Beasts on the couch. What would they say to a psychologist?


I want to be a cousin, sometimes - a dog. And not even for the reason that in a comic children's poem. And so that no these troubles and experiences, stress and frustrations, sorry for the expression ... And one solid universal love and round-the-clock meditation!

However, you know, envious two-legged, as the Mimmichny soul has. And they sometimes suffer from no less than our, and they have problems. Just zoopsychology, we have not yet been developed, and no one taxicing or Maine Kuna does not fit to the couch to special.

"Doctor, one of us went crazy. They seem to be sure that I have this stupid consciousness. Everything understands, they say, just say can not, cunning reptile! "

Actually… Animals are painful and pleasure, react to human words and feel his condition. In this sense, they are practically like us, yes. Only here all our fabrications that we like in the literature and blogs, about how they are, cats with dogs, they explain something, remember and analyze - it is simply an anthropomorphism. In the sense, who has what hurts, that this is all surrounding and transfers. We, Sapirens, and reasonable mechanisms of the planet enslave, and the wise bunch in the famous cartoon appears.

"They say: ah, look like a ball with Barsik Mimmy! Like a cat with a dog! "

Actually… In the daily behavior of the beasts, of course, take into account who in front of them. But, a clear case, Lynneevskaya or any other classification, they do not own. So if you are, a dog, you feel that in front of you the dog is that it is for you and there is a dog. But not always clear that you are. And in cases where the person in some Macar is occupied by the place of the biological mother of a little one, it may well identify himself with people. Yes, you, in general, look at yourself in the mirror: you yourself are a dog!

"Doctor, this is my childhood injury ..."

Actually… Little brothers really happen to "the same garbage". For example, if a puppy was too early to deprived the mother, the adult dogs will have certain problems. He will somewhat differently will perceive new phenomena, he will be afraid and not be afraid, interested and not interested in not exactly the way his fellow. Well, the parent from him will be a little ... Everything, in general, not like people. In the sense, not like dogs.


"And the owner says to me: what, the ass shaggy, forgot, how are you yesterday? .. But what is yesterday, doctor?!"

Actually… Tuziki and Murziki are the best Buddhists, in the sense that they are always in the moment, which we call "here and now." Well, they do not have divisions on days, and the relationship between events they feel solely momentous. Therefore, if you are going to reward something clever, then that she fell into this relationship, there should be no more than 2-3 minutes between the presentation of the paws and the sugar. And in order to deal with the relationship between the broken vase and the skipper in Campol, should be half a minute. And during this time, something else should not happen! So for the upbringing of the four-legged need not punishment - in the form, as we love to do it on the children: "It is for you for something, you will know!" They need a negative reinforcement: "You will do this - immediately will be like this." And it should only happen exactly at the same time.

"No, doctor, nor from what broom I still do not turn to steal the sausage. I want to escape to the sofa just faster! "

Actually… "The Effect Act", formulated by zoopsychology, another hundred years ago, says that "the likelihood of reaction reaction, behind which reinforcement should increase, and the likelihood of reaction reaction, behind which the unpleasant consequence is reduced." In general, the whip and gingerbread is classically. Only the thing is that the same psychologist (namely Tordandix) after 20 years thought to the fact that with the second part of the pattern slightly settled. From punishment, the desire to repeat once again what it pulls, - it does not disappear. It simply changes: I want to do the same thing, but in some other way, so as not to fall.

"Alarming? Yes, sometimes. Do you know what instinct tells me? Anxious? Pick! "

Actually… Why does a cat make his wet affair in the boot? Not because she realizes that the shoe will become nick you, and wants to take revenge. She is not a mad turman you, and you are not Carradine. She marks his smell of part of the world, which better let her smell, so calmer. Because a new and someone else's alarming. And when I feel like you, my beloved - somehow in the souls calmer. From here and "Gifts" in the shoes of the guests and labels in a new place. In an offended state, this is about the same attempt to regain comfort.

"Cantive muzzle? Yes, not because I found it - and so as not to be poured! "

Actually… Spaniel or kitty make super-dinous guilty eyes and ears not when they are found. They do it when notice the short-bottomed type of owner - and this means that it is necessary to urgently apply secret weapons (that is, the mechanism of the device). This completely does not depend on whether the beast did something reprehensible - or not.

"What complain, ask? On the owner! "

Actually… Some animal owners, having problems with the upbringing and behavior of dogs, turn to trainers. And it would be worth it to a psychologist. Because their behavior is the indicator of our problems. Most often, the dog is aggressive not because it is vicious in the soul, but because you have somehow it led to this.


"Help, he is just an absurr!"

Actually ... a person very often torments animals. Even if it does not drag over the tail and does not tweak the satellum. He puts them in the jumpsuit and clings to them a bows. He treats them delicious - and dangerous for health - chocolate, because they are so asked. He delays the time of walk, and the poor animal remains to tolerate to the last. He grabs them in his arms and passionately at the moment when they absolutely do not need communication, but a dream and digestion is required. And they can not do anything. Is that the shoes to mark. And then not with evil. And then the inconspicuous owner does not take it.

"Do I love them? Well, where to go ... "

Actually… What kind of people love animals? Let's just say, more or less understandable and predictable. Therefore, they do not complain disabled or drunk. The fact that they are incomprehensible and unusual, they scares them. Yes, of course, they are familiar to affection: the individual highlights another individual from the rest - and seeks to spend more time with him, and reacts to a meeting and separation from it differently than all other meetings and separations. And in different animals, this feeling is developed in varying degrees. Let's say adult dogs in relation to the owners behave like a child behaves towards mom. Cats or horses have these feelings weaker, although they are familiar with them.

"Why, why ... all ran, and I ran!"

Actually… Why when is one pupin marks, the whole village is usually connected right? In a smart one, it is called "affiliation behavior" - that is, such behavior that confirms that you are in the group. "Hard instinct", as is customary to call in everyday life. Another intelligent word explaining this process: Contugatory behavior. That is causative. "Infection" occurs at a certain level of excitement, when the living beings "on the same wave" begin to perform the same actions. People also have it, the easiest example is the infection of the yoke.

"Do I have depression? Ask, doctor! "

Actually… Animals really have depressive states. Only in their case is usually called otherwise: long stress. If it is too long in it, then, like the scapiens exhausted depress man, may arise health problems. Monkeys in this sense are especially "developed": they also have neurosis, phobias and obsessions. And you say: I want to the palm tree and everyone! We will have to do it without a palm tree ... Consciousness to connect, or what?

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