9 reasons not to stay friends after parting


All the circle are such noble, which certainly want, parting with a partner, to remain friends and nothing else. We are adults. Conscious. Yes to hell it's all! Pics.ru found 9 reasons why you don't need to stay friends. Precheno means it is over.


It's impossible

Truly be friends with the former? With a person about which you know almost all? About the mole on the pope, the habit of moving the legs in the time of Cunningus and about how he looks when in love? Go to parties, chat about romantic adventures, discuss new novels. Seriously? To do this, either be a Tibetan monk, far from the worldly bustle, or sit on heavy drugs.

Let's stay friends

The same nonsense, such as

dog you tired

Come you will be a cat

It is unproductive

Former - like a suitcase without a handle. And it's hard and quit sorry. And here you are instead of enjoying the freedom, the sun and adventures, dragging his problems on yourself, give money to debt, listen to the nagging about how it is difficult for him and fight a broom of his mother who fell to pick you as much as . In short, all the same as it was, only without sex and collaboration. Did you part with him?

The case smells of kerosene


With a probability desperately seeking 100%, you will find yourself in the same bed. Party, he remains at your old memory, voila. You call him in search of support, you drink midnight, he can not let you go in such a state, voila. You accidentally meet a guest, you both have no one, do not let me die each other, voila. And there and the path to the old rakes are not far away.

It's offensive

If the parting happened not on your initiative, then you are deliberately in a vulnerable position: you didn't go to the sunset with beautifully fluttering hair, and you were thrown to the mercy of fate, betrayed and insulted in the best feelings. So in this "friendship" will clearly attend a feeling of humiliation, which will be honest, little contributes to a comfortable and joyful life alone.

It will not work beautiful

No matter how hard you try. All the same sooner or later you will release a caustic comment about his new passion, it gently clarifies that for hell you call at 21 nights, and, as they say, soul rushed to heaven. You again begin to find out who is to blame for what to do, throw items, to smash furniture, scandaling and that's all this. Do you need it?

You can go crazy


Because you look at him with a fresh look: beautiful, with an excellent sense of humor, - and not exactly you think about it, what if it was not necessary to part? What if no one will ever love you anymore? What if you will never meet a man anymore who can you still love to love? And you start this endless self-confidence "and if? What if? ", Which is not needed by anyone and you first.

You are not friends

Psychologists argue that the strongest relationships are obtained if the spouses are primarily friends. And if you broke up, it is quite obvious that you did not work. And why do you think what happens?

What is allowed to Jupiter


Not allowed to your former. Friends can get together, call each other in the moments of despair, go to the movies, discuss the most intimate or fall to each other on a visit without warning at 10 am Saturday. Are you ready for the fact that the former can appear on your threshold in such a nonperture hour? The same. And he is still like this: "Well, it is necessary! And he said that he threw this ugly bathrobe! ".

Difficulties with new relationships

If the former is somehow present in your life, then all others may decide that it is a whitewash you are smoking, cute worry - only to be treated and further in the text, and to acquaint you with new candidates for the role of a life satellite will hardly be. And what normal candidate will endure if you are discussing with the former, what a vase to give him mom for a birthday? The correct answer is no.

Text author: Ekaterina Kuzmin

Photo source: shutterstock

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