Apartment from under the grandmother: We tame a master rhylad


No, it is impossible to throw anything. You can add to the balcony, so that there our trash watered the rains and borrowed pigeons. But throw out a cleaning floor lamp, a closed carpet and the Yugoslav wall - neither.

Under the turn of "Apartment for rent with the situation" is usually meant "the warehouse of the junk, which was not found on the cottage." Many owners of the apartments are painfully tied to this garlic religion and rather tend themselves the ear than they will give good to rack. Okay, we can make stylish housing from this.


First of all, you need to give it into a dry cleaning, since Prababookushn carpet is packed with dust and allergens. After the drawing appears on it, the carpet will become a completely relevant object - seriously, Western designers voluntarily use his silence. The carpets look well on the textured walls, but your grandmother of your apartment hostess is unlikely to live in the interior in the style of loft and a rough brick or concrete wall you do not have. Block the carpet to the floor, but taking into account - it requires a restrained environment, otherwise the interior will be too distrend.


Gloomy lacquered facade of a typical Soviet eye wall is not pleased. To save the position, take off the doors and the winds of their beautiful design wallpaper. The handles are also better replaced by something more suitable in style. Frame painting neutral paint. Remove the glass sliding doors - where the generations of Soviet housewives kept the festive sets, you can place some greens in pots or frames with pictures.


Because they clearly reconciled, they are also better repainted, and covered with a bright flat pillow for sitting on strings.

Shelf for shoes

A narrow long shelf for shoes can also become functional. First, yes - to open and repaint, she is probably all the same dark dark color as any furniture from the 1970s. Secondly, buy a few plump bright pillows and put them on top of the shelves - it will be a comfortable banquette, which can be sitting on, having fun. However, now this shelf can be transferred to the bedroom and install in a population of the bed - it will be convenient for it to fold blankets and pillows while cleaning, a bathrobe after a bath or clothes cooked for tomorrow.

Chest of drawers

It is better to put it on a prominent place, pre-laundered and polished. If there is an opportunity, cut off his simple white paint so that it is almost merged with the wall. The chest of drawers is, in fact, a useful thing and an additional storage place, and its upper cover is an almost perfect platform for the demonstration of souvenirs, plants and all sorts of decorations. Put on it a couple of photos or prints within, fashionable clouded cactus, bust of Kant, minimalistic lamp and Mask from Myanmar.


Washing and felling chairs interior are not decorated. Calling a furniture maker to cover them with fresh one-photo fabric - they will immediately become aige. Even cheaper to buy several monophonic soft plaid and drape this poverty. And if you add to a small simple pillow to tone with a darker or lighter blanket, it will be even cozy.

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