How to spend your vacation together and do not kill each other


Romantic walks along "all inclusive" and playful photo sessions in the surf? Do not believe the bindings that promise you a paradise week in Maldives.

Sharing vacation is a real crash test for a relationship. We will tell how to survive him with honor and do not bury the companion on the hotel beach.

Agree on the shore

Sketch a verbal portrait of the perfect holiday and compare the readings. All that does not coincide - in the furnace. If nothing matches anything at all, then it is worth thinking if the idea of ​​a joint travel is not to send to the furnace.

Find a compromise

You say "Fantastic Spa Resort," and he hears - "Slame Sanatorium Stenroga" and all Taldychit that only mountains can be better than the mountains? The world is big, find a place that will please both - a skiing near Milan with its sales or a beach club with a whole fleet of aquatic motorcycle.

Do not rush

4 days your exhausted organisms will be used to warm, idleness and a shrimp cocktail for breakfast. At this time, it is better not to plan any stormy activity. 6-7 Subsequent days you can frolic like sea seals - this is the best vacation time when both have already switched to rest, while working weekdays are somewhere around the horizon. Let the entire cultural program will meet this week.

Give freedom

You and so do not go anywhere from a partner. There is no need to constantly wander together, as if you are mercated Irisky. Loyal on the beach alone where is more pleasant than with a nunning trailer, which is a culture.

Pour money

It has long been noticed that on vacation many are experiencing sharp attacks of inflammation of leaning. Of course, you were counting on 10 dollars a day to argue with lobsters and fly around the hotel in a balloon, you all said that Thailand is cheap! Vacation - It is like repairs, always at least 30% more expensive than estimates, so provide yourself with a financial buffer so that in recent days do not eat beach garbage. And even if you have a hundred years as a common cube, grab your separate pack of Tugryk. Do not have to fight for each magnet and T-shirt.

Forget about the mode

Stand around the alarm clock at 6:00 to admire the dawn over the ocean? It is better to download appropriate wallpaper on your desktop and admire the game of paints during working hours. On vacation it is necessary to wake up and fall asleep when I want, and there is no time in a certain hotel, but how are you getting hardened. Otherwise, irritability will also be added to the stress of acclimatization and jet lag.

Take a business

Breakfast-sea lunch-sea dinner. On the third day of such a measured wals, people satanize from boredom, begin to look at their neighbor and think about - how did I live next to this sad unicellular one? Capture frisbee, chess or puzzle from a million pieces.


Well, finally, nothing distracts us and you can find out the relationship. So what do you have, say, was it with this red mop from the polymer department? A third of the gloomy couples standing in line for a divorce hit there after a joint holiday. Old claims, free Pina Kolada and Heat - an explosive combination. As soon as he wants to "seriously talk", Sun in the mouth of Papaya. In it vitamins.

Show the initiative

The agency organizes you a bed, feed and a sightseeing tour of souvenir shops. Excellent, if you are 70 years old, it is impossible to be better and desired. But clear holidays do not reveal on silk sheets - they climb into some tripadvisor and search for secret local cafes in which guests are serviced by dogs, private chainsaw museums and tours of the castles with ghosts. And the time will kill, and there will be something to discuss in addition to the temperature of the water in the pool.

Get ready for expression

Any schedule failed on vacation turns into a tragedy. We used to plan everything to the smallest detail and on vacation continue to engage in this nonsense: "On Monday, an excursion to the wine cellar, from 15:30 to 16:15 - enjoy the sun in the chaise lounge, then until the evening - there is an unrestrained fun at the pool." Relax already, the cellar will be wiring for tourists, the sun hides, and the pool occupies packets from Chelyabinsk. This is where you use the plan b and the ability to improvisation.

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