# Prokino: We looked at it for you. "Combat Mechanism" (USA, 2016)



The experienced viewer is already pretty old, so I remember the movie "9.5 weeks" (these are "50 shades of gray" for Soviet pioneers), and in the ears of an experienced viewer still sounds the quiet woman's moans, coming from hard chairs of a cinema when Mickey Rourk stood In the doorway triceps out. An experienced viewer also moaned for this triceps, so watch the film "Combat Mechanism" to the experimental viewer was almost physically painful.

Bald Uncle is talking on the phone with his son. Son says - oh, dad, I like it so much, such a team is good, such guys are fun, I am very pleased. Bald Uncle Looks a mounted tear and says - well, so nice, I knew that you would like to work in the Pentagon, this is not some sewage. The connection is interrupted here, and the included TV says Uncle, which has just been a terrorist attack on the Pentagon. The building is completely destroyed. Uncle recipes his son again, listens to the answering machine and squeezes fists.

Young pretty killhead guy in a bar with waitress. That is ready to give him after work, but the guy grabs his head and moan.

The protagonist is passionately kisses the sexual wife, and in the interruptions for a set of air tells the charming daughter, as he loves her. Family jacks breaks the phone call of an elderly bearded black policeman - they say, where you wish, a partner, there is such a thing.

The hero lears the photos from the bar, on which it is difficult to disassemble something, except the huge puddle of blood. A pretty guy is sitting in the interrogation room, which is drunk with a waitress, and shouts that he did not do anything, ask the polygraph. Not that which Dostoevsky, and which is a lie detector. The polygraph gives an electric tooth that the guy truth says. But the video from the surveillance cameras in detail shows how the guy of everyone shoots from a huge machine. As a result, eight corpses, including the US Senator, who unsuccessfully entered the Pinta Ale. By reflection, the polygraph decide not to believe.


The hero goes to the interrogation room and says the guy - I also served in Iraq, I also have a post-commitant syndrome, but I chose a family and sex, and you, and you. A cute guy suddenly changes in his face, grinning, says - yeah, it was me, let's handle, I will write everything. Takes a handle, puts it on the table and struggling to the eye on the hand. The hero is confused by a bad word that everyone knows with junior high school classes.

The case takes the FBI, the hero shakes his shoulders and go home. He is very beautiful. Hero's houses are waiting for the night of love and phone call is not on time. Mysterious voice says - come back to the park and run there. If you want, of course, to find out why you have a suspect sticks in your eye sticks.

The hero is running around the park, and towards him sitting Mickey Rourke. Mickey looks as if he was thrown to the full cycle in a washing machine in the company of twenty kilograms of horse manure. Then dropped from the eight-dimensional floor and there and came here to the asphalt roller. And then they stuck the nose with a plaster, put glasses in horny frames and planted in the park, meet with the main hero.

The hero says - and Cho called? Mickey Rourke answers that he cannot say anything, he risks so much. An experienced viewer adores such dialogues to almost convulsion. The hero says - well, OK, then I went. Mickey replies that here is a flash drive, everything is there.


The bald uncle on the deck of the aircraft carrier speaks to the brave-taut general, which is enough to send our boys to death, he came up with a super retention, here, see. And shows on the phone video, where the terrorist Eastern appearance sits at the table in the company of similar terrorists, and then grabs his head and explodes the house. That's, the bald uncle speaks, as convenient. The adjacent general agrees. Promises promotion and money.

The main character is trying to read the data from the flash drive, but it is encoded. Although the sense of humor Mickey did not leave, and Thank you. The hero carries the Botana-Chinese flash drive by Victor. Probably in honor of Chkalov (an experienced viewer remembers that Chkalov was called Valery, but concrete Chinese parents could confuse). Chinese Victor includes Stopickot monitors raised along the wall, and says the hero that look at leisure.

But the hero does not like to languish waiting, so takes his elderly partner and goes to Mickey Rudrka home. But Mickey is sitting in a wheelchair and says that there is no idea who is our hero - he sees it for the first time. And in any park yesterday I did not run - you see, what's the joy here. The elderly partner scarcely looks at the hero and says that you have to rest (an experienced viewer adores such dialogues).

A confused main character takes a daughter from school, but here his car tall a huge jeep, from there pops up a man with a gun and tries to kill the hero. But the hero kills the man faster, takes her daughter injured in the accident and slowly, on Rapid, goes on the road. Why goes, not going when the car is completely on the go? Why not checked - what if there are additional men in the jeep with pistols? Why does not cause help call, and carries the affected child with an unknown damage to the hands? Because Rapid is also, well.

Bald uncle in surgical gloves at home at Mickey Rouris. Says - you are a traitor. Mickey is confused - boss, I did not say anything to anyone. But the uncle pulls out some kind of device, presses the button, and the mickey drops from a wheelchair to the floor. An experienced viewer promises Mickey that in his heart Mickey will forever remain young triceps, who tied Kim Besinger to the bed and gave money to boys who knew the melody from the "bull".

Running the child to doctors and sobbing wife, the hero goes to Mickey, to understand. But Mickey has already figured out paragraph above, so one hope for Chinese-Victor. Chinese-Victor says - listen, there are some nanotechnology and other smart words. The hero says - I'm not Chubais, come on, come on without nanotechnology, I will explain the essence of me. Chinese says - I don't understand the essence, I need a million dollars and a helicopter. Okay, he just said that he did not understand the essence, this experienced viewer wants to somehow revive this dialogue.


