World famine history: the answer to the destruction of products


This summer, the unusual uniqueness on the Internet suddenly showed long and irreconcilable ideological opponents - liberals and investigators of the official ultrapatriotic line, socialists and monarchists, and many others. The intersection point was the destruction of forbidden for political reasons to import food.

Some did not use these products before and would not receive them now, if it really began distribution among the poorest. Others love Hamon and Parmesan, but moving at all this love. It is not necessary to guess about the reasons for unanimity in this matter. Social networks overwhelmed with memories of terrible hunger, transferred by parents, grandparents, grandfathers and other relatives of the authors of the records. Military, post-war, haunted hunger turned out to be a non-tightened wound of our people. Pics.Ru decided to remember the history of humanity relations with this disaster.

Punishment of God

So far, agriculture and economic relations of the nations were undeveloped, hunger was one of the constant threats. Drought or pouring rains, locusts or procession of enemy troops through fields with already growing breads - hunger could have a lot of reasons. Some social groups or small nations lived the injignment constantly. During the siege, half of the city could die. However, with the development of ethics, science and technology, mass hungry deaths ceased to be perceived at the level of "neutral" natural disasters, like flooding or local epidemics and, even more so, they stopped perceiving, as the test or kara of the Lord. And the hunger, arranged by a person man, began to be considered as meanness and crime.

Potato hunger in Ireland

The United Kingdom's policy was literally steadily owned to this hunger. Ireland, as it seems to be the province of the Empire and the population inhabited by the same "white", like England, de facto was considered as not less as a colony. His contempt for the Celtic population did not hide the British; The Irish and Scots (less - Welsh) were attributed to all sorts of vices, criminal inclinations and the lowest intellect. The latter looks particularly surprisingly against the background that these peoples gave empires such as Jonathan Swift, Conan Doyle, Oscar Wilde, Robert Burns, James Watt - and this list can be continued for a long time. As a result of government policies, indigenous Irish by the beginning of the XIX century were almost completely deprived of land plots and the opportunity to grow for food a variety of agricultural culture. Almost completely, their diet was kept on potato - vegetable unpretentious, fruitful and, most importantly, calorie. This means that almost all the Irish lived in the conditions of lack of important nutrients, but still somehow lived.

In 1845, Irish potatoes were infected with phytoofluorosis, that is, the Irish remained without potatoes. In other words, without food. People died their families. Some tried to seek food, giving rise to the so-called workdays, and died from bad food and circulation there. Others ran with families in a new light. Poverty did not allow them to pay good places on the vessel and take a good food with them. Ships with Irish migrants arriving at the North American shores, the meeting called floating coffins. We think it makes no sense to explain why.

Of course, the government allocated some amounts for helping the starving Irish. But whether the money was instantly stunned, whether the funds were initially insufficient - they did not save the situation. Interestingly, in the years of hunger (1845-1850), the owners of the places in Ireland did not tolerate any losses, on the contrary, cattle breeding flourished and the export of meat during this time increased. Regarding Ireland of Hunger Jonathan Swift wrote the poisonous of his satirical pamphlets, "a modest proposal, aimed at preventing the children of the poor in Ireland to be in their parents or their homeland, and, on the contrary, make them useful for society." It was proposed to sell children of Irish poor for eating representatives of the highest layers of English society. A hint of the one who fell on the funeral was very transparent and caused a big scandal.

Indian hunger

The next hungry sea of ​​such a scale also occurred in the British colony, India, at the end of the XIX century. From 1875 to 1900, 26 million people died there. Officials, officers and soldiers who represented the empire in the colony were not reckoned with an obvious robbery, but did not divorce the local population, but the robbery is much more sophisticated. Every year, the empire raised taxes for the local population. The owls were confiscated, movable and immovable, including even clothing, dishes and children's toys. Around the eighth part of the inhabitants of the region during the reign of the British became homeless and replenished the army of beggars, thieves and prostitutes (and their descendants hardly gained better fate). The population was literally marginalized in front of her eyes and, of course, died of hunger and poverty diseases. We were ruined and flourished to colonization of the city. British officials thoroughly hidden the true state of affairs, wringing mortality on bad crops, epidemics, natural disasters, but much was recorded by Russian and other observers. Hunger at the end of the XIX century is just one of the most massive colonization history, but in fact mass hungry deaths were a permanent satellite of the British Empire.

