Downshifter or seemed? 5 faithful signs to understand


Downshifting is an old business, you can say a national tradition. That Barin, what if it will suddenly decide to polish, throw a career in the office and runs to the hay to mow into the village, then the normal, the working man suddenly leave his working life, takes it to Kotomka and wade wander, and then the hermit to live in the cave.

That's just not all sampling Barin and not any poverty with Kotomka do precisely downshifting. Like not every dude on the beach and in shack with a laptop on his knees.

However, everything is easily checked, it is enough to answer myself a few questions.


Where did the money come from?

Downshifter can receive up to 90% of the benefits of civilization, including clothing and food, free (and at the same time to organize an uncompromising struggle with consumption), but still he needs money. On the Internet, for example, or eat a wall cabinet in Gelendzhik (the sea is heard through the wall!)

If you pay your life in shack at the line of the surf with the delivery of a grandmother's apartment and Grandpa Dacha, then you are not downshifter, but an ordinary order. If you remotely manage your bank or a valuable freelance specialist, pumping almost as much as in the office, only from the chairs, then this is also a doubtful downshifting.

If you collect at night on the beach of coins and bottles, make a sack of garbage for sale, or, fastening my heart, settled on a low-payable, but giving enough independence work, like a courier, then yes, it looks more like downsifting.

What did you happen to leave?

Immediately put aside those shiny career perspectives, which, no doubt, would be waiting for you if you walilt to return to the office or even start working out once there. We only consider what you already had real.

The bread position was left, from the salary to which the apartment was shot near the subway? Yes, you are Downshifter.

Left, at best, life at the expense of talked parents? Already not that.

And if your quality of life has never been noticeably better than now, and the courier service is the top of your career or very close to it, then no, you are not downshifter. You just have a bad whole life.

How closer to the dream?

The goal of downshifting may be life at the place of your dreams (and this is usually the South Sea), the maximum way out of the excessive consumption cycle, the failure to use the bolers of the system to not feel obliged to it, or the release of time, for example, on creativity or travel.

If your actions did not bring you closer to the goal or they did not have a goal at all, and your lifestyle will plunge your lifestyle, you may not be dumping, but depression.

What was the goal?

If you sleep from the army or hide from alimony, it is not a downshifting, it is in running from the law. Back from the gangsters so you can hide. True goals of Downshifter look above.

And what about your social skills?

And especially hygienic? If you are not able and not in the desire to maintain the basic cleanliness of the body and clothes, drink Schmurdyak and eat completely without spiritual requests, you are not a downsifter, you are a bum. Although, of course, to be an enlightened downshifter, it is not necessary to write poems and participate in the beach jam-seishns, yet it is the movement of the Spirit (along with the habit of worry) put a thin line between bompers and care.

Text author: Lilith Mazikina

Illustration: shutterstock

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