6 species of mushrooms: instructions for definition and communication


Blider Julia Matroskin loves two things: collect mushrooms and view other mushrooms. She eats mushrooms, and observations shared with humanity!

Autumn time, very charming - as a rule, one of the main attributes of its own migration of the population of mushrooms implies. And if you can understand what drags in the forest of rustic residents (close, tasty and free) and individual urban female (good borrowing, paying for a ticket for the train), what kind of shit in the same forest rod serious uncle on the pumped tax (on which ride It is just around the refueling) - always remained a mystery. However, maybe instincts work. Instinctams do not care about the fact that their carriers will be impartible - able to buy all mushroom canned food from all supermarkets with cashiers. But you like you, what are you smiling: calling! Nature calls, our mother, in its Lono, and become someone who cannot be aware of the call.

Those who threw on the forests for a long time and for all seasons, learned to understand not well not only in mushrooms and the ranges of their growing. His competitors (or - as you like - fellow on moral injury), they also learned to categorize, so at first glance, it is able to determine who looms on Traversage and what to wait for him. So, you are offered an exemplary classification of the mysteries of the middle strip of Russia.


Go to the forest - they told him. There will be cool - they told him. You remember this for a long time - they told him. He was entitled, and he really will remember this bitter for a long time, and she curses that day, and those friends who hit him this crazy idea. It is not able to distinguish the north of the south, the swamp from the meadow, the stabber from the insights.

We are visible from afar, for it is dressed in something acid-tourist, on the go bought in the sportsmaster under pressure of the gaps of consultants who have reached easy prey. On the legs - spray wet sneakers, and knee-deep, mostly visible traces of repeated dives. In Hands, he has the ordinary package from the same Sportmaster, where among the pair of overpowed mueslev bars, a smartphone with a vague selfie tourism on the backdrop of the Christmas tree and the Sportmaster's check for seven deposits - there are six salad worshipers, two wears, quite a decent white, pantry agar and death cap.

How to behave. As a rule, even 20 meters from the edge of the forest and the lively motorway is in a state of "lost", which is easy to read on the expression of the common panic and Shadarakhnutness on the face. Do not take a sin on the soul: Even if he does not ask (he can simply be in a light stupor from such an unexpectedly close contact with nature) - ask if he needs help, if he still refuses - then casually picked his finger towards the stop Notifying that you are just from there, and the bus will be in an hour.

Bonus: A big plus in karma will ask for tourism to show mushrooms and argued to throw out completely poisonous. He will not mind right away.


The gap of family girls in about a kilometer can be predicted according to far-spreading children's and unstable screams of varying degrees of bells. As a rule, familymen are presented to the hysteria of the mother (due to the emergency, the role of commander-in-chief) and immersed in their hard thoughts dad, with the root of the exit, beer, tanks and homemade match "Avangard-Dynamo". His riding on it, for the dad can, go: exorbitant sizes of the backpack hound-know-with-than, two baskets of large and three small, as well as a junior heir to whitching from the overall utility. Other heirs, a number of two to ten, like small yurik dinosaurs from the Yursian Park, confidently dissect the ferns, fern, and other elderberies, singing chaos and destruction, and forcing the mother every five minutes to break into ultrasound every five minutes. The burden will be considered a load in the form of a sawing all and all the mother-in-law.

How to behave. Taking this opportunity - remove your mushrooms, gadgets, widgets, edible suppres and domestic animals, if they accompany you. Try to get lost in the bushes, but if you do not have time (what is more likely) - prepare for the fact that you have a dick, drink a piece of paper, and what kind of fungus, and this, but give me, and you can stroke the dog, Well, please, Vitya is immediately immediately, Masha is spacing now, Sasha, where Vasya, find you immediately, the radibogry and this is all this. On the path of the familys, prepare, it is and the matter is to meet the decapitated amanorms, crushed white, scoops, boots, jams, as well as patch-backs (sometimes together with diapers).

Bonus: Mushrooms, however, on the same path there, too, it will be possible to score normally, and half of them will be previously collected, but lost from the basket of restless families.


Monsterly male, although there are exceptions. It is characterized by a breathtaking high-cost tacticuline equipment (most prefers "cartoons"). There is a unhealthy thinness or an equally unhealthy fatness; View of a professional peacemaker on a task; certainly - unloading vest; A set of knives hung with dumplings from a peer to machete (one - necessarily in hand, but do not be afraid - 50% of the survival units are unable to cut off the piece of sausages); Berbs (no boots!) And tactical beard. A basket or a package is observed extremely rare - it does not correspond to the image, but travels through the forest surviving precisely in the image. Therefore, if you find mushrooms - hides in pockets of unloading or hangs on a twitch: this is, in principle, its image allows.

