No, not, not "just"! Amateur psychological tips that we are tired



"Alien trouble with your hands to reconnaissance" - the principle of any unandoned council. And okay, if it were only about the affairs of material, but recently entered into a large fashion "to understand" in psychology and climb into someone else's soul. Without soap, naturally.

The most terrible advice from amateur psychologists is the word "simply", without which they do not fail.

Just sorry, it will be easier for you

The undoubted leader of our rating. Everything is assumed to forgive anything, anyone, anyone: from rudeness to sexual or physical violence, up to the murder attempt. On offended, in the end, the water is carried, and people are arranged about as robots, so do not be lazy, press the button inside the button that turns off the feeling of resentment, and live happily.

Just gather

Good advice, sometimes helps. But when you add to help or share anxious about what you do not have enough for something of my forces (time, money, knowledge, health), sounds like a mockery. Just gather and what? The diagnosis will disappear, the criminal species collectors will suddenly become polite and charming, uncle will die in Canada, leaving me a lot of extra money, and in the days it is formed 28 hours? And, sorry, how much did you get, Mr. Counter, what am I disassembled?

Just love yourself

I lived, you lived thirty years old, and I didn't mind anything. And then you suggested a good adviser, and you slam yourself in the forehead: Semen Semenovich! Where is there a button on the inclusion of love? Already running to crush. What happiness, that everything is so simple!

Just be above this


No, not in the sense, which is higher in order to gossip others, for example. And above what is offended by you. Some asshole above that you should humble, cannot be, but you should. Interestingly, how many women slaughtered by their husbands were just above their "zakidonov" in the form of beatings and insults? Not really motivating!

Think about who worse

In what sense? Do you want me to be pleased with someone's misfortune or so that there was a twice as much - and for his misfortune, and for children dying in the military conflict? Or maybe, because in India, most of the population is beaten, my human dignity will immediately disappear or repair itself will do?

Think maybe you yourself are to blame

If the adviser believes that we did not notice this phrase, "yes to spit on your whining, I got it already, I'm not going to save you, at least sympathize - all the more ... go, I walked to toxic wine!" . In a state of stress, we may not understand what is happening, but stress is not eternal, and our good attitude towards such advisors is also.

Just get married / Get married / Prevent a child


And if it did not help, just just pushing a husband, a wife or baby to the street and try something else. Did you mean that? Not? Surprisingly, why? Everything should be easy!

Before it was necessary to think

Maybe it was necessary, only to pronounce this phrase at a critical moment when you need help and sympathy - not very good. And, hey, actually thought you before. Not less than half of the turns of fate are generally impossible to envisage, no one has canceled the human factor, and the control of the universe is easily achievable by the correct behavior - a sweet myth.

Just let go of the situation

This advice is so often given not to the place that we will not even remember cases when it would be appropriate. "The terrible teacher yells on my child so that he is written and stutter, and it is impossible to change the school here, because I have no place, and I can't change my homework with my work schedule! How, how, how can I save the child? " - "You strain, just let go of the situation, everything will be right away." Dashtototh.

Just call it another word, and the relationship will change


Well, if the situation can not be changed in the root, or it is not very dangerous, then why not try. But why do you invent euphemisms for a quarrel, attacks, rudeness, laziness, and the like and pretend to do that? Yes, then after all, they hate and euphemism, because the situation will remain still nadke.

Take responsibility

It is proposed only in the form of "Pretend that the striker did not participate in the attack." Samadavinovat in a more polite wrapper. Eat it yourself, we will admire. If you are responsible for your actions, it does not mean that someone else's bad act in relation to you was not bad and what the one who committed it is not responsible for him.

Thoughts are positive

Not in the sense that you do not give up and look for which benefits can be learned from the situation or how to get out of the smallest losses. Oh no. Fans of psychological councils behind the phrase lies a valuable indication to sit down, folding the handles, rejoice in bad circumstances as good and, most importantly, do not spoil them the mood of the fact that someone in the world - namely you are unhappy. And you know what, give us that all the listed tips have all the same base.

In general, if the Council contains the word "simply", it is usually possible not even to listen.

And by the way. Professional psychologists of advice do not give. Maybe an example to take them?

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