4 facts about mental illnesses that are worth knowing an adult person


Mental Health Day is celebrated on October 10. Despite the fact that our century is a century of information, there are many myths around mental diseases and disorders. Let's look at the facts more sensible.

Not every mentally ill person aggressive

Thanks to a large number of films and books, we used to represent people with psyche disorders attackers for whom will have or marsh maniacs. In fact, most patients are no more aggressive than other people.

If a person hears the voices, they make him kill?

Hearing hallucinations in the form of human voices that give advice or orders, our suspicion or something frightening, sometimes accompany the problems with the psyche. But what exactly will say voices, depends on various factors, for example, from a culture in which a person has grown.

Recently, a study was conducted, which showed that a person from archaic culture, where they believe in the help of ancestors, hallucinations will give wise (or "wise") advice on the economy. A man from a culture based on Christianity with his idea of ​​obsession by the demons, and grew up on films with insane maniacs, most likely will hear aggressive orders. But it is not a fact. The outstanding mathematician John Nash was also the "voices in the head", and they did not advise him for any crime.

"With a mental disorder" is not the "stupid"

First, remember John Nash again. Secondly, the situation illustrates the old Soviet joke.

Near the psychiatric hospital, a car was stopped, which urgently needed to put the flying wheel in place. But all four bolts flew out of the wheel, and the driver stood in confusion.

One of the patients advised him to unscrew the bolt from other three wheels to put the fourth. Thus, all four would hold on three bolts.

- Incredible that you, patient such a clinic, thought before me! - exclaimed the driver. The patient answered:

- I'm crazy, not an idiot.

"Crazy" is "talented", and vice versa?

This myth only seems flattering for people with mental disorders. In fact, he presents to the sick upgraded requirements, and if a person with mental health problems is in a hurry to be ingeniously solving theorems, draw pictures of incredible beauty and fountaining by insights in the field of art or science, others treat him as if he did not meet their expectations .

Sometimes mental disorders give inspiration and the opportunity to look under the new perspective on the usual things, but even in this case, without talent and skill, the embodiment of the birth of ideas will come out so-so.

In addition, a large number of talented writers, inventors, artists and so on did not have any problems with mental health and, the maximum, received the title of "madman" for the fact that there was a contrary to public installations or embodied too bold, breakthrough ideas.

What, of course, does not cancel the fact that many gifted and famous people have and have mental disorders, because the "patient" does not mean also "meditarian".

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