11 depriving facts from the life of serial murderers around the world


Horror films are difficult to compete with those nightmares that are doing other real people. Even if you omit military atrocities - here are 11 facts from the life of serial killers in different countries, from which hair is end.


Crafty lover

Italian maniac Leonard Changchully, who killed three women in 1939 and 1940, from fat one of them was soap, adding a little cologne for aroma. Soaps came out several pieces, and Changchully distributed his neighbors and acquaintances.

Ufector neighbor

The restaurant in the American city of Cleveland spent about 30,000 dollars to fight unpleasant turn. Then it turned out that the stench comes from the next to the restaurant apartment Anthony Sowella - he kept the dismembered corpses at home.


One of the most terrible rapists and killers of women and girls Rodney Alkal is also known for their participation in the show, where girls are looking for a couple of each other. The participant of the tour with Alkali even chose him out of three applicants, but at the last moment I changed my mind to go on a date with him. The girl just miraculously carried. Alkal's victims before the murder of long and terribly torture.

An eye for an eye

The killer hundreds of children Pakistan Javeda Ikbala sentenced to execution repeating what he did with his little victims: after hanging, his body should have been cut into small pieces and dissolve in acid in the presence of parents killed them. True, Ikbal managed to get and drink poison before hanging, probably fearing that it would not be very carefully and chopped him alive.

Like a vampire from fairy tales

Richard Chase, the killer, who drank blood and eating the flesh of his victims, was only in the house with the doors unlocked on the castle, not trying to penetrate where the doors were closed. As Chase explained the police, he believed that where the door was locked up, he would not be happy to see him.

Hot report

The killer and the rapist Macedonets Vlado Tanesca quietly described his crimes in newspaper articles, and this did not do exactly no noise - after all, he worked as a criminal reporter. In the third article, the police drew attention to the fact that the journalist mentions the details that the press was not disclosed. Immediately after the DNA test, which confirmed the guilt of Vlado, he mysteriously died, stuck his head in a bucket with water. The police insisted on a suicide version.

When the police do not care

Kenneth Bianchi, one of the two "scenters from the hills", got a job in the Los Angeles Police. Presumably precisely in patrol hours, he killed a couple with a friend and raped girls and women. Those were not afraid to let it, because it's like a policeman.

With concern for science

The first American serial maniac Henry Holmes, the same, which built a hotel with a crazy architecture, known as the "castle of death," sold the skeletons of his victims to medical universities.

With you, he was also nonlaskov

Although the sinister Albert Fish preferred little boys when his wife left him, he fell into despair and in the sign of his feelings drove his needles in the groin and stomach, beat himself with a sung by nails with a tree and tagged his wick with a flutter impregnated with fuel liquid.

Taste not

Cannibal, the rapist and killer Ottes Tul once refused to join the meal of his lover and the accomplice of Henry Lee, although he roasted their beloved man. Notes did not like the sauce.


The serial killer Danny Rolling laid out the body of his victims of a piece. So, one of the dead he didn't check her head and put it on the bookpin, while the corpse sat on the chair nearby.

A source

Retelling: PICS.RU

Illustration: shutterstock

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