10 things you did not know about your mom


You do not know much about your mom. Moms do not talk about it, and children do not think - until they become parents themselves. Show this article to my mother, she will confirm.

She had to fuck because of you. Thoroughly fuck


And more than once. She cried when he learned that she was pregnant. Maybe not in public, but at least once she sat, closing in the bathroom, and roared. She cried when she gave birth, because it hurts damn, and the anesthesia did not pour anyone. She was silent when for the first time took you to his hands. She cried from happiness, from fear and from excitement.

She herself would love to eat this last piece of cake

But it is absolutely impossible when you are touching him with your eyes and lick. So she let you, because I knew the type of lurning cream satisfied with you much more pleasant than the taste of the cake.

You often did her

When he jerked her hair. When I scratched with marigolds, damn sharp and so small that try obstitions. When I bite during feeding. We are silent about kicks under the ribs - even before the birth, you got a lot of them. And about actually childbirth that do not describe at all.

She was scary all the time

Because the world is big, and you are small. And no one, besides her, will not be able to defend you. We argue, her heart missed one strike when someone took you to his hands and when you did the first steps (you wish you! Break!). She was very scary when you had fun with friends, although I promised to return to 11, and already at midnight. When you went out to walk in the yard and disappeared from her sight. When half an hour was delayed from school, because I decided to look at Ntashka. She would like to protect you from everything - from a broken knee to a broken heart.

She knows that she is not an ideal mother


She herself - the most strict critic and knows exactly where and how I settled. Even if not settled. Maybe you already have 40, and she still thinks whether she can become the best mom for you and what should be done for this. And no longer doubt, every God's day remembers those moments that would like to change if it could return to the past.

She looked at you when you sleep

It happened, mom until three o'clock in the morning nursed you and begged you to fall asleep. And when you finally fell asleep, she sat down next and watched you will feed - despite the hellish fatigue, pain in hands and sticking eyes.

She wore you much longer than 9 months

How else? So that she makes one hand, in another many months you were. During cleaning, during feeding and even in a dream. And this, believe, was not easy. But you wanted to be closer to her, so there was no other way out.

Your crying always broke her heart


Your roar is the most terrible sound in the world. Your gluable physiognomy is the last thing she wants to see. Because it means that you feel bad, hurt or scary. This is so so.

You have always been in the first place

Even if the concern for you and your needs meant the rejection of your own. She did not hurt, did not eat, did not take a shower. All day she took care of you, and by night, when you finally fell asleep, she no longer had the strength to take care of herself. But in the morning she woke up - and everything was repeated again. Because you were most important than the rest - even more important than meals and sleep.

If it were necessary, she would again pass through all this

Be mom is the hardest work of all possible. And sometimes moms discover that they are very close to the limit of their capabilities. But, on the other hand, nothing in the world - that is, nothing at all - does not bring so much happiness and joy. And any mom will confirm that the child gives the word "love" a completely new meaning. Despite pain, fear, fatigue, doubts, restrictions and lack of sleep, she would not think, took this path again - because you were worth it.

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