5 of the most strange cases of splitting personality


It is difficult to believe that there are people who seriously consider themselves that they are an eighteen-year-old striptease dancer, then a professor of philosophy. However, this happens. Spiritualists in such cases are confident that someone's spirit united in a person.

The servants of the Church, generally adhere to a similar point of view and talk about obsession. Doctors also call it a split personality, or rather, "dissociative identity disorder" and it is believed that this ailment arises under the influence of serious stress. Officially recorded about two hundred such cases, although it is considered much more. It's just that the patient succeeds in the dual life so deft that none of the environment assumes that it deals with psychos. But those cases that are known to medicine have formed the basis of many books and films. Because the split personality is strange, scary and, in some sense, cool!

William Stanley Milligan.

In any textbook of psychiatry, you will find his name. In milligans, as in St. Petersburg Communal, not two, not three, and not even ten, but as many as 24 different people. These people had different names, various ages, gender and nationality. They possessed different temperament and pursued incompatible goals. Suicidian and psychopath Billy, Intellectual Arthur, Force Magorer Raidgen, Charming Allen, Three-year-old Umnitsa Christine, Heldless Lesbian Adalan ... When there were accusations of stealing and rape to the milligan, it turned out that Billie himself was not to blame. The theft performed raid, and rape - Adalan.

Doris Fisher.

When doctors talked about Doris Fisher, they meant five of her personalities. True Doris, Vlady Doris, Painful Doris, Margarita and Sleeping Margarita. In general, a kind of kinder surprise or even Matryushka. Margarita was considered the most cool "Matreshka". She constantly worked the dirtyness, but dumped the guilt to the real Doris. It was Margarita who ran out of the books of the page, dirty clothes in the mud and could specially cut into a knife. But guilt, insult and pain, only real Doris felt. Psychiatrists tried to heal a poor man for a long time, but they had nothing to do. Medicines, therapy, hypnosis - everything is in vain. Then the doctors decided on the last chance and invited ... Medium. After visiting it, all the "extra people" disappeared, and only Doris real remained alive. So believe after that in official medicine.

Shirley Mason

American Shirley Mason has long existed in itself, but in the whole four horseship. All the personalities of Shirley were independent and not at all similar to each other. They differed in terms of intelligence, age and character. The most aggressive and harmful was the person who called himself Sally. At the sessions of Hypnosis Sally Caprician, refused to obey and hooliganila. Only flattery and persuasion managed to convince Sally to leave the body of her mistress and leave the rest alone. Left without Sally, three Persons of Shirley Mason quickly calm down and united into a single whole.

Chris Simszor.

Its case is known thanks to the book "Three Persons of Eve" and the same movie. It is believed that Chris Simsmor is sick due to a mental injury obtained in early childhood. When Chris, he had become a patient with psychiatrists already in adulthood, it was found that three Eva - Eve White, Eva Black and Jane live in it. All three personalities were absolutely independent, but they managed to persuade to merge into one named Evelyn. Therapy is over. The patient seemed to be cured. But much later in his autobiography, a woman admitted that in fact no three lived in it, but as many as 22 sucks. So, not one Evelin came from doctors, but a whole team of strangers with a friend of people. In the same autobiography, the patient wrote that in the end, all this harem calmed down and formed some united Chris Simsmor. But how to know ... Maybe there was some polycarp Evgenievich, who will emerge later.

Kim Nobl

The first symptoms of the disease manifested themselves from the British in the 11th age. Now Kim about sixty - and there are more than 20 personalities in it. Dominates all the Patricia, which writes the book "Everything about me." "About me" is about that Kim, which already practically does not exist. as a person. But there is a young and sticky love Abby, a good housewife Bonnie, chaste Salome, an eight-year-old Diabalus, and twenty-year-old Ken. Forces to suppress various characters inside ourselves in Kim No, with this, and doctors and the family. And friends in social networks.

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