Stories of those who gave birth to the New Year



In March well. Everything breathes with approaching warmth, the sun goes to the sky, not only for the designation "day / night" and desperately want to live. Sometimes to live in late March I want so much that somehow it turns out that in December you have to give birth. And not just in December, but thirty first. And not just thirty first, but on the night.

Real woman

Of course, I was afraid of afraid - I thought drunk doctors, evil midwives and all that. But no - the staff was at the height: sober and attentive. But they, of course, really wanted to go to celebrate - the new year of the goat was to come in two and a half hours. And I still do not. And then the doctor asks: "Are you waiting for a girl?" "Yes," say - "Girl". The doctor leans over my stomach and whispers to the navel area: "If you are not immediately born, you will have to answer all my life that you are a goat." And somehow immediately disclosure ... Born a quarter to twelve. I managed.

Wati beard

On December 31, I was made an emergency Cesarean. I leave for anesthesia, and I need a doctor. But I do not understand that this is a doctor. I do not understand anything. Whether I died, or sleep. And I ask: "And who are you?" He says: "Santa Claus". Well, I am on the machine: "Hello, Grandfather Frost, wool beard." The brigade fell. And he still troll me for a long time - I saved my life, and you called me who was ungrateful?

Neighbour! Neighbour!


The mother-in-law told: she just decided to give birth just on the eve, and the father-in-law at work celebrated in all. Give her neighbor was lucky. And the doctors have already covered the table, and the champagne foams ... In general, the birth was accepted and immediately ran away. Well, forgot to write birthday, found only during the discharge. Therefore, the husband has no idea what he really has, birthday. And year.

And the mother-in-law of the Son's birth was added to New Year's joy ... In general, to take care of mother-in-law from the maternity hospital.

You have a white back

The husband was at work (New Year's shift) and with a discharged phone. And I got the doctors all the time - please call my husband, suddenly he charged the phone. Not only delivered doctors, however. Nurses, midwife, neonatologist even seems to. In general, I got full. And at some point the doctor says to me: "Why do you need such a husband at all? He has a sense of humor Khrenova, throw it to hell. " I misunderstandingly blindly, and he explains: "Well, it is obvious that he was very bad for the first of April of this year."



I gave birth hard and for a long time, and the doctors were at the height - I hid irritation and did not try to escape by vodka. As a result, the nightmare ended, but for now I was sewn, I was alarmingly listened to the conversation of those who weighed the Son - Is everything okay? And I hear:

- Four nine hundred sixty. Nice New Year's present.

- Apparently, the previous year Mommy led well.

- She has two dozen seams.

- A. So, not very.


The husband told her older daughter (she was then four years old) that "Mom went to the hospital for his sister, there will be a gift for the new year." The daughter was terribly indignant - says I don't need any sister as a gift, I want a rabbit as a gift. And after the discharge, we arrived home, summed up a small to the bed and say - here, look, however, the sister is better than the rabbit? And the senior looked at us with pity, as on mentally ill, and says: "Do you yourself believe it yourself?"

Magic bag


We celebrated from our parents, but it became bad, I had to go home, and under the battle of the chimes - and in general, "ambulance". And for me, like all the right pregnant women, a bag "in the hospital" was gathered in advance. Her husband brought her, I was opened, and it turned out that this is a little bit of that bag. This bag, which caring mom folded twenty thousand shucks with saladiacs, chill and chops. We left, not celebrating, and Mom wanted us at least attempt ... Well done Mom. And the husband is well done. Doctors were happy - they say, all some stupid diapers, home slippers and rubber gloves are carrying. And you prepared ...


I live in a small town and gave birth in proud loneliness. This, in the sense that there were no other feels. At this, my loneliness ended, for and the doctor's team was in full, and relatives sat down under the windows of the Roddoma Olivier's windows, and the group of the local TV channel was shot in the "first new inhabitant of the city in the new millennium." This 2000 was, yes. It hurts me, I spoke, and the operator in a white coat from someone else's shoulder thoroughly thoroughly inserted the camera inserted the chamber. Whether they were important not only the result, but also the process, whether he just tried to remove the "saw". In general, I somehow immediately loved the televisers with these Luta love. When everything finally ended, they sung me and asked me to say a few words. Well, I said. And not even a couple. I am generally all the words that I know, said. But for some reason the video did not show.

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