much vulgarity - you rush to a computer, a tablet or smartphone to write in the bedside.

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four. You do not let me eat homemade until you put an overhead table.

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five. After any quarrel, you are pushing your husband in five social networks and put in the VC status "everything is difficult." The most offensive, after once he does not notice anything.

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6. Before entering the store for bread-milk eggs, you stay on the porch to cheat. Inside the store just the Internet catches worse.

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7. All the time you want to discuss new gossip from the forum, but no one knows the characters that are grouped there, and will not understand that it is funny that one of them dressed up the Christmas tree.

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eight. At least once a week do not have time to wash your head, because someone was wrong on the Internet.

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nine. You envy the lives of one user, rereading his blog. Well lives! Cultural, interesting, fun. Despite the fact that this user is at the very moment you are.

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10. You know the exact number of your friends, but you can not call them names.

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eleven. Recalling the husky under the photograph of the food and returning to the real world, you find out that you have not worked for food and dinner have been only in instagram today.

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12. If you accidentally come across the newspaper or you have to watch a telly, you are outraged by the fact that in the sections of humor and news, continuous bayans. You have already managed to lipe anyone four times as you can!

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13. You got a job where there is a girl reading the same forum. Or forced the employee to read it from the crust to the crust. Now you are discussing a glood character together with Christmas tree, and everyone will touch you.

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fourteen. You started your family home chat in FB or VC. And more often communicate with relatives there than in real life. But they finally manage to convey all kinds of requests and news.

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fifteen. In the cafe on the date you are trying to send hearts to the dude account, with whom you, in fact, are sitting on a date.

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sixteen. When in the evening you and my husband are lying in bed, from time to time one of you says to another: "Explaged (a)!" And yes, you have smartphones in your hands. And you spend the time perfectly.

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17. At the parent meeting, you first come up with the name of the parent group of VC, immediately you will start it and explain to everyone how to join there. (And then you are removing from it, because these moms are simply unbearable!)

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eighteen. When you call the name Masha Pupkin, you have no face, but a userpike in memory. And you can easily remember that she eaten yesterday, what the political position occupies and which of your photos licked, but we have a weak, how old is she, when she has a birthday and how to contact her when she is offline.

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nineteen. You have two router at home in case one breaks.

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twenty. When both break both, you will find out a lot of new things. For example, what do you have in the living room now green wallpaper, dog and son 15 years. Although it seemed to you that he should be somewhere 12-13. However, you lost his birthdays from the sight at the moment when he freamete you for the permanent reposites of demotivators, so yes, could and confuse.

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