10 products you need to get pregnant


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Avocado, eggs and beets (and maybe all together) and other unexpected products that experts advise are to increase their own fertility. And what, what if? ..

It's no secret that the guarantee of health is proper nutrition. For the reproductive system of man there is no exception. But, if the children appeared only at the sewing supporters of healthy food, we would not have so much on earth. Well, what can you say, we all start to think about the family and children. And when they are unheard that it is time to give birth, a heartless organism begins to take revenge, recalling all sleepless nights in clubs, nervous work, surplus, bad habits and bad ecology.

And while you read brochures "at 40 my life just begins" Some scientists make almost sensational statements, reporting that the state and the fullness of the elderly egg cells and the spermatozoa are largely determined and the course of pregnancy and the state of the newborn, and, even the health of the adult . Research results show that even the nutrition of grandparents in their adolescence can affect the risks of mortality of their future grandchildren.

Of course, we all touched to the sorrow and not only, we understand that a lifelong healthy diet is all the same stress and a serious challenge of the psyche and self-discipline. Paranoid and blind followed by the latest trends in fashion for food very powerfully criticize all deserved nutritionists.

Objectively, it is possible and normal in its diet to bring to a maximum the number of useful and healthy products consumed. Is it not good news? That is, even if you want to make an eskimo in a month once a month with a doctoral, Just Do it!


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The overseas fruits that we already like relatives are extremely rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and natural fats. In Avocado, full-fully vitamin E, which is necessary for maintaining and recreating the endometrium, also it contributes to the "high-quality" implantation of an observed egg. In addition, avocado is an indispensable natural source of folic acid, which is extremely necessary for conception and for the normal course of pregnancy. Folic acid is also necessary for the normal development of the spine of the embryo.

Muscat pumpkin (nut pumpkin, "Batternat")

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Queen among the pumpkins, in general, almost the most useful and nutritious vegetable. It contains the entire table, no, not Mendeleev, and all-all necessary substances and trace elements. Rich in natural fiber and beta-carotene, which participates in the active workout of the hormone of progesterone, which in turn improves the quality and the amount of sperm allocated, in short, you understand, about gnawing pumpkin seeds - this is not a people's myth. The scientific journal "Fertility and infertility" will not compose.


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Beets - also cool. Contains a natural antioxidant resveratrol, which helps in the fight against age-related infertility, also contains substances that accelerate blood flow, not in vain, athletes are drumming. Freshly squeezed beet juice is recommended for women undergoing Eco course to improve the bleeding in the uterus and contribute to the attachment of the embryo.


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We are broadcasting from each iron for the benefit of fish, but about unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, we seem to know almost everything. In addition to the general benefit for the cardiovascular system and Eye Omega-3 plays a huge role in feminine fertility. Under one condition, salmon should be organically grown or caught in a natural habitat.


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Imagine the feederness and benefits of eggs explores at Cornell University! In addition to well-known things and protein content, eggs are attributed to enormous benefits for the development of the embryo due to the increased content of vitamin B4.


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Earlier, high activity of substances contained in walnuts and helping the body in the fight against prostate cancer and breast cancer were already proven. California University, which studies the properties of nuts, called Walnut - "Royal". The handful of walnuts contains some kind of excavating number of vitamins of the group B and E and omega-3-fats, which is extremely positively affected by the morphological composition of sperm.


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Separate specialists call it "superwood". In the civilization of the Inca Movie was one of the three main types of food on a par with corn and potatoes. Incas called her "golden grain". It does not contain gluten and is part of many Mediterranean dishes. Thanks to the nutritional and the rich content of film minerals is also called the product favorable for conception.

Cress Salad.

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Cress Salad contains most elements that are lacking in a human diet living in the European territory, this is calcium, and vitami K, and vitamin C, beta-carotene, iron and iodine. The plant is recognized as effective in combating the harmful effects of free radicals, since antioxidants fighting aging. Some studies lead data on the fact that the Cress Salad has important auxiliary properties in the fight against cancer and helps to restore damaged DNA cells.


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It is rich in vitamins and trace elements and contains folic acid. Pomegranate also contains substances with anti-aging effect, strengthening the cardiovascular system and actively involved in the fight against cancer cells. In ancient Persia, the pomegranate was generally a symbol of fertility. It has been proven that the use of fresh pomegranate juice helps prevent brain damage in babies.


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For many of the Asparagus, we are still a mysterious product, but no one has canceled it from the point of view of the men's and female fertility. Also rich in folic acid.

A source

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