11 main mistakes during repair. In gifs


Sayings about repairing some incorrect. The point is not that it is worse than a fire, and not that it can not be finished. Repair - metaphorical rake. On which we all rubbish. The PICS editorial board heal the bruises on the forehead and invites you to learn about other people's mistakes.

In vain offers, of course. You still do it. We will do all this again.

Spontaneous Beginning

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All repairs begin equally. You once again stumble on the cracked parquet, or the cornice falls on your head, or you are trying to drop the kitchen fat, and discover that it is not fat, but cockroach poop. The bowl of patience is overflowed, the apartment announces the uterine cry and a deaf blow. For example, on the door jamb, which certainly falls off. Everything! How much can you live in this? Urgently repairs!

Optimistic planning

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And this is not the planning of the steps of repair, no. Before you such global perspectives, you have no time to exchange for trifles, right? But somewhere heard somewhere that it is necessary to determine the expiration date - it disciplines and inspires. Solved - on June 1, the housewarming, the fifth - a trip to the sea. Haha. Ha ha ha.

Unreasonable savings

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First of all, you are looking for on the web pictures with beautiful interiors, and you understand that you do not recreate it. Copy Ikea catalogs are bored, in the other stores the furniture is sold to sets, and only two types: modest rustic domain VS Gypsy family crypt. You understand that without a designer - in no way. But for what he pay such mad money, let me? You choose a designer, ready to work for a penny and get a drawing. Beautiful. You can hang it later on the bearing wall. Which in this picture suddenly not. The artist sees so much!

Risky re-planning

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The designer painted you a beautiful kitchen-living room, a bath, a shower room in a combined bathroom and an office on the loggia. True, you have three children and all of them love two-hour swims before bedtime, you prepare daily, and the loggia is the only place where your dog can hide food. From children. But it does not matter now. Breaking - do not build. And in general, it is not a partition, but mockery. What kind of builders were sculpting from dirt and branches? Tkni's finger - scattered. Well, okay, sledgehammer. Nearby difference.

Uncoordinated disposal

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Building garbage container - waste! First, he is worthwhile money. Secondly, he will give him hell knows where. You were not hired to wear our walls in three quarters. And, the main thing, the earliest fellow citizens will fill this container with its garbage - for yours, by the way, money. No, this is not our method. Everything that breaks, you need to block the lamb and throw it into the garbage chute. When the meeting of the owners will find out who climbed it with chunks of the toilet - you can make pokerfias and point. Just do not go to the need for neighbors, you are not Stirlitz - do not turn away.

Dangerous amateur

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Are you an adult man with higher education - are you really not to handle such nonsense like plumbing wiring? Repair with your own hands is a pleasant physical activity and light warm-up for the mind. And space for creativity. And in general - it is so interesting! Repair with your own hands is usually ends when the cat crashes the current, the neighbors will fool with uncleanness, and the word "divorce" will first not be said about the pipes.

Excessive credulity

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Actually, not to "divorce", you will begin to call friends and acquaintances in search of a good repair brigade. To with the recommendations! And of course, you will give these recommendations. After that, the apartment is justified by a team of smiling scapions in slaps, which promise you to do everything in the best form. And, of course, do not do. Because so that they have done something over them. It is necessary to stand with cadyl and such a mother. And you smile and wear cookies. Well, their best friend recommended! Snake he, not a friend. Traitor trusted.

Certain compromise

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You put in my apartment evil, so be prepared: sooner or later the neighbors will begin against you the crusade. And they can be understood: those who shifting the wall at 7 am, must be killed. But you can also understand you too - you are tired of living in the mother-in-law on suitcases and demolish such reputable views, as if you are a cat and again missed the tray. You need faster, the neighbors are quieter. Compromise not found.

Changing the team

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The fourth month in the apartment of destruction, from concrete suspiciously smacks tobacco and in the strokes under the wiring you found a plug from the doxharaka. Docome?! You drive up the brigade of the gay and hire others - these seems to be a zombie. Gaps at least got a drill in the desired mark, and these coordination, like drunk paralytics. To the line zombie - you drive them out and hire the citizens of Tajikistan. Non-handedly, their foreman throws the first shmatock plaster in the wall. Hooray! Ice started! True, the wiring is never done, because the Tajiks of Russian do not understand. But nod is convincing. And you believe. Zombie wing only mocked.

Unnecessary innovations

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Appetite comes while eating, as is known. Since everyone demolished to the ground, it is necessary to build a guest toilet. How to live without him, eh? Where is the secret to smoke at night and where to put a feline tray? Here there is a meter of free square, just under a modest bathroom. Nothing that now the hall will be a narrower in the shoulders. But everything is like in the best houses.

Impractical result.

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Well, that's all ready. You have dazzling and white walls. Beautiful canvas for children's drawings. You have a glossy tile in the kitchen. Patterns of dog saliva on her surface will remind you of ripples on the surface of the sea (you did not go there, hahaha). You have a shining laminate in the rooms. Now you have to buy the cat's slippers, otherwise it risks dislocate the hip joints. But you still do not think about it. You pull the extension from the living room in the kitchen. Because the outlets in the kitchen are two. Under the kettle and under the fridge. Well, it is nothing: they say, while eating it is very harmful to watch TV.

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