Where would we be if it were not for feminism


Total 100 years ago there was no female equality. Now it is practically there, despite the rage and grumble of some men, and, especially strange, some women. Many fair sex representatives believe that if it were not for feminism, they would have confident solid males, they would not need to go to work and make complex and unpleasant solutions.

At the same time, for some reason, they do not think about the fact that in the world without the feminist revolution, their lives would be completely different. What? We will now tell about it now.

So, feminism is not.

Where would we be if it were not for feminism 37621_1

1) At 15, you will be married to a man 2 times older than you. No one will ask your opinion.

2) He will have sex with you in the first wedding night - no matter if you want him, or not. In the modern world, this is called "rape", in excellent antiquity - marital duties.

3) If he finds out that you are not a virgin, at best he will dispense you to the whole village and returns to parents. At worst - kill and disseminate.

4) If everything is in order, you will immediately get pregnant. If you do not get pregnant for several years - it is divided with you. If the divorce is impossible (and in Christian countries it was impossible), an accident happens to you.

5) If you give birth to a child, you will immediately get pregnant and give birth to the second. And then the third. And so far do not die or build up (at 35 years).

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6) from time to time with you will have sex husband's father. It was a very common practice in Russian villages, called "Snochsky".

7) If the husband dies, you will be married to his brother. Best case scenario. In the worst case, an accident happens to you. In India, the widows are very often self-turning: the "accidental" clothes flamm down from the plate, households do not have time to help and the widow (extra mouth) dies with a painful death in the burn branch of the hospital.

8) If everything is "in order", then immediately after the wedding and first marriage rape you will start to go. Well, more precisely, you will continue, because in the house of my father you did the same. The nobility, which in dieffine engaged only with embroidery, was about one percent. The rest were dragging the water, the stove was treated, pololie the vegetable garden and washed with their arms. Every day, from morning to night. Pregnant women - until the last day, and almost immediately after childbirth.

9) Property? Forget. Women are too stupid to own anything. Everything belongs to either your father or husband. Dowry, by the way, is also not your property, it is a guarantee of seriousness, an additional deposit in the transaction, the subject of which is you.

10) Education? Yes, in general, too, forget. Why do you need it, if your task is to carry water and give birth to children?

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11) Divorce? Before feminism, the divorce was mainly in Muslims, and the Jews. Muslim can drive his wife at any time. At the same time, she will leave what the children standing and leave the children. In the Christianity there is no divorce. Did you marry at 15 years? Has husband beats mortal fighting? God endured and ordered us.

12) Career? Forget. Before feminism, a woman could only do business if she remained widow and inherited this business (and if relatives did not marry her).

13) contraception? Just forget. It, of course, was used in antiquity, and in the late Middle Ages, but not because the woman could have disposed of her body, but in order to limit the number of bastards in a man. A man wants - give birth. Does not want - hello, invention of Dr. John Condom.

14) abortion? INFANTICIDE! Do not even think.

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15) the right to its own appearance. Heels and mini, bright and frank wear whores and actresses. Decent women dress in the dark and baggy, in the hijab or the Orthodox scarf, so that extraneous men do not stare to the property of your husband. Want to wear sports and free? And how do you attract the attention of men?

16) Corsets. The most terrible example of women's clothing for men: a fabric and a whale tissue, which raises and presses the chest and reduces the waist. It can not be free to breathe freely, move, lean - and only 120 years ago, this breaking was obligatory for women. Now applies only in erotic games. True, after all, do you have a corset?

17) Pants. Wearing women men's clothing, free and relatively comfortable, just a hundred years ago was an Afront, and 200 - a serious offense. The right to trousers is the right to freedom, heat and comfort - it became completely acceptable for women of America and Europe only in the 70s.

18) the right to confess faith. Late medieval rule "whose power, that faith" acted in the family. Even if a miracle, a woman could save his faith in marriage with a man, her children had always brought up in the belief of her husband.

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19) the right to its name. You will marry - take the name of your husband, without options. Though caloes.

20) Rape. Yes, in different arches of laws, such a composition of the crime was from ancient times (along with the alarces of livestock and inevit the ownership of another man. But it was always very difficult to prove rape, in particular because there is usually witnesses. Especially if we are talking about Rape on a date, rape familiar, rape with her husband and master.

21) Equal pay for labor. Women began to work massively during the two world wars, when all men went to the front. Employers with pleasure took advantage of this: these unlike the member could have been paid less. And still enjoy, by the way, but in many years of the position war, women are coming and you gradually begin to earn as much as a man in a similar position.

22) By the way, and you can also spend money too, without giving their husband or father. Whatever they told you about your last handbag, if the case happened in the century so in the 17th, what do you think?

23) Voting in elections. If you believe in democracy, that every voice is important, then this conquest is important. For a hundred years, in the entire civilized world, women received the voting law, passive and active. And in many democratic countries became heads of states, as well as ministers and parliamentarians. Not so long ago it would be impossible. Want to go to vote? Well, give a stick, now I am vague you!

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