In the road road: collect the perfect suitcase for a trip


It doesn't matter what you plan - Voyage for the weekend in Gus-Crystal or wintering in Cambodia. Collecting any suitcase obeys the same rules. Those who ignore them always discover that, despite 30 kilograms of baggage, there is nothing to wear anyway, and for souvenirs you have to buy an additional bar.

We tell how to get together on the road with maximum efficiency and do not overpay for the advantage.

"Just in case"? Forget!

In your backpack there should be nothing from the category "suddenly", "why not" and "And, okay, let it be." Practice suggests that the only case never happens - in the provincial town you will not be brought to the governor's gala dinner, where you could shine with your back in a cocktail dress. At the seaside resort you will not have the opportunity to drink on the sand on 20-centimeter stiletts. Do not count on the fact that, walking in Paris, you suddenly come to a spa hotel with a swimming pool and amaze everyone with your swimsuit.

The main thing is multifunctionality

Each thing in the suitcase should be multifunctional, otherwise it is not worth it. Elegant sandals are equally well suited for the beach, walks and restaurants. A simple mater bag adequately looks at the beach, the market and the exhibition of the applied sculptor in the secret loft. A black T-shirt is appropriate on a walk, and if you hang something like a certain avant-garde on it, it will instantly turn into a decent outfit for evening exit.

Shoes should be comfortable

Even the most luxurious diva of New York and Paris is a holling on the streets in shoes on a flat sole. The world is cruel and full of sidewalks laid down by a paving. There is no sadness of the spectacle than the girl on heels, which jumps with a pebble on the pebbles. Well, except that the girl who fined his heels with new sneakers and is forced to cook in the room while the rest inspect the surroundings. Take with you only proven and rolled shoes, which is guaranteed not to put a pig.

Choose restrained gamut

Little joy - to find on the spot that green shorts look at the same lousy with a strawberry shirt and with a purple top in a flower. The top in the flower sits perfectly, but comes only to a yellow skirt. Which remained at home. And the bag is not suitable for anything at all. In order not to bathe with the combinatorics, take with you things in a single scale, and it is better to choose neutral shades - gray, black, white, blue. They all look good with each other and generally interchangeable. Dressed can be even in darkness and hops. If you think this case is boring, live onion with a scarf.

Scarf - Your main friend

Here, by the way, about scarves. At least one you definitely need. The scarf is the whole chic that you will need to travel, it turns any stretched T-shirt in the outfit icon of street style. It can be wounded on his head if the hair is crazy, and there is no time, no desire, nor ironing. You can sit on it and lie, they can be hidden, he will save you from the Copenhagen Moray and the sun blow in Baku.

Jeans is not the best choice.

At home, this is the basis of the wardrobe, but for travel jeans is a dubious companion. They are pretty heavy and occupy a lot of space in the suitcase, after washing, they will dry up the whole eternity and even from the drying machine manage to fall out more wet. In jeans it is convenient to walk, but it's inconvenient to sit - especially in the plane, especially in the economy class, especially during the transatlantic flight. It is better to capture simple black leggings or pants from the fine tissue of khaki color, they are also universal and look good with anything.

Take what is not sorry to throw

In order not to jump on the lid of the suitcase at the end of the voyage, adhere to the principle "I bought a thing - threw a thing." Therefore, it makes sense to take with me what you can easily part. Losing the shape and type of T-shirt will serve a good (and the last) service during flights and movements - arriving at the destination, they can simply quit in the trash. They can also be used instead of a lace nighty. By the way, there will be less than the wash with washing.

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