How to behave. Choise on the nose: He is here alone - the stalker in search of artifacts, and you - Loch, a damp, who spoiled his romance of his loneliness. In order not to spoil the picture - the survival will imagine you with some "wandering ghost" or an odted radiation aborigine. It makes the complex soup, spends an alarming look from bushes, in full confidence that his cartoons make it for you the most advanced chimera. Do not break the child's holiday, go by yourself: pretend that I really did not notice among the trees of orange socks sticking out from under the cartoon, or won the cologner "cucumber" in half with a tobaching. Want to please - you can slug and shake: the survival will be pleased.

Bonus: If the soul asks for entertainment - you can approach it and ask if there are no matches (lighters, a knife, a plaster), or whether the village of Gadyukino. Next, see how surviving, and without that dumbfounded by the fact that it was discovered, agonates in search of the desired endless pockets or a stood navigator.


It was his father as the fire was afraid in kindergarten, school and institute, and even becoming a top manager - also frightened to shudder, envy at the end of the corridor his wide stern. Mogul, Grozen, silent, impregnable. Speed ​​and passability are comparable to a walking excavator. With it, it has a basket, which is free to fit Alapai with the Booth (quite possible, it is there too, for the contents are always securely covered with a dirty glue). It is closed for the season either by the charter, adjacent to the shade of "Earl Gray", or in the Special Council fell to the gloss. Boots bottles, cap chisel, booth brick. From a pair of narrow, like a loaf, a shorter of this booth, as in the triplex of armored vehicles on enemy infantry, you are molded with lightning small wopsy eyes.

It is found in both the mono-option, and with an escort consisting of the characteristic software (dimensions and the overall degree of friendliness from the master of its own, as a rule, is not different, except that there are no blue breakers in the boots with bottles, but red ratups; Upon closer looks, it is sometimes an unclee).

How to behave. Forest your forest God to ask them the road or be interested in the success of the mushrooms: they will not answer, but we look so that the language takes away, the eyes are glad, and the brain is fossy. According to unverified data, at the sight of a noble mushroom in your hands, found in their eyes - are able to generally at all look. Remember: Unlike the survival, you are for them a real opponent, encroaching on hunting grounds. Even if you are dressed in ballet shoes and a tule pack, and with a beaded clutch download in the edge - you can still apply an irreparable damage to their future mining, moving about any Borovik, from which he will lose a trade look. Having barely envy these monumental people - do not make sharp movements, lower the eyes of the volatility and maximally clear their course from their person.

Bonus: It makes sense to go along the path of the head of the head (regardless of the availability of escort) - no, after it the forest is empty, as after the neutron bomb explosion. It does not even remain ammorov, and the birds seem to be not twitched for half an hour.

Antique-Borovica (greeling old woman)

The character - in any of his Ipostasi, is completely timeless and out-of-spatial, descended from the pore of childhood, fairy tales about the grandmother-tree and water with spacious shaggy ears, threatening from a basin with water about "worst". It may be closed (a) to quite modern Katsaveuka Vietnamese production or Lineal "Afghana", to have a basket or a canvas grid in the cell (plus-minus a strong room, broken from the local Buaeraka), but does not change his fabulous essence.

About everything that can grow here (including luminous mold) - has information far than encyclopedic. It thoroughly knows the level of potential edacy of all this good up to the number of kilocalories. In a state of each identified edible crap, to offer up to ten preparation recipes, which willingly push it even under the record. It is characterized by unchanged and always sincere benevolence, causes an involuntary smiling from the ear to ear.

How to behave. Friendly. This is the only character that your mushroom catch is interested only from healthy curiosity and desire to rejoice at your progress: he knows the best of all navigators and olders, combined. It is his (or her) need to ask where to go beyond white, and where - behind the butters, it can ask him that this is for the crap and what it is eaten and how to get to Kukyev. In the forest, they walk like at home, relatives and loved ones, with whom you can scratch your tongues, as a rule, are not enough, and if your passion for the "quiet hunting" is crossed by the level of fanaticism - use the unique opportunity to replenish your luggage of mushrooms.

Bonus: Heading a permanent acquaintance with such local forest faces, it is possible from the season to "mushroom" much more successful than other competitors.


Well, this, in fact, you are, although it does not always agree to take this fact as proper. Holy (although not without reason) consider themselves the most normal subspecies from the above, you have, nevertheless, weighing dubious qualities, including sudden attacks of topographic cretinism ("... here chord, five minutes ago, there was no this log, where I, mommies ... "), hard unreasonable sclerosis (" ... It would be nice to devour ... Emmm ... Yes, and I forgot the buffers in the refrigerator ... "), panic attacks (" ... Taaak, and what is this dirt ... oh, boar! God, here recently lying Caban !!! ... ") and frank idiotism (" ... it seems, it is a garbage fever ... Yes, a garbage, I remember exactly ... or not a garbage ... or not ordinary, and the collected ... can take, so pretty ... or not ... and, at home Let's chosen ... ").

How to behave. Naturally, Cho. What are there.

Bonus: If you know how and love to collect mushrooms, at least for the period of their growing and collecting you are guaranteed clean forest air, the mass of positive emotions and temporary deliverance from Internet-dependence,. Well, of course, as long as you do not stick your catch in FacesBacks and Instagram.

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