7 problems awaiting us in the near future


Beautiful is unlikely to be so beautiful. Already, it can be seen that instead of pretty maid robots, flying skates and apple trees on Mars, we slipped a terrorist threat, environmental pollution and hacker attacks.

But we will be waiting for other difficulties - those that we have not thought about.

Topographic cretinism will become the norm

People of the future - that is, our grandchildren, and even children - will focus in space with great difficulty - if, of course, there will be no GPS navigators at hand. Even you may not already find a neighbor house without Google Maps. Moving in space and fixing everything we see around, we create something like your own card, which goes to work every time you go from point A to the point B. With the navigator, this ability is no longer needed. And, as any function that is not used for a long time, it is atrophied.

Fitness bracelet will testify against you

Actually, nothing surprising - photo in instagram or post in Facebook can already send you per bare. We know that everything that has been said in social networks can and will be used against us if the case is present. Fitness gadgets can also be witnesses - Actually, one woman from Pennsylvania has already encountered it. She stated to the police about rape, but her bracelet data showed that during the crime described it did not lie in her room, as she stated in the police, and walked around the house. On the other hand, fitness bracelets will be able to provide Iron Alibi - especially when they learn to recognize your carrier.

New minorities will appear

For example, genetically improved people. Today, you can plan the floor of the future child, to evaluate its chances to get one or another disease, and this is just the beginning. As technology develops, "Designer children" will begin to appear - healthier, more intelligent, more enduring and beautiful people. And the requirements for them will be more tough - since they got more from birth more than others. This will definitely lead to discrimination. And genetically improved activists will defend their rights - exactly until they become a majority and will not begin to infringe on the rights of those who were born in the old manner.

Cosmos commercial flights will be unpleasant

Passenger cosmoletes are a case of a very close future. But it is not a fact that those who want to ride up to the ISS and back will be so much. And I would be fine, it was in weightlessness, overloads and space - literally! - Prices for tickets, with this we are ready to accept. But there are no toilets in the projected passenger shuttles. They are simply not. And to fly away - at least 6 hours, and in some cases - and all 30. For quite a long time you have to endure. And no beer in the bar is waiting for flights.

The family will change beyond recognition.

Now how? Mom, dad, son, dog. Until the death separates us. Once and for life. But wait, soon people will live longer - that is, much longer. Thanks to medicine, life expectancy stretches up to 100 years - and this is a completely realistic forecast. Imagine time from the patefon to iPhone.

Families will grow up and the presence of cheerful great-grandmothers and the great-grandfather will become the same norm as today - the presence of grandparents. The apartment question will still be tougher, that is, there will be all together. This will naturally extend the youth of the younger generation - a 30-year-old teenager living with mom or in a hostel and looking for itself will be a completely normal phenomenon.

By the way, 100 years is not the limit, some live up to these years and without any new-fashioned tricks. And what if we can live 120, and 150 years? Approaching this line, humanity will have to legally limit the lifespan, otherwise the world will plunge into unemployment, poverty and crime.

Love to the coffin will cease to exist

Such a story will change and look at marriage. First, 30-year-old teens are still too young to marry, secondly, where to take money from this if the teenager is still in creative search? The average age of the first marriage will grow noticeably, and the success of genetics and medical technologies will remove the question about the watch. Why do we say the "first" marriage? Because life is long, and the one who approached you in 30 will be typical not by those in 70. And live more than about 30-40 years old! Be everything as before, it would be possible to suffer, but now sorry. 2-3 beautiful stronger marriage will turn into an ideal constancy.

Personal life is finally confused

Messengers and videoshts are already allowed to support friendship and novels, even if one participant of the banquet sits in Norilsk, and the second is in Mexico City. In the future, opportunities will be even wider - we will twist full-fledged novels with people who will never see live. But will be considered treason virtual sex with a stranger from Reykjavik and long midnight conversations with a lot of wisely sleeve Siri?

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