Why is the wine in Russia so much?



We all complain that the wine in our country is much more expensive than abroad. To get rid of the unpleasant sense of the world conspiracy, Invisible tried to calculate what the process is soothing.

Go. Come to the store near the house and grab the Krasnoye Chateau Hx Shelves for 1000 rubles . Let's see where this thousand came from.

Remove Outcome retail That store. Everything is all, well, very individual. In our case, 400 rubles. You understand, the rental is expensive, the staff does not leave the staff without salary, and suddenly the wine will not open - it is necessary to take into account.

Meanwhile, we already have no 1000, but 600 rubles . it Wholesale price, it is the basic purchase price of the importer . In fact, he can give a discount from his basic price list, to whom 5%, and someone else is 40%. Usually it is so lucky by the largest networks such as Auchan or subway. Imagine that our discount store did not get a discount (or he draws Chateau XX from the stocks of the same subway), and we will not complicate my calculations.

Now we say goodbye S. Marketing importer , for this we divide 600 rubles by 1.5 and get 400 rubles . In these 50% charges, except for the margin actually, there are some expenses of the importer:

  • Warehouse and all this storage;
  • Yegais is an expensive thing that we use to control the turnover of the alcohol sold (with any sales, be ready, dear importer, spend 20 thousand dollars on this system);
  • Certification (of course, mandatory), which is also inclined to grow in price;
  • Mandatory fiberglass in Russian;
  • and inevitable trade and marketing costs.

400 rublesThis is the cost in conditional Moscow For Chateau XX, the price on which the bottle goes to the importer.


Scream from these 400 rubles Taxes and state dresses who pay the importer and get already 330 rubles Behind the bottle . What entered 70 rubles, which had a state from each bottle of long-suffering Chateau XX?

  • excise, for not sparkling wine he is now 8 rubles from a liter or 6 rubles from the bottle;
  • The state duty on the import of alcohol is 20% of the amount that the importer spent by the bottle by the time;
  • VAT is also there, but we will not consider it, because it will still return to the importer.

Remove now 30 rubles which importer spent on Inner logistics - To bring the bottle of Chateau XX from the border to its Moscow warehouse on our roads and the weather.

We turn to expenses that happen from the same importer before the bottle crosses the Russian border with the European Union. Therefore, we are quickly recalculated 300 rubles in the euro and get them 4.5.

W. € 4.5 We take back € 1. This is the money that the importer will spend on transport to the border, storage on a slamming and pasting of the bottle of excisable marks of the bottle of Chateau XX somewhere in the Baltic States.

The remaining € 3.5Purchase price where the bottle of Chateau XX went to our importer from French winemakers. That is, about 235 rubles.

And how does everything happen in the homeland of Chateau XX?

Imagine that the bottle of Chateau XX bought a store at the winery in a small French town and put up on the shelf. How much? Usually the markup - approximately 1.8 times And the VAT has already been laid and the seller margin.

Therefore, the French man in the street, and then and the tourist will buy our Chateau XX is not more expensive. € 7. And then to sigh in a long time, why this beautiful wine is not worth 450-500 rubles in native "crossroads".

How much does the winery earn on the bottle, in the end of the ends?


Vacation price Most of the non-opaque wineillers (in pathetic, judicial magic, and we are silent about it) calculates according to the formula "throw 30% to the cost." It turns out that the bottle of our Chateau XX costs the winery about € 2,45..

And there are 4 important things:

  • Vineyards need to regularly process (trimming all and fighting caterpillars);
  • from grapes to do, actually wine;
  • Take care of bottles: Pour wine, bottles to salary labels, shut up traffic jams (natural, unfulfilled or generally close the screw cap - depends on the manufacturer) if the choice falls on the plug, then also to wear on top of the entire elegant capsule;
  • Well, the wine for a while must be stored (until you buy) and pay the salary of the staff, which is responsible for it.

How to live with it?

How. Continue to grumble about the world conspiracy. To understand that you overpay for step-down availability - if you buy no wine in advance, so that there is always, but at the last moment in the nearest store.

Once at the Motherland, Chateau, not to greed and buy home something elder wine for 5-7 euros - something such that in the Moscow supermarket will stand in a closed cabinet among gift and parade bottles and frighten the price tag.

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