7 cool domestic films about real female friendship


Women's friendship, no doubt, does not just happen, but it was, there will be. Here with the films where we see it is hard.

And yet we found seven domestic paintings, where women are friends, and as!

"Big" (Valery Todorovsky)

The film was waiting last year, waited for it. The premiere will be held in May. Decide to go - you can hardly regret! Looks like a picture in one breath. As it is clear from the title, the plot is spinning around the Big Theater. First, the main characters dream of falling on his scene, then they fall.

Nevertheless, the film is not about ballet, not about theater, not about talent. He is about women's friendship. In difficult conditions of rivalry. In the erasing personality of the Ballerin Education Machine. In the mountain and in joy, in Viedro and bad weather. And not only two main characters, Julia and Karina are friends. A large number of female characters with such different characters, living conditions, stories, from the coming servants and stripters to the wife of a successful businessman and the legend of the ballet, makes it possible to show the relationship between women in all the difficulties and nuances who love to ignore the Russian cinema.

If you still hesitate, think about the fact that Alice Freundlich plays one of the central roles. It will be abound on the screen. And she will be, of course, great.

"Sisters" (Sergey Bodrov)

The circle of enemies, the danger and wild nineties around, and two girls, their mother and completely strangers in life, are forced to hold each other, hiding from the gangsters. Their journey resembles fabulous - they will be credited to the gypsies, hide in the hut womb. But friendship from this grows real when each, without questions and doubts, is defended by another. The sadness of the final story. You are afraid to cry - do not even look.

"Three Plus Two" (Heinrich Oganesyan)

Old Soviet Comedy is dedicated, of course, love. But the screenwriter with the director, for which they are great respect, did not forget to make two main heroines with girlfriends. How do they communicate and interact, for a pair of replicas about the past is not just visible friendship, but a big and funny story of friendship. When you understand each other with a half, you always find the opportunity to think together, and you also have only your own, mystery, beach. Girodish!

"Star" (Anna Melikyan)

Melikyan does not change himself to Yota. All movie you are laughing and fall in love with heroes. And then someone dies. Without-WHO gates, but. The main heroine, Masha, embodies everything that is taken to laugh. She arrived in Moscow from the province to become an actress, increases the chest and lips, leading to everything that the guy tells her, and works in a nightclub Mermaid. It is naive and no deep thoughts in yourself hide.

Meanwhile, a young stepmother her guy finds out that he will soon die, expresses a rich and old husband everything that it has been boiled, and immediately finds himself on the street without money, things and places where it could go.

Masha does not even know who this woman, but without hesitation allowed her to live. Just because how otherwise: a man in trouble ...

And the contempt with which he looks at Masha sophisticated, covered by Moscow Rita, turns once in despair. Because Masha is not the girl who must die. But she will die for Rita.

"Old Klyachi" (Eldar Ryazanov)

Ryazanov loved to bring strong, interesting women in his paintings. He did not change himself and in the "old klyachi". The former trade union activist, the former head of the scientific laboratory, the former railway worker and the former teacher - in general, women who lost their nineties - continue to be friends and are fighting for survival daily.

It sounds like the beginning of the drama, but in front of us, of course, comedy.

In the course of the events, one of the friends is deception to take an apartment, throwing it into a monthly wagon in the cemetery.

Just in case, we remind you about comedy.

Older women are regularly offended, they are subjected to attacks, one of them lost her son in war. The apartment's departure became the last drop for the girlfriends, and they break off into a steep criminal peak, without having nothing but impudence, spy soupover and their friendship.

And, of course, justice triumphs.

"My gently favorite detective" (Alexey Simonov)

Two girlfriends cosplay in the life of Mr. Holmes and Dr. Watson, not embarrassed by the fact that around - Victorian England and their place, as they say, at the home hearth. As a result, an ordinary detective story is twisted by another church, seasoned by the problems of recognition of a woman in profession and society and additional comic situations in which a man will not fall. In the role of Holmes - magnificent Ekaterina Vasilyeva.

"Country of Deaf" (Valery Todorovsky)

Heavy, clean and worn at the same time, sad and bright film, and again about the nineties. Young Rita is forced to hide from the lenders of his boyfriend. She accidentally helps a deaf girl Yaya. Having learned about the situation of Rita, she takes her to live to himself, in a familiar sculptor workshop. Girls decide to collect money to pay the domestic guy, and do not find anything better than try prostitution. But the "craft" prostitutes turns out to be very far from how it represents, and money, in fact, cannot save anyone. Is that a miracle can. But is there a place for a miracle in our world?

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