In our house settled a wonderful neighbor: 17 real stories


The series like "friends" and "big explosion theory" have many reasons for popularity, but one of them is undoubtedly painful to all familiar friction among people living in the same apartment. We asked our readers to share our stories of life under one roof with breasts in misfortune or with the owners of the apartment. We now want to cry!

- with me and one girl For a while I removed the apartment some pimply young man. He had a nasty habit of walking around the apartment in some shorts and with an erection. I believed that I should rush to him - who would just just withstand the erection spectacle in foreign cowards? At some point, the habit was bits the boyfriend of our common neighbor.

- Two neighbors ate salad and pizza In my room. The actual process did not confuse me. But they ate half and left for their parents to celebrate the holidays. And I learned about everything when the army was clouded from under the door of the boyko.

- My classmate lived with the grandson of a woman who surrendered the apartment. It was not to expel him, and he turned out to be a drug addict, all the time I was invited to go up. And one day resorts and says that his guest "overlooked", they say, help the body to endure. The girl was frightened and what was withdrawal from there. Lived on girlfriends. Then in the news I saw that near the House of the addict was found a dismembered female body. She was sure that this is that guest. So did not take his things from there, in my opinion.

- hostess, old waggie chime, At first painted me how great that I was foreigner and I like to cook. Then it turned out that my spices are stuck. Then he began to come to the kitchen, he gave fire, opened all the pans, closed them, added fire and left. With me. On request, my food does not touch said "of course, of course," and everything was repeated. When I wondered to watch it, I began to stay in the room at the time of cooking. Once my soup ran away. Immediately I was joying was forbidden to use the stove, oven and microwave. And so - do in the kitchen what you want, you love to cook.

- Removed one-room apartment With two girls. The girls had a chore. All three were very miles, but the ferret had a number of unpleasant habits. For example, he could drain cash bills, and it was detected, of course, no longer at home. He also bite me sleeping, behind the fingers.


- not about the current neighbor, And about the preceding apartment consumer. Girlfriend, changing the tank in a removable apartment, found it in it: a set of bdsm-toys.

- While he studied, lived in a hostel With one girl in the room. The room is small, and for saving space we moved the bed together and slept nearby. I wake up and understand that the neighbor sleeps very closely. It turns out that we slept no longer together, and threesome: she left his boyfriend to sleep without demand. In our common bed.

"My neighbor for a removable apartment went on a business trip, and Mom came to her. I visited some kind of relatives in the afternoon, and came to spend the night at my daughter, the good apartment is two-room. I am lying in the bedroom, tomorrow to work ... And her mom has a natural white hot! All night talked, swear and kicking an empty chair, as if her daughter sits there. I moved my hair on my head on my head, the door to the bedroom does not close, only alarm clock ...

- I am a vegetarian, we eat only that without meat. Of course, it had to be prepared separately. But according to the perspective with neighbors, the products and refrigerator are common, and I, apparently, prepared too tasty. So they have eaten my food faster than me, and then ate your cutlets, while I, looking hungry eyes, gnawed a surviving apple. And they believed that everything was honest, they do not prohibit these cutlets.

- Somehow I lived in the odnushka with an 84-year-old hostess And two more women: a cleaner in a shopping center and a waitress. The hostess was almost lying and never washed from the word "at all." She lived in the kitchen, slept there on the tacht and did not allow us to eat in the room, because there is a precious "wall", which she taught her beloved son, and God forbid her, we would have fought her food. It was possible only in the kitchen. I repeat, she never washed, and outside the window was a hot summer, and the smell of our neighbors was in perfect order. Once some kind of neighbors found it from the bucket near the kitchen sink ... After this incident, we only fed on yogurts and in the cavetles.

- neighbor in the apartment, two-meter Bugai, She brought some unfamiliar "bruises" to the common kitchen, soldered them to the full loss of consciousness, won their pockets and gently removed to the stop. I also cleaned my pockets a couple of times while I was not used to keep anything in the jacket.

- I came to enter the institute, took the room from the old woman during the exams. And only then learned that Granny and her daughter gather the urine of an eight-year-old grandson, drink and wash. I was afraid to touch something in that apartment, and the grandmother was also trying to extort me, enlightening the useful properties of children's innocent urin.


- one of my roommates An even straight keys irritated. She was a home girl, in 10 to sleep, and no sound. She was also a fan of "twilight", all the time he listened to the songs from there and sobbed. And the same "twilight" arranged by telephone for several hours in a row with her boyfriend.

- We are with my brother and two shifts They filmed a two-room service where the father of the hostess lived in the kitchen - spoke epileptic. In our duties, there was a change in his underwear (in gloves, naturally, for herself underwhelmed) and give out a portion of me, because he could squeeze a weekly stock in the day. And to call "ambulance" to the seizures, because in the mental hospital he was refused. A sense of time from a man was lost completely - at three in the morning he could name to relatives or knock on the door. The walls in the toilet had to wash regularly, about the injury of cockroaches, even speech did not go. In addition, he sowed a passport somewhere, a loan took him (officially he was capable), and they came to us "letters of happiness", then lenders. The peak of the nightmare was the morning when we woke up from Wild Woney and found a full shit bath.


- With my neighbor it was impossible to divide the responsibilities. In general, in any way, neither by zones or shifts. As soon as I started at least a little, he stopped doing something at home at all. I had to grow zen and not doing anything, then he was at least occasionally closed. He could also leave for two weeks on vacation and leave the sink of his dishes in the sink. And the monetary question is the most unpleasant, of course. For example, when my washer, we use it together, and at the same time refuses to discount on repairs.

- Removed an apartment with a friend's colleague, who did not know before. She loved to walk around the apartment, in which the mother gave birth. Not that it is annoyed, but it was somehow strange.

- The friend had a very hungry and lazy neighbor. Dragged everything you can burn. Somehow a friend left in the refrigerator only two types of food: onion and raw dumplings. Neighbor ate onions, because it is not necessary to cook it.

As illustrations used frames from the TV series: "Friends" and "Theory of the Big Bang"

Stories are collected and processed by Lilith Mazikina

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