Flowers of the eighth of March - more than flowers. Bread and roses, female comrades!


March 8 is not just an international women's day. It was founded as a day so that women remember the need for solidarity, as a day in which you can and need to talk about still standing in front of women system societies.


Nowadays, the holiday has turned into a vakhanaliya of the empty fat, covering the reluctance to provide women in any attention, except for erotic, the rest of the year ... and and on March 8, too.

Flowers that give this day, cause complex feelings of poland and gloomy annoyance - "Eh, what to say, girls, at least a day, yes, ours." Feminists reject floral offering with anger, as a cheap substitution that women really need: practical observance and practical protection of rights registered in the Constitution, social security, security as the norms of life, recognition and adequate assessment of labor.

And yet the colors on March 8 have their own historical roots related to the struggle of women for their rights.

March 8 in history is not some single event that we remember once over time.

Exactly one hundred years ago, March 8 (according to a new style, then it was about February 23) Women of Russia went to the streets with political slogans. Required universal voting rights and other normal civil rights. Required adequate working conditions. Required to stop the war. Women's day in this way in Russia noted for the first time, but for the first time the result was the February Revolution. Yes, historians believe that it began with a female strike and began.

More than a hundred years ago, workers in the United States began to rebel. They arranged strikes, they went to the streets with demonstrations, they beat them and pushed into police cars, delivered along the plots, they came out again. What did they demand? For example, a decadatholic day. No, they did not go crazy, of course, eight better. But actually their working day lasted longer than ten o'clock, and was often paid worse than the masculine - for the same or similar work.

Required safe working conditions. At one of the fires, 146 women burned down, because the bosses took and swollen fire fighters - so that the workers did not try to catch up until the end of the full 12 hours of work. In general, security in the workplace was not provided in any way. Workers Chakhley from toxic paints or permanent inhalation of steam, for example.

Strikes repeated most often on March 8 in memory of the previous ones.

One hundred and a half years ago, more precisely, in 1857, on March 8, the first march of empty saucepan - protest women against poverty caused by inadequate payments.

March 8, as a day, it is the struggle for the rights as important in the history of the United States that in 1988 the scenarios of television serials in America chose this day to arrange a strike!

But what about flowers?

On one of the marches for the rights, March 8, 1912, the demonstrators sowed the song "Bread and Roses". Bread symbolized survival. Roses - what a person, a woman needs something more than survival in life.

That is why initially on March 8th could a woman to give flowers. The rose bouquet was a visible embodiment that symbolically said in the song.

It would be great to introduce a new tradition when the flowers as a gift would not be bought off, but a support of support. It's just enough to add to "from March 8!" Or "with International Women's Day!" Brief "Bread and Roses!" Even if we give tulips.

Illustration: shutterstock

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