USSR, 1930s

In 1932 and 1933, almost half of the country suffered from severe mass hunger. Belarus, Ukraine, Ukraine (there disaster entered the story under a separate name - "Holodomor"), Volga region, North Caucasus, Western Siberia, Southern Urals and Kazakhstan (here it is remembered as "Asharsylқ"). According to different estimates, the number of dead reached from two to eight million (truth, apparently, as always, somewhere in the middle), and no one believed the number of hunger to hunger for a whole life. Stories of this particular period are now remembered in social networks, along with the total poverty of the military and post-war years. Cannibalism, sale of very little girls married a bag of cereals, detebidey against the background of an insoluction - an incomplete set of plots from the stories of our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. Disaster proasses are fierce disputes. Most calls the incorrect approach to collectivization and the priority, the delamination, ignorance of officials, publishing those or other decrees, in matters of agriculture. Dissenters put forward the versions of the intentional genocheid of the peasantry or non-Russian population, or the inability to preserve the grain hidden from the product. The truth is likely to know only our descendants will be known, now there is not enough some purely research indifference for objective detailed research. This is one of the uncomfortable wounds of our country.

Leningrad, 1941-1944

The majority of folk memory is the blockade of Leningrad, which lasted 900 days - from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944. A large, developed, prosperous city, just twenty years, how to cease to be the capital, for the time of the blockade, it is extincted more than half. 600,000 Leningrad residents died not from diseases, bombing and art crest, but from hunger. The blockade instead of renting the city occurred due to the important role played by the local industry in defense. The surrender would seriously weaken the resistance of the Red Army to the promotion of the invader's troops. Leningraders committed a real feat, continuing, despite the lack of food, to work at the defense plants. But why did the lack of food arose? Even in the precipitated fortresses, the stocks of grain from the barn were first eaten. In a modern city, especially the army and civil warehouses with food. But at the very beginning of the blockade, the opponent's aircraft managed to bomb Badaevsky warehouses with supplies. The constant importation of products was impossible because of the blockade, but attempts to pass the food to the deposited city, and often successful, were taken throughout the blockade. But they supported the life of a big city they are with difficulty. Leningraders learned to eat glue from wallpaper, genuine leather shoes, cats and grass. But there were successful citizens who managed to provide themselves with a sufficient number of products and even get rich. Some were engaged in theft and ladders, others for a scentual - a bag of cereals, a few potatoes - bought the old valuable things and jewelry, dying from the hunger. For this reason, many are now wary of the collections of antiques collected in St. Petersburg.

Great chinese hunger

In the fifties, Mao Zedong, a man, full of enthusiasm and ideas came to power in China. For example, he believed that the crops would be more if the sparrows did not roam the grain, and the fields would be thicker. The forces of Chinese citizens were thrown on the fight against sparrows. To kill small birds on one thing was inconvenient, so a very original tactic was used. Sparrow cannot fly in the air longer than a certain time, it is tired. The townspeople and the peasants went outside with saucepans, pelvis, frying pan and stood on the dishes on the dishes and sticks, lifting a terrible noise and burning sparrow. Poor birds flew, stunned and not understanding what was happening until they fell to earth. The mountains of the dead Sparrow were solemnly photographed, and the pictures then attached to victorious reports and published in the newspapers. Sparrows in China disappeared, as they say as a class, and unnecessary gaps were eliminated between the sprouts of the crops. However, the effect of the measures taken was exactly the opposite expected. The main food sparrow, as it turned out, was not grain, but insects and caterpillars. Now they disappeared agricultural culture without interference. The sprouts prevented each other to grow and rose so stumbled that their number did not compensate for low yields. To all troubles, in 1960, drought fell on the country, more than half of the land treated were injured. As a result of the incarnation of bright ideas of a person who has no real idea of ​​ecology and agriculture, at least 15 million Chinese died in 1959-1961 in 1959-1961. The remaining millions were also not that fake and healthy.

Hard hike

It is so called in North Korea hunger, which broke out against the background of a cruel economic crisis in the nineties of the last century. North Korea cannot be an agrarian country: it almost all lies in the mountains, and coastal valleys often suffer from flooding. It is not surprising that the DPRK was very dependent on economic relations and even direct assistance to the USSR. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the republic was in a very difficult situation. Quickly to get out of it, the leadership of North Korea failed, and by 1995 the situation became critical: life injured turned into almost universal hunger. He ended in 1999, and one can only guess how much the population of the country has decreased. Studies on this topic in the DPRK are not allowed. The only thing that has to say humanity the government of the republic is the cause of hunger, they say, are the economic sanctions of evil capitalists.

Hunger geography at the moment

Although we do not feel this, but mass hunger kills people here and now, on one with us planet in 2015. The classic phrase "In Africa, children are starving" is still relevant and not at all funny. Who does not believe, maybe finally go and see what a child looks like, dying from hunger. Sometimes enough and several hours to wait directly to death. Starve in Pakistan and India. Starve in military zones. According to statistics, the injignment lives every seventh resident of the Earth, including 16 million Russians, is approximately every tenth. If mankind knows how to defeat hunger, then not really hurry to apply these knowledge. It is likely that humanity has more important problems. Discussions on the Internet on the destruction of sanctions products, for example.

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