Sex etiquette: morning after. How not to hit the face


It doesn't matter whether it was one-night-stand, a traditional marital friday sex or at all, contrary to everything spent with the former / former. It is important that you were in the morning in one bed. So that neither happened at night, the reality fell on you. What to do? We know that!

Behave yourself

Sex etiquette: morning after. How not to hit the face 37558_2
That is, do not jump out of bed with the shouts "Aaaaaa, who are you? !!?", "God, where am I and what was yesterday?!?!?", "I will give you all the money, just do not touch me !!!" And do not clarify the name of the nearby body, if you do not feel enough forces to, if that, to translate everything in an unrecognized joke. To begin with, you can smile and say something like a good morning! " Well, or the driver is asked if it's very bad.

We behave decent-2

Sex etiquette: morning after. How not to hit the face 37558_3
If suddenly you woke up in proud loneliness in someone else's apartment, then the best way out will wash, gather and fall of the ravoisi, leaving a note or sending SMS. Well, if of course you are not sure that the guy went for coffee, flowers and a diamond ring. But, as practice and life experience shows, it happens very rarely and in the movies.

Hunger - not aunt

Sex etiquette: morning after. How not to hit the face 37558_4
The owner of the apartment is preparing breakfast and it is not discussed. Even if just a cup of coffee and cigarette. Even if he recently moved and from the dishes he has a basin and a saucepan on 8 liters. So it would be nice to have a stock in case of emergency breakfast like chocolate balls, muesli, eggs and coffee, of course.

Dish purity

Sex etiquette: morning after. How not to hit the face 37558_5
There are no French kisses and everything else until I went to the bathroom and did not see the toothbrush there! If the brushes are not, then clean your teeth with a finger, a cotton disk or cotton wand can also be checked by practice. Perhaps you are sure that they are fragrant as a May rose, but believe me, if yesterday you drove a red tequila, then it is very hardly.

Dish cleaning-2

Sex etiquette: morning after. How not to hit the face 37558_6
By the way, the need to refresh the whole body is entirely. In this case, it is better to overdo it. Not only was it hot to you at night, it is distinguished by approximately half-liter fluid from the body. And all through the sweat.

Tenderness - our all

Sex etiquette: morning after. How not to hit the face 37558_7
This Council applies primarily to men. You do not have to try to wake up a girl with great sex - you can ask very much ******** (surprised) from unexpected joy. Only neat affection, smell of coffee, stroking and a gentle whisper on the eye. Perhaps you will be waiting for beautiful morning sex, but you do not need to immediately go to her with a member of the vindication. Women are delicate creatures. Especially in the morning.


Sex etiquette: morning after. How not to hit the face 37558_8
A man proposes to call a taxi or calls him. If resources are limited, accompanies to a subway or place, from where you can get into civilization. Does not give up a lady, in short. But she is free to refuse and proudly leave alone. Check only that this is not any edge of the village in the village of Grandpa. We warned.

Do not forget about manners!

Sex etiquette: morning after. How not to hit the face 37558_9
Good upbringing is always valued very high, so do not forget to screw a small compliment like "nice was evening", especially if you defeated half of the apartment in a sexual fierce, scared the taxi driver to death, as they started right in the car and pass the bank.

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