Extended Pores: When you should not worry about this


Extended Pores: When you should not worry about this 37568_1
The acting canons of beauty say that the skin should be ideal so that even pores on the face are invisible. But is it really possible? And what to do those who do not succeed to achieve perfection? Everything is very simple - not to worry about this and understand that the pores are normal and it is absolutely not necessary to deal with them.

The origins of fashion trends

For some other decades, no one thought about the extended pores at all, but everything changed with the development and distribution of glossy magazines, in which all photos were processed in Photoshop. From pages to readers looked at the girls with perfect appearance and flawless skin, because all flaws were successfully adjusted by the skillful hand of the program masters.

But all this beauty is only on the pages, in reality, the skin of the models is far from the ideal, they also know the problem of extended pores, which in real life are hidden behind the dense layer of makeup.

Many girls have a bad habit - to consider their skin in a mirror with an increase in the increase, and then suffer from their own imperfection. Indeed, with too close consideration, everything often looks completely unattractive, but at the same time it is necessary to remember that in real life no one is so close to the skin considers, and many years of flaws are simply not noticed, because from the distance they are absolutely not visible.

Why stop worrying

Extended pores are natural, especially for owners of a fatty and combined skin type. In general, there are some pores, and their size is determined by two factors - genetics and quality of face care. If the extended pores were transferred to "inheritance", then this is not a disease, but just a givenness that needs to be taken. On the same side, you need to adhere to the right nutrition, which will allow to normalize the volume of the semium allocated, and ensure competent skin care.

But even if at 20 years old, the skin is dry and ideal, it does not guarantee that it will remain like this in 40. There are many women with a dry dermal after 40 facing the problem of extended pores. And here is a very common mistake - the ladies buy care cosmetics, which is aimed at narrowing the pores, and begin to actively apply it.

But cosmetologists are categorically against this! Often such funds are intended for combined and fatty skin types that need dryness and deep purification. Due to the loss of elasticity, with age, the skin becomes thinner, so it is experiencing a direct opposite need - in moisturizing and nutrition. The use of drying agents may aggravate the problem and lead to the formation of wrinkles.

When it is worth to worry

But sometimes due to extended pores, it is still worth worrying, for example, when concomitant problems arise in the form of acne. It often happens because of the problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract or with pathologies in the field of gynecology. In such situations, it is not necessary to rely on cosmetics, especially since the results from it will not be anyway - you need to contact a gastroenterologist and a gynecologist to calculate the root of the problem and eliminate it. Indeed, in this case, the problem is not aesthetic, but physical nature. That is why acne and other skin problems often happen in the transition period, when hormones are raised in the body.

In women, long-lasting publies, such problems may arise due to hormonal imbalances, improper nutrition, bad habits, improper care. Therefore, with extended pores you need to try to calculate the cause of such a state, and if everything is in order with health, it means that in your case it is not worth worrying.

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