Very large family values: when you stay family after divorce



While alone is crying that the family's institution is destroyed, others state that he evolves, responding to challenges of time, and recall that the family that we used to consider the reference and traditional, actually at one time also appeared instead of another type of family relationship.

Here it would be possible to start a historic excursion, but we will not. This past from us will no longer run away, much more interesting to fix the rapidly changing present. When sociologists talk about a new type of family, a family of a single mother and child comes to mind, another - free marriage, the third - the marriage is equal. But there is another new type. It appeared due to the spread of divorces. Now, when the divorce is solved not only because of each other, the former spouses often, already enhancing new marriages, support good relations with each other, and the only mother and father of the child often lives on two houses, getting full love of both parents And a friendship of friendship with consolidated brothers and sisters.

We asked for four women to tell about how their expanded families from two pairs and their children live.



My husband and I divorced six years ago, four years ago I got married, then he married. We have two daughters with him (11 and 9 years old), at the new wife of my former son (8 years old), we are all thinking about new children in new marriages, but we do not see the financial opportunity. That's when the children grow up and themselves become to work, somehow provide their needs, then, probably, and start.

All adults have a good relationship, not that love-love and friendship is friendship, we just consider ourselves one big family, and even our parents are accustomed to it. This does not mean that we live together together: and apartments and budgets we have separate. My girls spend the night at the weekend, perfectly there spend time with a consolidated brother (he has no "Sunday Dad" No).

We hold holidays all together (in turn at my ex and I have), we can all come together to support someone from the children on speech, in sports competitions. My husband invented in such cases to wear the same bandans, it seems like we are a personal group of child fans. Children go to the same circles (swimming, aikido and modeling clay) and keep very friendly. Perhaps our big family is generally friendly than my native. Maybe the fact is that we live close from each other, and my parents and my brother - at the other end of Moscow.



We divorced my husband for almost ten years ago, we have a common child (son, 16 years old) and children from new marriages (I have another son, 7 years old, for a daughter's former husband, 5 years old). Both of our families are informal, maybe in this case, but it was easy for us to accept that we are to some degree to each other relatives. In addition, we quickly discovered that it is profitable - to maintain family relationships. First, we with our former husband were a cottage; We did not share it, but the common strengths were allowed and resting in the summer, all together, including the son of my current husband from his first marriage (11 years old).

When you are led by a joint economy, it turns out much more profitable. The main thing is to distribute the zones of responsibility, so as not to annoy each other, pursuing in the kitchen, for example. We, as in the team, discuss everything, quickly decide who and what does, and everything goes perfectly. When we found that in the summer, at the expense of joint purchases and cooking food, we spend much less money, we decided to make part of the shopping at the rest of the year, in bulk. In addition, some of the clothes and toys go from the child to the child, it is also convenient and economically. The common son on the weekend is not from me and not at the father, but at a visit to the grandmother and grandfather - my parents, they love him very much. My son of my husband these days, respectively, will spend the night. Children get along with each other, although the difference in the age of quadric friends to become interferes. But they all feel that they have a family, their people who will always support, it is important.



I had a very difficult husband, but I quickly camepring with his sister and family sisters, they are all open, cheerful and friendly, including parents of her husband's sister's sister and my niece. With my husband, we broke up very badly, and I still don't really pull with him, and he does not pull him to communicate with our daughter (6 years old). But after the divorce, the sister of the former immediately said that I stay her friend and mother of her nieces and she would be glad if I stayed her children (one daughter - my peer, another three years older). And the sister of the former and his whole family helped us and help us and help, not only financially (I earn little, I got married at 18, I did not work to marriage, then I began to sit with the child - there is no education too), but also .

We often go to each other on a friend, we live literally in neighboring houses, help each other to get out. We have a dinner with my daughter on weekdays there, dinner and my sister and her mother and her mother and her mother get together, it turns out very fun, proceeding in the process, discuss the news. About two months ago, I had a boyfriend, and he was also very warmly accepted, he sometimes enters me to visit the family of the sister for the weekend. Not in any big family be nice, I think, but in so friendly and cheerful, like this - just real happiness. Next year, our daughters will go to school together, we want to record them in one class.

St. Petersburg


We have an unusual story in general. My former and current husband was once better friends, then they got married, then ... in a few years they fell in love with each other's wives, that is, my ex-husband is married to the former wife of my current husband. At first, the situation was terrible, all the time was understood, but then somehow calmed down, divorced and slapped. And they realized that we do not want to lose each other, because we are all good people who need to be treated.

In early marriage, we had no children, now we have almost gave birth along the child, I have a girl, at my ex-boy, they almost for three years. We all live in the same yard, and we quickly with my wife's wife adapted to care for children, it gave a chance to relax. Husbands just adapted to cook. In addition, we make part of the purchases together, for example, our cats are easier to buy food in bulk, the products are also easier and cheaper to buy large parties. When children become older, we plan to go to rest together somewhere, so it should be cheaper. Our parents were surprised at first, but the parents of my current and the former were also friends for a long time, and my and my former wives decided that the thin world is better than a good quarrel, and established relations with each other and with us with everyone. They can not help us very much, and we still have it too.

New year We're going to meet a guide: I, my husband, my ex-husband, my former wife (she is the former my husband) and children. In fact, it will be the first new year, which each of us will meet not in the family of parents. I hope this will be the beginning of a kind family tradition. Sometimes we are asked if we do not continue to sleep with former, but we have long sorted out with relationships, we do not pull us. We just do not even other people and want it to remain.

The article has prepared: Lilith Mazikina

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