27 bad habits that exactly worth getting rid of 35 years


Enough to spend time on nonsense! Enough tolerating this! It's time to start living the life you deserve!

Constantly chew

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Undoubtedly, sometimes it is better to chew than to talk, however, constant snouts - let the extensive weight and health problems, especially if you prefer donuts, sandwiches and a similar nonsense. Well, if you are completely neme, you eat fruit, vegetables or something exclusively useful.

Sit on the sofa staring in a telly

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Of course, after a hard working day, the only thing that truly hunt is to do - fall on the sofa and turn into a TV, meaningless switching channels. But it is time to recognize that such behavior is destructive and fraught with health problems in the future.

Spend more than you earn

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Do you really like to feel stress every month because you can't pay a credit card, and after you distribute debts, consider each penny to a new salary? It is time to learn to plan income and expenses so as not to fly into the pipe.

There is too much fast food

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Pizza on Monday, McDiechka on Tuesday, Burger King on Wednesday, chips on Thursday, and on Friday, Pivko, Vinishko, and that's all this. Well, you are an adult girl, should understand that your liver and kidneys are cool from such a scenario.

Lack stress

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In fact, you know perfectly well that you can fill in all these experiences and stress is impossible, however, you stubbornly continue to eat any problem. Stop! If you can't cope with this itself, it may be time to turn to a specialist?

Gnawing nails

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This, of course, is not deadly, but, firstly, nonhygienically, and secondly, it can cause problems with teeth and gums. Try to understand that it makes you bite your nails, and transform it into something more useful. For example, you can drink water.


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If you still spend time with the characters who upset you or humiliate, now it's time to throw them their own life. Perhaps it is pretty cruel, but you will definitely feel better.

Not use sunscreen

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During the sea, the sun's sunscreen needs you constantly, even if it seems that there is no. You do not imagine the amount of irradiation to which your skin is exposed, for example, on the beach under the umbrella.

Angry, worry and experience stress

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For a calmer and conscious life, you definitely should learn to control your own emotions. Sometimes it is difficult to do it yourself, so do not hesitate to turn to a psychologist.

Skip breakfast

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Passing breakfast threatens you a set of excess weight. In addition, it affects blood sugar levels, which means energy, the lack of which can destroy all your plans.

Drink too much alcohol

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Not only is the excessive use of alcohol causes problems with the liver, arterial pressure and can provoke depression. Among other things, drunkenness destructively affects relationships with loved ones.


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Listen, well, it's right to smoke. You probably heard a million times as harmful, there is no need to repeat in a million first.

Engage in self-medication

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Of course, a pill with a headache or to smear the threshold of hydrogen peroxide can be and necessary. But to treat serious diseases as it fell - the top of irresponsibility! The same thing that is considered HIV - invention of evil pharmaceuticals or to heal oncology a bath.


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If the relationship does not bring joys, but only pulling out of you, nerves and, often, money is needed? It's time to realize your true needs and relate to them with all possible respect.

Be late

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It is very annoying others and characterizes you exclusively as an intolerable and irresponsible person. Good habit - come everywhere 10 minutes earlier. You will see how your life will change.

Complain about the absence of anything

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If you are constantly nobody and complain, then your whole life is spinning around the negative. Why not try to concentrate on what you have?

Wait for approval from outsiders

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It is time to stop worrying about what other people think about you. Whatever you do, someone will always be dissatisfied. Take yourself as you are, but do not use it as an excuse, so as not to learn or self-improve.


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Do you postpone all at the last moment, and then run with a burning ass? Well, stop immediately!

Sleep badly and not do with it

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It is good to fall out - it means to be full forces, energy and really feel great. By the way, the right pillows are only the first step towards solving the problem, you may need a specialist help.

To lie

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Even if it is a small innocent lie to salvation, stress and anxiety that you can't stand that, honestly. You can not sit - it's better to say, honestly.

Hamski to behave in relation to loved ones

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If you love someone and want this person to be happy with you and happily, then it is necessary to treat him with warmth and respect. Even jokes can be very offensive.

Compare yourself with others

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The only person with whom you can compare yourself are you yourself. If you look a lot on others, you will never be satisfied with themselves.

Live past

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I take lessons from past events, forgive offenders and hopefully look at the future!

Control others

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You are responsible for yourself. And even let them answer for themselves.

Think that you are the smartest

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This is a terrible misconception. The world is full of beautiful, smart, creative and ambitious people. Accepting as a measure that some of them are smarter and more experienced you, so they have something to learn.

Live in fear

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Be afraid of a new one, to be afraid of the past, afraid of change, be afraid to risk ... If you allow fear to control your life, it is unlikely that something good will come out of it.

Look for happiness somewhere

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Happiness - inside.

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