11 ways to draw even the most harmonious relationship


In fairy tales, all the peripetics and municipality of lovers always end with the wedding. But in life, all the most fascinating at this point just begins!

And if you scare boredom solid tenderness and impassable mutual understanding, Pics hurries to calm you: the chance to bury even the most immortal love we always have! Yes, not one, but a whole dozen. In order to turn an unearthly feeling in a caustic tight, it is enough to perform at least a couple of these uncomplicated commandments.

1. "And where is the fairy tale?"

Frame from the film
Actually, the fairy tales themselves, as well as romantic films with books and other myths with legends, are largely to blame for the fact that we turn your life into gloomy sagas and muddy thrillers. Under the motto: If this is true feelings and love to the coffin, then why everything does not develop in itself, easily and magnificent, without extraneous effort?! Why do not fly around the elf and do not be chipping sweetly in the ear, where exactly I dreamed of going on vacation? Why it is necessary to "decide", "negotiate", "give up" ... I am a fretaker, and I do not want to solve anything - I want porch pore!

2. We write one, two in the mind

Frame from the film
"He must feel!", "She should guess!" No, we do not argue: telepathy in love is scientifically proven, especially in the candidate and bakery period and in small reasons. Then any coincidence right up to "Oh, you brought ice cream, and I just wanted him, this is a sign" - perceived as a revelation over. But if your thoughts do not voice your mouth, sooner or later you will have to boil the brain and spit with poison.

3. Too much "honest"

Frame from the film
You have a unique merger of the shower, this is observed only once in the geological period. And therefore you have no secrets from each other. You have nothing to hide! Full openness, up to the externality inside out. You tell him how much you had before it and in what specific configurations, he shares with you that it was he thought at the sight of the stern in the leggings. This soulful striptease can even be lit and drunk, but one day you find yourself among bad smelling moral waste. Hangover, ma'am.

4. Donate everyone!

Frame from the film
What did you have in the asset at the time of dating? Ambitious plans? Hidden talents? Well, at a thin end, at least the best of the best years - you probably had! Put them as soon as possible. And apply your beloved creature. Do not need him? How it is not necessary!? Sui is more active. Otherwise, what then is it sorely meloded: "I! For you! Everything! And you! .. "Kids, by the way, also connect. A guaranteed method in one fellible to turn the whole family in shuchigan and fristed neurotics. Led by him.

5. We bring up each other

Frame from the film
It is a very convenient method to bring to the handle (door), because it can be implemented with the naive-wooden Face A la "After all, I sincerely take care of you." You can even improve perfection. And if there is not the most fengsuine in the light of the creature, which would not hurt to run crosses or increase the increase from the bosses - God himself ordered him to write it, to put together and still walk the sandpaper. From this it starts great to slide. In the opposite of the family nest direction.

6. My bones on people

Frame from the film
If a cute friend turned out to be suddenly - and somewhere dispersed or an accelerated, it is necessary to complain to this with foreign citizens. Very therapeutically. Shock such therapy. To criticize the fun, you should smile and giggle. And what, it is impossible to quickly and joke, you are a dull bore, heheh. Unkilled jokes in the company - they are terribly harking relationships ... or split?

7. On his wave

Frame from the film
I left for the weekend to my mother on a small homeland - Hichkai in the phone: "Oh, they came to me here, well, you do not know them." Write mysterious statuses with hints, understandable only deeply dedicated. For concerned or puzzled questions, it is not necessary to answer. Love is freedom, and to whom is not so - everything is in the garden. In that garden you have already a whole company gathered.

8. You compare!

Frame from the film
Men, are you there? To whom it is necessary - quickly recording the mega-true way to get rid of any loving and beloved. Warranty - 106%, removes any ecstasy as hand. A simple principle: "Women can be as much as you like, and Mom is alone, so my mother will always be more important to me." And creates real miracles! Any number of wives is nipple.

9. Do not give air

Frame from the film
Are you to the bachelorette party? Why are you without me? Are you fishing? And what about me? And what are you in your pockets, interesting? And on the table you have something Bardak, come on, I'm wrapped around. And who is it like you here in an even place? The round-the-clock lack of personal space causes claustrophobic quickly and efficiently.

10. "Your herds are my herds"

Frame from the film
He is practically you. And vice versa. Therefore, you do not think you can absorb all the chops left in the refrigerator - as it were, I also ate. And he does not hesitate to you when communicating with a plumber on his adverbs, and does not close the door to the toilet ... if you do not take into account the presence of a partner - it is still hitheat and turns into the absence.

11. Moral incest.

Frame from the film
All the way were you Masha with Kali, but here successfully gave birth to a couple of new citizens - and became mommy and daddy. Very mimi and in any nya. Only here instead of the just had a place of Lamur-Tuzhura, you have gradually formed a kindergarten on the pays. Without a deity, without inspiration - and sex is some kind of timid and inconclusive. Still: someone would not enter with their despicable genital bodies to the nearest parent!

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