Meanwhile, the bald uncle leads the brave tightened general along the secret laboratory. Here we have tomatoes, cucumbers, all our ... Well, there were no cucumbers, sorry the experienced viewer, he is very boring. Here, says Uncle, capsules. They can be changed in consciousness with other people. That is, the operator takes control of the terrorist, and he kills himself. Cool, yeah? The general admires the general. By the way, with Lyshm Uncle on the secret laboratory, there is some kind of woman in an evening dress and without text. Apparently, performs the role of rapid.

The hero comes home, and there is a wonderful wife in sexual body tells the human voice - I want you right now. The hero is a little dumbfounded - how so? We have a child in the hospital! The wife does not see communication and starts the hero to undress. The hero says that he has a headache, the wife sighs and tries the hero to kill her legs first, and then a vase on his head. Did not hurt when a wife in sexual body.

The hero lies in the outboard, the wife takes a smartphone and speaks there that, perhaps, the hero realized that it was not his wife. An experienced viewer responds that it was not a fact that could write off on PMS.

The hero will be brought to the secret laboratory, from which he is implied, alive will not be released. The call of his wife to an unknown subscriber acquires even more sense - and if the hero had guess that it was not his wife, something would have changed much?

Bald Uncle says the classic monologue of a negative character (an experienced viewer adores such monologues) and reports the hero that now they will take His consciousness, and he will be one of the universal fighters of a new nanotechnology military project. The red-haired doctor fastens the hero to the bed with handcuffs and fastens to the head of green suction cups. Nanotechnology Such nanotechnology.

Three universal soldiers come to pick up the USB flash drive from the Chinese. But Victor, though Botan, but still the Chinese. Therefore, his Kung Fu turns out to be cooler Kung Fu three universal soldiers. An experienced viewer struggles with the desire to inform Lysny Uncle that if the small botan dismissed from his Millennium project with two legs and one flash drive, then the project was somehow not set.

The red-haired doctor whispers the hero that it is in Mickey Ruta climb and the hero of the flash drive handed over. To stop this is all. So let's run. But first, he says the hero, we will destroy the program! The hero is gaining a partner and says - do not, they are simply trading the call and take me out of here.


The entire urban police, including the gray-haired Negro Nadarner Hero, is at the secret laboratory and plans to capture. China is fighting Victor. An experienced viewer raises the eyes of the mountain and asks the ceiling: "But how, Holmes?".

Chinese says - and where is the hero? I wanted to give him a flash drive. The ceiling does not meet the experienced viewer. The ceiling is stupidly rzh.

The hero and the red-haired doctor understand that the program will not be able to destroy. The hero says - how are the consciousnesses change? Here in these capsules, right? I would test. The red-haired doctor shouts that it is very dangerous, but the heroes never listen to doctors.

The bald uncle on the deck of the aircraft carrier tells a very honorable public about a breakthrough in a military craft and victory over world terrorism. And then grabs his head and says - I am responsible for the death of the US Senator, who wanted to close our project. I gave a slaughter in a cafe. My technology is a terrible thing, for example, it was necessary to push the amendment about the restriction of weapons, so I climbed the head of the boy, and he shot half a chalter. In short, my project is shit, let's close it. The brave tightened general loses his jaw, then finds a gun and kills a bald uncle, because that traitor.

The Hero's partner requires a red-haired doctor to get a hero from the capsule. The doctor shouts that it is impossible. Then the partner breaks the glass capsules, and it turns out that there is nothing impossible in this world. Now it's time to run. But in the arena, that is, in the corridor of the secret base, it turns out ... The experienced spectator tales on the pause and long rubber eyes. Unsuccessfully tert. And there is a huge human-like robot in the arena.


The robot says - a threat was found, kills a red-haired doctor, almost kills the partner and grunks to the hero. And where, I'm wildly apologizing, the rest of the police? - an experienced spectator is wedged, but it disgusts it. A huge robot stifles the main character, but the hero pulls away from the neck of a small wiring, and the robot obediently turns off. Real breakthrough in a military craft, Cho.

The hero and partner overlook the secret laboratory. The police cars are then driven up (an experienced viewer adores this stamp). Apparently, the last twenty minutes all the city police rode around the building chairs. The police chief will press the hand of the hero and says - here you have come to you. Keetan Victor runs up. And tick the hand of the hero. And he says - here you have come to you.

If the wife, - says the ceiling experienced viewer, - then I will eat my favorite electronic cigarette.

From the car comes the wife of the hero. The plastic is unpleasant crumbs on the teeth.

A daughter of the hero comes from the car from the car. Apparently, recovered.

The experienced viewer records the observation journal for living nature, which if the entire city police are going to free a colleague from the secret military laboratory, then his friends and family of victims take with him, including young children.

The hero kisses her daughter. The hero kisses his wife. China Victor looks a tear. The police chief asks for a partner - and there was something? The partner says - oh, let's come to tomorrow. The police chief obedient nods.

The kissing hero and his wife floods a bright sunlight. Titers.

"It's time to tie with this rubric", -An hour and a half in a row thought Alexander Smilaanskaya

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