10 roles we have changed with parents


Incredible: we looked around did not have time, as turned into adults. For real. Actually adults! While we felt the impostors, learned to think about loans, arguing about politics and even read authors from which ninth grade was sick.

And we ourselves did not notice how they changed places with our parents.

Now we tell them about the world. Yes, they follow the news, reading the newspaper or listening to news. But still, they have to seek life information to us: as it is now accepted and how to use one or another innovation to improve and relieve life.

Well, however, that at least this generation should not be explained why girls walk in shirts in cuts or shorts similar to panties. Our parents had to sweat, laying in our grandparents in the head, that a short skirt does not mean a currency prostitute and his granddaughter can be so in the institute.


Now we teach them to write and read. Only they explained how to bring sticks in the pods and connect the syllables in the "Mom Soap Rama", and we set it "this ... Watsap" and show how to open our messages and answer them. And, most importantly, to cope with the autocorrection so that the correspondence does not become too amazing.

Now we follow so that they do not hear and have not seen something frightening or inappropriate. Only moms and dad were afraid that we will begin to be written into bed or retell the plots from pornographic cards, and we fear, as if their Kondrati was missing or worse, no matter how they would not discuss with all the neighbors, familiar and randomly launched our colleagues From work all sorts of BDSM-trends.

Now it's we take them on business on the car, as they are once in the garden on sleds. Only they did it every morning, in any winter weather - at least "Pushkin", when frost and sun, at least in a blizzard and through snow drifts. And we are hardly cutting out a couple of days a month and still grumble that so often and how it is inconvenient to us.


Now it is we give them dear gifts, and from them we are glad and a knitted napkin. Or poncho outlooking colors. And they postpone what we throw them up "for dinners", that is, no, on the products to accumulate to a gift better. And, when you want to take off at some completely unnecessary, but shut-off with them, you just need to remember how they smiled in full mouth and jumped to the ceiling, when we solemnly handed them some eggs or a cheap music box with a sloping monkey on the lid .

Now it is we leading them to doctors, and they do not want, rest, chitryat and capricious. After all, they still, and we are simply some panicoirs. No one died of cough, even if he does not stop six months, sores that scattered on half of the body should be simply smearing with children's cream, and the doctors would only have something expensive to register. Maybe let's wait until pension? Ours, yeah.

Now it is they collecting discount cards, as we are in childhood inserts And we also irritate the packs of this colored sliced ​​paper. But smile and thank you when they try to do them. And then we say that you did not have time to take advantage of discounts because of different cases. And we are silent that they did not even try to catch.


Now they are with azart and joy dressed up dolls, and we give these dolls to them. In the form of our grandchildren. And in the same way, they are glad and feed the pups, and to read the fairy tale, but not all the time, and when the desire appeared! And we are offended that grandparents do not want to do this days. Hey, we ourselves wanted in childhood, except for dolls, play on the ball, run with friends on the street, read an interesting magazine, let's remember this?

Previously, they read us and explained the read. And now they ask us to read the small font on the packaging or in the instructions ... and yes, of course, explain. And yes, sometimes several times. Remember when we did not understand something in the "Prince and Nickest" or in the "Three Musketeers", and they remembered vaguely - they climbed into the closet, pulled out a hefty encyclopedia and were looking for there? And it is enough for us to repeat a couple of times or say on the phone: "Okay Google".

Previously, they worked a lot, and we almost did not see them. Now we work a lot, and they almost do not see us. And it is very sad.

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