10 things about the female orgasm, which men do not know. And a pity (18+)


It does not depend on the magnitude of the member, from the girth of a male biceps, from outbreaks in the sun and the position of Mercury. Female orgasm for many men - the mystery is a faster meaning of life. Meanwhile, it is not so complicated - you only need to listen to what a woman herself can say about him.

Yes, perhaps, the whole thing in a man

Alas, there are women in the world, for which the orgasm is practically unattainable. They are about 10%. All other easily cums, if you find the right approach. And if not - so in 90% of cases, it's not about frigidity and not in the oddities of physiology, but in a man. Well, let's start with the fact that 75% of women are generally unable to cum from imitation of a man of a jackhammer. Tych-Titz reluctantly triggers only in porn, but most women need to use the clitoris for the result, but he almost does not participate in Titz-Titz. Is it because 67% of girls regularly imitate orgasm (by the way, only 20% of men suspect that a partner is fascinated from time to time)? It was the clitoris, and not Vagina - the main hero of the female orgasm. And all women know this perfectly, that is why sex between two girls ends with a rapid orgasm in 8 cases out of 10. For heterosexual fun, this indicator is crying low - at best, only 5 out of 10. And mostly the whole thing is that men ignore the only one The body in the body of a woman who has no other functions in addition to delivering pleasure.

Clit - not a magic button

Yes, everything is difficult, agree. But let me clarify - the clitoris is very, very sensitive, is more sensitive than the head of the member. Many times. And it requires extremely delicate circulation. So do not think that it is worth finding the clitoris and click on it, as a thousand fireworks will explode in my head. And even more so, do not show excessive perseverance, to it in it from all over Duri, as in the ringing call button. Light strokes - yes, the stronger rubbing, as if you drop ink bliss - no. The principle works here "the stronger, the worse."

No, women are not the same

Even if the man fabulously brought away and all his previous girls were always delighted, do not rest on the laurels. First, remember the above 67%. Secondly, not only the maps of female erogenous zones are unique, as snowflakes are also unique and methods of exposure. And if you like it, when you smooth, another need to tick or spank. Stronger or weaker. Probably, there is no reception at all, which would like everyone without exception - or at least most. So if it worked with one, on the other may not raise the effect at all. And for the sake of all saint, forget this phrase at all: "And my ex-liked it." Get rid of us from the details.

We know how to talk

And almost every pleasure will tell you what she wants and what is ready to do. True, some are shy to nominate the requirements, but even the most shy is able to thump if you ask her if she wants her stronger, weaker, deeper or left. Moreover, such constraints are waiting for proposals, because otherwise they are uncomfortable to voice their desires.

My desires should also voiced to men. It is not necessary to persistently poke us face in your groin in a raid on a blowjob - you can simply be asked for this (by the way, many more and starts). And by the way, even if the woman has nothing against oral sex, it does not mean that it is delighted with the idea of ​​ejaculation in the trachea or technique of deep throat. Or from sperm in the eye. In short, whatever you are going to examine - first ask. It's just polite.

We ask not to humiliate you

All instructions that we voice in bed are given in order for the process of everyone to like and ended with an epic orgasm. And not in order to demonstrate what men are odds. Even a lousy wardrobe with three shelves cannot be collected without intelligible instructions. Imagine that you are not collecting a closet, but an international space station. Who knows the body of a woman better than a woman herself? The correct answer is no one.

Sea of ​​lubricant does not say anything

Like her absence. It happens that we are excited so that the teeth creak, and the Vagina responds to this pitted pair of drops. It happens that we are studying the Tax Code, and it will not give anything a bucket with anything. Some so all your life and walk the wet, providing revenue manufacturers of gaskets, and others do not go to bed without lubricant. And if it seems to you that you did not get into the rainforest, as you dreamed, but in the desert Atakam, just use this lubricant, that's all. Otherwise, a woman can be very painful, and it doesn't matter how much she is delighted.

We also have ideas about the beautiful

If the men can like shaved pubes, depraved tattoo stickers, wild bush or exciting runway, why women cannot have their own preferences? And they have. In the head, each has a gold standard of a beautiful member and perfect pubis. Each has his own, and no, in essence, nothing terrible if a woman asks for a man to adjust the appearance - as in the inverse situation.

We also need Fidbek

Who will like if the woman lies in the bed like a slagoblock, and neither movement, nor the sound reacts to what is happening? Here and women-slag blocks are also not very. I want to shine in his finger and check the pulse - did not die, an hour? Please publish at least some sounds so that we know - we are on the right track and do everything, as it should. Otherwise, we will begin to think that not so, and the whole playful mood will spoil.

Longer - no better

We know, you praise that you can do it ten times in a row and non-stop to the first janitors. We are glad that it pleases it, but is it pleased with us? Many women had such tumblers until the morning, which I would like to remember, but it is rather an exception, and almost all of them are associated with the first weeks of turbulent novels. Much more often, endless sex makes us dream of a great moment, when you finally have a whim, and let us sleep. We at 8 am to get up to work. We have finished three times, and Vagina feels as if it was well joked in it well. We understand that we will not be able to squeeze out another orgasm, even if the salvation of the planet depended on it. The glands no longer produce lubricant. Excitement dried. We try to hide the yawn. Are you ready for any sacrifices in order to beat a personal duration record? Well, no need so.

Orgasm is not all

In fact, the whole idea does not have to end with orgasm to cost efforts. We sometimes just like to have sex. True like it. We ourselves do not expect that after the short and unexpected sex-three-minute sex. If this happens, perceive it as a lottery gain, and not as well-deserved wage.

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