Why am I terrible? Where are acne, bruises and other joys come from



You live righteously, you do not touch anyone, and the physiognomy looks as if you're still a year ago in all grave. It is useless to ask in the morning at the mirror: "Yes, where did it come from?!" The mirror is not aware, but Pics.ru knows.


Suppose you are more than 15 years old, so we exclude age acne. However, in front of menstruation, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, some of us are returned to the wonderful world of acne, and this is also more or less normal - any hormonal explosion manifests itself with paintings on his face. If the skin is generally good, but from time to time something will climb such, say the exact coordinates of acne. If he arose in the area of ​​the lips - you have problems with digestion, on the chin - with intestines, appendages or endocrine system, around the nose - a sign of elevated cholesterol, at the temples - it's time to check the gallbladder. Acne on the forehead usually signals that you are running a stick with fat and fried. And here is good news - chocolate has nothing to do with it, he does not cause acne. If acne appears only on the one hand, the capture of themselves is likely, this one is the side to which you press the dirty mobile phone or hand when you touch your head.

What to do: My hands and wipe the pipe with antibacterial napkins, forget the driving path into your favorite fast food and change the pillowcase - on it bacteria, too, to the fig. Strain the fact that you eat - in the sense, if the digestion suffers, it will affect it on the skin.



Peeling in the company with itching and inflammation is to a dermatologist, sister. But if the skin is simply peeling and spoils your exterior, think if you are not fond of hot baths and scrubs? Such a combination of any skin will turn into a dry parchment, especially if the heat at home, as in hell, and outside the frost is cracking. The peelings can also mean that you lack vitamins A and E, or about the fact that the vitamins are enough, but you declared a firaity war, and without fat they are not digested, though they are grieving. Cosmetics can also cause peeling, especially if it is heavy and falls on the skin like Shmat Sala - a thin film of the unaptive cream causes irritation at sensitive skin.

What to do: You are not a raccoon, stop the wash so violently, as if you work in coal specks. Washbasks, no matter how cool, destroy the natural protection of the skin. Once in the evening, it is quite enough, and in the morning just rinse the dial cool water for magnifier. Eat nuts and refuel salads with good oil.



In the skin under the eyes of full of the smallest capillaries, which are just waiting for how to fall apart from any careless movement. The most gentle preasses are enough to lose your eyes or roughly concern with a cotton disk. Eye tension can also reward you with a panda effect. When you read for a long time, you watch the drawer or hang in Facebook, the influx of blood to the eyes is enhanced, and the fragile capillaries of such a pressure are not kept. Bruises from fatigue usually dark, almost black. Approximately the same thing happens in diseases of the heart or kidney - blood is stood in capillaries, it stretches and rush. In this case, the bruise will have a reddish hue. If you have lost weight, prepare the bucket of the consileder - the fat stupor under the eyes is thin and it melts first. The vessels, devoid of such protection, again break down (nature here clearly allowed some kind of marriage in the design) and begin to penetrate through the skin. And what if you have a nurse under your eyes - all world grief? Then trouble in hyperpigmentation. Here is your natural color.

What to do: If the Doc assures that you are healthy like a tribal sheep, and the bruises still eat, use the proven generations tools - compresses from tea and a mask from grated raw potatoes, and something, and more, you need to keep 10-15 minutes. Do not trust folk remedies - look for a cream for eyes with vitamin C, which bleaching the skin, and caffeine, which will be treated by the vessels and will return to them elasticity. Well, if there is also vitamin A, it repairs the capillaries and contributes to the resorption of bruises.



Between the eyeball and the eyelid is a fat stupor - a kind of shock absorber for the eye. Fat perfectly keeps water, especially if you have enough unnecessary or scarce a bag of salt born. But if your behavior is flawless, but still every morning, under the eyes, bags that pass by the evening are being detected - alas, it seems that your kidneys are flying. Although, perhaps, everything is easier - you slept all night with a pillow, and gravity, how does Sheldon Cooper, ruthless bitch believed. Eyes also swell in allergies and cold.

What to do: To begin with, it is to sleep on the side or on the back, tie with salt and alcoholic and you will be killed that they do not feel anything. So that the bags under the eyes appear less often, train the muscles of the eyes and improve the elasticity of the skin around them, that is, do a simple charging - grumble, bliny, like painting through your eyes in different directions. What is good for the press, good and for the eyes. And use very light creams with chamomile, green tea, gilauroneque and vitamin A in the composition.

Dry lips


The leather of the lips itself is thin and dry, so that it becomes straight from the drops of temperature and wind. And here you are still with your persistent lipsticks, whose pigments are literally entering the skin and deprive it of the last drops of moisture. And a hot coffee machine, which is actually a great diuretic, and in the winter room and so dry as in the desert. And you probably have a toothpaste with fluorine, which is good for teeth, but bad for lips.

What to do: Vaseline lip balms The problem is not solved, but aggravate - the skin becomes all thinner and vulnerable, and soon you can not get out without hygiene to the street. Better go on natural oils - olive or coconut. Drink more water, dehydration is the main cause of dry lips. And once a week, arrange the lips of sugar honey peelings - this is a massage to improve blood flow, and food.

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