Plasticine Magic: Moscow artist made an incredible surprise to parents


Young artist Tatiana Lazaruk comes up with real plasticine fairy tales. Tatiana was born in the Ukrainian city of Ivano-Frankivsk, but his magic paintings creates in Moscow. Most of all, they are similar ... on our children's dreams.

The most favorite creation of Tatiana is a book with the warmers, long and carefully stored family stories, which the artist presented his parents to the thirty years of their wedding. In the book, Tatiana invested all the best, all the most expensive from what he received from his family. Considering plasticine stories, it is impossible not to feel, how do they all love each other: dad, mom, girl tanya, tannin brother and yellow teddy hare.


Not one day went to create this book. The point is not only in the unusual technique of creating pictures (they were saming from plasticine, and then photographed). Tatiana did not want to admit any false notes, laying the mosaic of happy memories.


Probably, parents were pleased to find that the memories of his daughter about childhood were such bright, bright and warm.


"My mom loves to talk on the phone. With dad, she also met on the phone, and they talked so much that to reduce the costs of phone calls, the dad had to marry her. Since then, they live together. Mom and now speaks a lot by phone, because everyone loves her very much and do not come in any way, but they can no longer marry her. "


"I do not remember how I got to my mother with dad, but I know for sure that I used to be not like now. At first I had a nipple. Once dad decided to deceive me and pick up my nipple. He said that the birds that live in our yard really need my nipple, took her and hid it into the closet. I guessed everything and wanted to give the pacifier to the pacifier. Dad carried me to the windowsill, and together we threw it into the window. So I reached the Pope. "


"As I said, I know little about my origin, and it is impossible to trust my parents. But I remember well, as my brother was born, whose named Sasha. He appeared in the spring, almost immediately after the father's birthday. Mom first showed me it through the hospital window. He then did not pay attention to me and in general it was unlikely to remember this day, and I myself still did not understand how lucky I was. "


"In the storage room near our bedroom, Babai lived. When we went to bed, he put on the mother's robe, went out of the storage room and went around a bed for a long time. Sometimes the babai can bite you over the heel or to glue the nails on the leg if you try it out of a blanket in a dream, but we were two, and he is alone, so he was afraid to come close. Something I understood what good luck is it - to have brother. "


"Mom worked a lot, but in the evening always told us a fairy tale, even if I was very tired. Sometimes she fell asleep, but continued to tell how the bunkees went to the tax reporting, the Wolf met on the way and returned his duty, the bear came to some binding with the bandits and gives testimony in the police, it was not clear how Lisa twisted again, and the dollar Meanwhile, rose again. The kolobka's adventure has always been new and interesting! "


"On weekends, the mother was a list of the necessary purchases, and my dad went to the market. Nothing is so pleased with the eyes like the long rows of counters, where you can find anything. So I became a shopaholic: now every time I get into an unfamiliar city, I figure out what is selling there on the market. In general, I always liked purchases, but my dad is very tired after them. "


"Therefore, on the way back, we always went to the bar to rest for a while and to celebrate the successful completion of purchases: because we are well done and this is worthy! In the bar we bought ice cream for me, a different food with drinks for dad, and had fun. Mom did not like it. Sometimes we took her to the market, but then she did not let us go to the bar, so they tried to manage themselves. "


"Adults say: the main thing is health. But any child knows: It is easy to root - it's just great! You can stay at home, watch TV as much as you like, and no one will refuse you if you ask you to bring you tea, open jam, read the book or play checkers, even if you are not sleeping all night. It is impossible to walk only, but everything else is so good that several days you can do without walking. "


"And then you will more thank - and again I want to walk! Especially if you have a dog - it's always fun with her for walks. If it were not for a kind, I would never mind to get out of the house in the frost, and certainly I would not find the reasons to love the winter. But when you see how the dogs are rejuvenated - too, you also start to love him a little, and you can even be in it for a short time. While it does not come down and won your home. "


"And when we returned from a walk, my mother taught me to cook. She showed me how to cook a lot of different dishes, but especially often dumplings. However, on how mom sculpts dumplings, you can watch infinitely. Each person will tell about his mother the same, but I visited many places and now I know completely exactly that no one is preparing anywhere. Is that still dad if he wants. "


"What can I tell about the sea? I think everyone loves him. Even those who do not endure the sun and can not swim (this is my mom), who is very tired at work and who is not before entertainment (this is dad), who saw him only once (this is me!), And who was too small, To remember him at all (and this is my brother). There is nothing better than the sea - only the sky and aircraft. And then there are rumors that in the sky everything is only about the sea and they say. "


"By the way, about aircraft. As a child, my brother loved to be at the airport where grandfather worked. Then planes and the airport itself seemed huge, much more than now. However, sometimes I think that this terrestrial ball gradually decreases: before everything was very far, but now, wherever I am, to a small airport in my hometown hand to file. Sometimes it seems that even from the opposite side of the Earth, I will still see it. "

We also wanted such a milot yourself and asked Tatiana to make us from plasticine New Year's logo. Here it is!


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