Winston Churchill


Even if we did not know that Churchill - Nobel laureate, one of the creators of the anti-Hitler coalition with the United States and the USSR, and, can be said, a sign of the quality of British politics, we would still be interested to read what he thinks about life. Won, what a colorful uncle, just something he knows something.

About mind and nonsense

For nonsense, the most cute reading the collections quotes ... Postponing in memory, quotes give birth to excellent thoughts. A clever person does not make all the mistakes itself - he gives a chance and others. By and large, people are divided into three classes: those who are deadly busy, those who are mortally scared, and those who are deadly boring. Dogs look at you from below; Cats - top down. Give me a pig! She watches you straight into the eyes and behaves with you as with equal. The greatest lesson of life is that fools come right.

About enemies and purposes

If you need to pass through the hell, go through without stopping. Every time I see the full hall, I can't help but think about what if I did not say speech, but climbed onto the scaffold, the audience would have gathered twice as much. Do you have enemies? Perfectly. So you stood in your life for something. The most cheerful in life is when you shoot and wave. You will never get to the destination if you wish the stones into every dog ​​that barks.

About wars and revolutions

The one who talks about the revolution must prepare for the guillotine. We live in the era of big events and young people. War is mainly a bug catalog. Parliament purpose is to replace the fist fights with verbal. Any crisis is new features.

About love and investment

Difficult, almost impossible, to humiliate a beautiful woman; She will remain beautiful, the humiliated will remain in the fools. Tobacco for love is harmful, but age is much more harmful. There is no better investment than the investment of milk in babies. Love as if you had to hate after that, and hate it as if you had to love after that.

About labor and success

If you want to write correctly - try to think correctly. Trying everywhere to have security - it means nowhere not to have force. To catch up to the end - a sure way to bother. With all the beauty of the strategy, look sometimes on the results. When you stop dreaming, the universe ceases to exist.

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