Doctor, I have it?! The wildest men's questions from medical forums


After attentive reading of male issues about the men's health phrase "and you will cure!" Loses relevance. It becomes clear: not all ...

Pregnant and nervous, please do not read! The spelling and punctuation of the authors are traditionally preserved, italics is traditionally our. We warned you. Your

It's something on nervous soil

"I am 16 years old, I have such a state that I misconceverants and hurts fear! I looked at the movie of horrors or a fighter, I start to ask myself a question "How does it take?"! I know the answer to this question that the cameras are shooting, the actors play their role, make-up, special effects, etc.! But some part tells me "This is all for real" - monsters, murders, blood! Or is it caused by my head injury 3 years ago? Or is it a simple nervous disorder? It will generally pass or come to convert to the hospital? "

This disorder was described two centuries ago by one Spanish specialist. It is called "Sleep Mind."

"From birth, I have this problem, I do not know how to tell, my communication is to come down to the answers to questions and the rendering of them. When, for example, ask to tell about what the film I looked at an hour ago, in Kolov, some scraps and try to remember anyway, as a pure sheet and nothing to read from it. About the words This is the word I can not remember those who knew earlier, for example of a pan, I know what it is, but still sometimes I can not remember how this item is called. I do not know what you need to talk to the opposite sex, because Washing from the birth of birds there is such garbage as a congenital instinct, people think, too, I don't have a hard one. Why asked here I do not trust the doctors in my little city who can let gossip about me, so I decided to do self-analysis via the Internet. "

Do not worry, patient. Believe me, all individuals have such garbage!

"In August 2012, he began to actively create advertising companies in contextual advertising. Thousands of key phrases handled the clock. When processing regular data, I very much got sick of the head (this part of the brain is responsible for vision). I naturally stopped work. But there was no unpleasant feeling completely, other symptoms appeared: constant ripples of different body muscles, twitching fingers, hands, legs, etc. And all these symptoms remain still (today December 2013). Tell me, did anyone come across the same problem (especially those who work with contextual advertising)? "

Allergy to contextual advertising. Normal phenomenon. Plague twenty-first century.

"I am 26, consumed alcohol (mainly beer) I have been from 16 years old. For a couple of months, I do not drink and strange headaches began to torment the second month. I tried to drink beer in the order of the experiment, the next day was like a cucumber. I do not have a dependency, I fought a drink, but the headaches of this kind are tormented by me since childhood, I'm ready for everything to get rid of them. "

A unique case in medical practice. Drinks ten years - and no dependence!

"He was engaged in smoking of narcotic substances such as marijuana, hashish. For 2 years, sooo rarely! Slowly the beginning of the worstharsha health, became nervous, I can't contact people at the moment, where could this condition be taken from? It is likely that it was caused by smoking these substances. The psychiatra was taken by Amitriptylin sense 0, right now discharged "Lyrics" medicine, until she did not buy but I think it would not help either. At the moment I live without smoking, I am trying even sometimes on sports, but it's not so easy with my indicators. Mom says "You gathered gathered?" ... "

I smoke Hashish, but the roof is not going from it. The medicine did not bought, but it will not help. Diagnosis: Iron logic.

"There is a need to nibble nails when I am busy any brain activity. I used to think about work. I changed the job, no one strains. But it is worth thinking over any primitive task, as I immediately begin to mock the nails. If I do not print, but I think it's better to write or just read from the monitor, I will definitely get off your finger to your teeth ... "

And this is not the only pendulum of brain activity! Sometimes how you think about - so not only yourself I want to bite something ...

"For a long period, I talked very much on a mobile phone (5-7-9 hours a day continuously), and the phone was Nokia, and this company produces the devices very powerful and therefore emit rather highly emulsion. And after 3-4 months of such intensive communication, my problems began with the ear (with the one to which I constantly attached the tube). Pulsation in the ear (at that moment when the sound falls into the ear). On mobile phone. I am no longer talking half a year and the pulsation does not pass. I suspect - something donated at the level of the part of the ear that refers to the nervous system, and, because of this, there is a distortion of the transmitted information (in the form of sound) to the nervous system, I do not know, but the problem remains ... "

First, 9 hours a day talk on the phone, then half a year not to speak at all ... another uniqueness! I suspect, here something happened not even in the ear ...

"Head as in the fog, in the head often I often feel a crackle mainly also in the occipital part, but it also happens in the temporal parts and the roof area. At the beginning, he was treated with traditional Medezina, he porous. Visited Osteopaths. He passed acupuncture. In the descend, homeopathy is treated, but something is also not particularly all. In general, if all I accepted and passed to take into account, then I think I should be like a needle, but the feeling that it does not get better. Probably only did not go to the Chinese shaman. On the last MRI made a conclusion that I melt a lot of water between the brain and the skull, but how to get it from there, no one knows. "

Crack in the roof area and water between the brain and the skull. Sorry, but I want to pass to the clinic for experiments!

Recently, after a long stay in the cold wind in one T-shirt, immediately took a hot shower. And noticed that only the right half of the body was reddened from heating, the left color did not change. Bad symptom, that's just what?

