7 cases when it is impossible not to drink


Over the past six months, we have lost a lot and lose more. Our salaries decreased twice (and this if they were not yet additionally chosen in rubles). Some have already been cut or just thrown into the street, and this is waiting for many more, we will not lie. The ruble is ounce where!

But nothing. We are Russian people, and we have a universal medicine from all diseases and a universal response to all challenges. As in the anecdote: "Dad, you know, vodka has risen in price. Will you drink less? " "No, son, you will eat less." Below - 7 cases, when it is impossible not to drink and correct medicines from such a lifetime.

You just came home

In the situation of continuous stress and the struggle for existence, every day is a feat. Stand in the morning, come to work, work out all day, return home - feat. Therefore, you need to drink. But everything is difficult, because to drink every day, of course, it is impossible. But if I really want, you need to drink brandy in the evening. It lowers pressure slightly and acts like a sedative. Alternative option - Portwine. Sugar, alcohol, familiar with childhood taste - and here we are again in the comfort zone. An erroneous option is to drink beer. Drinking beer on the sofa in front of the TV is a direct path to the stomach, a reduction in potency and depression.

Reducked salary

There is nothing to live for, but to always drink. It is best to take advantage of the recipe for the British working class. British and Irish hardships after shifts come to the bar and drink in a completely defined scheme. First, they order a mug of beer and clocks of the cheapest whiskey, quickly drinking beer and "snack" his temples (well, or you can make a "drowned", throwing a glass into the mug). Then they order the second mug of beer and it is already drinking very slowly and for a long time, hanging with friends and, if necessary, participating in mass fights. As a result, there is a very cheap rapid intoxication, which, with a well-known experience, almost does not give a hangover and allows the next day to go to the plant to get a blank. We have cheap pubs consider what is not, but the same can be repeated at home with a disgusting cheap beer and vodka. The main thing here is to abide by iron discipline and not overdo it.

The course of the euro again all struck

Farewell to euros - a beautiful mourning procedure. While the slow networks did not have time to change the price tags and European alcohol is still worth how before, you can quickly run to the nearest sulfas and buy something interesting. But it is wrong, of course. If you drink something delicious and sweet, you will remain sad memories, nostalgia and bad mood. It is necessary to take a bottle of some hellish bitter tincture, for example, a jagmeister, and drink it without diluting. This medicine in large quantities will cause steady disgust to everything in you and make it easy to experience any sanctions. An erroneous option: Drink German and Slavic fruit vodka, cherry, pear schnapps, that's all this. They, firstly, tasty, and secondly, encourage decisive actions, make them make, sing songs, go out on the square and scold the government. And why do you need it?

Quarreled with her beloved / quarreled with his beloved

In both cases, it is necessary to drink hip wine. Because he / her is worse, herself is to blame, and I here such a beautiful good and smart will celebrate (especially since we will be honest, it is easier to survive into the crisis more easily than with a capricious and lazy partner). Girls in this situation should be drinking semi-sweet, because it is more fun, tastier, sincere and in large quantities gives hellish headache, which will be a worthy punishment for all the perfect atrocities. Boys - brut or concoction, because they quickly run blood and in the morning you can move the mountains and solve problems. An erroneous option: Girls - go to the bar and drink cocktails (very expensive), boys - drink whiskey (the same).

Got fired

It is impossible not to get drunk on the day of dismissal. And it seems necessary to have fun, but pulls on sad, sad thoughts. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, the mouth of one of the heroes reported that with sad elevated thoughts it was necessary to drink Burgundy. Burgundy is expensive, so you can just buy a lot of dry red wine and all use it. At least liter, and better - more. Drink red wine to the complete loss of consciousness - and sublime sad thoughts will pursue you not only in the process, but also the whole day. And then you can already begin to invent, how to live on. Incorrect solution: drink vodka. From vodka, just gloomy and dull, and wine enhances mental activity.

Quarreled with a friend

It happens, especially if you try to explain the obvious, and he, in turn, rushes his line hard. And now someone has moved to the person and everything, a quarrel. Here the first thing must be reconciled and immediately drink. The ideal situation is to buy vodka and carbonated water "bell" and remember the good old days, drunk to the position of Reese. Vodka with a "bell" you need to be mixed in any way, and it is better to just drink one. Heavy and stupid, stroller and cutting items just in case remove from the area of ​​reach, vodka to pour in advance in a light plastic package to do without self-members. A snack is excluded: it also needs to eat a knife and pump a fork. An erroneous option: beer. Its for such a case is not attacked.

Everything is lost!

We do not know the details, but we understand what you mean. Go to the bar, if everything is gone! - It is possible in the form of an exception. Order Long Island Ice Tea. Vodka, gin, light rum, tripl sec, orange juice and cola, a total of 28% alcohol. Drink. Then drink the second. After the second you will have a feeling "I'll think about it tomorrow." After the third will return interest in life. If you are enough for the fourth - "Everything is gone!" Replaced by an ordinary loss of consciousness. In general, see you in the bar.

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