Do not believe in the form of lips: Lombroso was wrong



The network has a lot of fast tests for character in the form of lips, eyes, face or nose. Interestingly, until the nineteenth century, gadels and in the head did not occur to contact the facial features as a source of information about a person, well, except for the expression of the face they determined whether the potential client would believe or send to hell. They guess the date and hour of birth, on the "signs" on the hand, the location of the moles on the body. What changed? Science finally found a more reliable source?

In fact, no, but at some point the world thought that yes. Slightly not all actively reading light has been prevented on the theories of Italian psychiatrist Cesare Lombroso and interpreted about the attack form of the ears, outstanding inclinations to murders and rape. It all started with the fact that the young Cesare was in prison was a political charge, and he did not like the cellmates. It was almost enough to create a new theory. The theory that people do not become criminals, but they are born due to their atavisms.


The theory of Lombroso fundamentally excluded from the consideration of social factors for the formation of the personality and the method of manifestation of its inclinations. As for anthropological factors (that is, the fact that the features of the face are mainly dependent on belonging to any ethnic group and family), Lombroso simply declared nations with more common "attack" features of the face - more prone to crimes. If somewhere at this place you remembered Hitler, then correctly. The theory of Lombroso was in a series of those that led to the emergence of the ideological base of the Third Reich. And yes, Lombroso believed that it makes no sense to plant people with the features of the face of innate criminals in prison. They need or immediately execute, or keep in isolation and on strict mode all life. What? Hitler remembered again?


What signs of appearance Lombrosovo considered "atavistic"? First of all, those that are purchased throughout the life: the asymmetry of the skull (appeared from the impossibility of working or the reluctance of drinking mothers to care for the baby properly), flattened noses, burrows. Low forehead, overly full lips, black curly hair and epilepsy were also considered as obvious signs of degenerativeness and initial inclinations to crimes.

But on the facial features, Lombroso did not want to stop. Among the signs indicating that a person or is already a criminal, or must them become, the doctor called, for example, the desire to make tattoos (absolutely any content and degree of grace, it does not matter) and ... Love for the new one. According to Lombroso, a normal, nonlegenative, mentally healthy person is afraid of everything. And only a person with animal atavisms new loves and looking for. Lovers of novelty, "Philoneist", Lombroso highlighted into a special type of degenerates, those inclined to political crimes. It would be difficult to say, the lombosis of murder on ideological soil would lead to the purpose of returning or maintaining the old state of affairs to political crimes or just murders, but most likely he just ignored them as not fit into theory.


Separate ballad deserves the attitude of lombosis to women. "Woman-criminal and prostitute" - work, gently beloved and passionately cited to the place and not to the place of merges of all the masters. While the outstanding writers, polishing the prostitutes, one after another came to the conclusion that a poverty and other social factors pushing a woman in his prostitutes and denounced the society forcing a woman to fall on the very bottom, Lommbrozo turned to the old good principle " The fool itself is to blame. " He crossed him with his theory about the congenital degenerativeness of any criminal. According to Lombroso, the woman fell on the path of crimes and falls, if she broke somewhere in the body, instinct of breeding and care for offspring, constituting, again, according to Lomrorozo, in general, the bulk of the personality of any woman. That is, every childfrey to the doctor will undoubtedly become a prostitute or will begin to commit crimes. Naturally, the main part of the man's personality, at the same time he considered intelligence.

Having been occupied by lubrozroos of the phenomenon of madness and genius. He approached this issue much more seriously and did not drive any research and any result of the study under his theory. But the conclusions can also be amazed. In its work, "genius or an insoluction", the doctor, for example, claimed that geniuses like to be born in mountainous areas, and in the valleys, especially wet, not very. Here, the Russians were a little offended.


It must be said that some of the insights of Lombroso nevertheless led to the real development of forensic. So, he noticed that there are several types of criminals who rarely combine their favorite kind of crime with others. According to Lombrosovo, there are five of them, because he allocated political criminals as a special type, but modern criminals tend to consider four: the killer, the rapist, thief and a fraudster. In addition, it was Lubromrozo that invented the detection of lies in physiological indicators, and specifically - on the pulses of the respondent. But the people went to the people, and so far we are here and there see the damage of the character traits to the facial features. Well, it is good that low-wing more executed on the fact of existence no longer suggest.

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