6 cases, when the boilers are vinic - very, very bad idea


Pulling out a stopper from the bottle, look around and soberly (you can still be rated - you should fill a glass or better to shove the cork back. We are for moderate inspections, but there are situations in which alcohol will definitely not help the cause.

You in Handre

Or worse - depressed. Folk wisdom can advise so much to cooke in wine, but alcohol slows down the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine, that is, it will be even worse. Especially when you wake up with the cast-iron head and the dignity of the status in Facebook.

You are in the plane

Airborne magic (more precisely, prosaic pressure drops) forces alcohol to work faster, more powerful and unpredictable. It seems that only a couple of cups got drunk, and already grab the steward for the ass and demand to let you in the cabin to pick up the plane and show class. In addition, air in the plane and so extremely dry, and alcohol additionally enhances dehydration. Landing will be gloomy, and hangover is extremely nasty.

You are on the soothing

Here the jokes are away: the sedative effect of the tablets, multiplied by the sedative effect of alcohol, can meet you before stopping the breath. Many rock stars frank it.

You need to sleep

Because on the morning you are planned something terribly important. Or you need to get up or the light is neither dawn, with the first wipers. Roll to better sleep is a bad idea. You are faster, it's true, but sleep will be superficial and you will stand in the form of a set of spare parts.

You are on antibiotics

They mutually increase the chance of sides - nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, confusion, insomnia, tachycardia and heat seizures. No no and one more time no.

You are trying to get pregnant

So far, it is not clear how small doses of alcohol affect fertility - some researchers are obtained that they affect, and as, while others say that it seems not particularly. But everyone agrees: orgies with a buffet very much, very badly affect the chances of conception. And then - to bent. And in general - on the health of the child. Even if you are not during pregnancy, but before it is an offensive.

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