"I have increased sweating. All childhood and student walked in the sweaters that wet shirt wet shirts showed themselves. The creams offered in pharmacies with the words that it treats from the inside that is in absorbed into the skin. Does not solve this problem at all. Dermatologist did not find anything (i.e. the analysis of the bubble from the foot). Now sin on nervous diseases. They say that I worry too much for everyone. Yes, now I worry that the letter will remain without the right answer. Because, I know that the simplest means advise the simplest means. But these funds are not advisable to apply as sweat every day, and it all drinks and smear, which will become with the body. "

We are now experiencing. Even sweat a little ...

"Any stressful situation, whether it is an interview or a fight, like a wild shame on me, the whole body begins to shake it terribly, from the ears to the fingers. Somehow was a narcologist (I do not accept, only alcohol), I answered that you need to quit smoking. Yesterday, I met a man with exactly the same symptoms, but ... he did not smoke. Therefore, I appeal to you, dear forums. "

The expensive forum users, as practice shows, is generally a great remedy for any specialist, not only from narcologist.

"I seem to be very striking the nervous system, sometimes you want to throw people. For example, it is often very annoyed by a female cough or when a woman speaker leads a news program or car alarm near the house. Or let's say I often want to break things about the floor ... In general, I wanted to know what's wrong with me? "

Reply to the forum: "Are you married? The marriage will help "... However, the editors suspect that a patient may have acute misinite complicated by signalphobium and staging ...

Regular sex death

"Is it true that chicken litter is positive about potency? If the truth, then how to use them correctly - use inward or by applying to the sexual organs in a preheated state? It looks like the truth, if you take into the attention of one rooster on a whole chicken coop. "

Rooster, most importantly, to take into account ... And the partner does not take into account at all?!

"There is already somewhere as half a year I lost a craving for sex, and when sex beats that this emotion has sex so that the wife has not been nervous. I have a full body of Malignania and plus when exciting some lethargy. Is this this? "

As in that anecdote about sex philosophical: "... But why?"

"Tried Viagra, Levitra and Cialis! The effect did not feel. Help at least a good word! "

"The recipe for a long sex marathon was overhearding the playground. He told his grandfather with body bodybuilder. The recipe is quite simple before sex you need to drink 5-8 (depends on the weight of the man) raw eggs and eat 300-600 g of cottage cheese and lower your eggs up to 5 minutes in cold water and immediately into battle. Honestly, I tried two times because I do not have problems in sex, but the result was awesome. The riser was until the morning, could still continue, but the partner detailed to stop. In general, trying can someone will help whether it is not chemistry and natur product. "

The main thing is not to confuse: what kind of naturprodukt to drink, and what to lower ...

"I had a strange tubercle there. There is a photo and video (3GP) from the phone ... "

... and an authorized interview!

"Morning erection is, the truth is not 100%. In the afternoon - dancing with a tambourine, shaman spells, plenty to the Most High - nothing helps. Does this mean that the problem with the brain? After all, there is another option: Testosterone in the morning higher than during the day. Maybe the morning level is enough so that the erection was, and during the day - no? "

However, it is strange that such highly efficient funds are not helped as the above ...

"Please answer how many days or weeks lasting a course of treatment trichomoniasis? It is categorically impossible to drink alcohol, or in some small doses it is not dangerous? Certically impossible to live sexual life, or can you live with the help of contraceptive means? "

"Doctor, I will live!" - "You will, but only with the help of contraceptive means ..."

"I myself have the following symptoms: an unpleasant smell and itching, if you don't wash a day 2-3. Otherwise no problems. "

"Please tell me. One friend of my friend said (or rather, somewhere read) that the drug Papaverin causes an erection by introducing it to the penis. And I read on one site that supposedly in Soviet times did it in the muscle! Is it possible to call an erection by introducing a high dose of papaverin in the buttock or it is necessary exactly intracable administration? "

Eh, friend. Read the next story! If still alive is still alive, of course.

"A very tragic situation when a person has committed himself with his sex life. I am 47 years old, with sex life there was a completely acceptable situation, but, a person seemed a little, and the person decided to conquer new heights in sex.

For a start, 2 ml of papaverine intracererinno, the junction - you can clog nails, well, cool, do not stop at what has been achieved, the dose has been increased to 3 ml and it happened that it happened, it was jammed, the erection did not pass after 3 hours, neither 9, began Strong pain, everything is clear, Priapism, you need to do, in the apartment's wife, children, the ambulance is dumb, waited when everything went to bed, the erection is already 12 hours, we punish the cavity, Has, thank you eggs, the erection went to the decline.

Now, the most terrible thing happened: my favorite tail opal like winter. There is a desire, Viagra 100 mg is there, but there are no erections. Tell me friends, is that all? Never experience him bliss with a woman? Never rush to him his blue head in question at the sight of the seductive parts of the female body? And it's all with your own hands! "

We just can't comment on this enchanting story. The author has already complied with her himself. As helped himself. Long live a male independence in the matters of medicine!

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